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Children's homes or orphanages in Sheffield

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This will be the last post where I talk about the cruelty that some children went through.

So why did I do it?

It is possible that children, even today, are suffering the same way in Britain. In the last few years we have had evidence that it did, long after the era that we have been discussing. Some of it possibly even more brutal.

We can sit back and say poor me or we can do something about it.

Through the various taxes that we pay, we may be funding the cruel people. We will be paying the wages that they earn.

If people saw an RSPCA man beating a dog with a stick or even heard of it happening, it would be reported.

So if you hear of any cruelty to children do the same but, and this is important, ask for a follow up report. If your report is anonymous then they may say that it is confidential, so they cannot discuss the case. So you should also, on reporting, ask for the case number.

If your report is found to be untrue. So what? It keeps the authorities on their toes and shows that the public are watching and do care.

Go to the homes and visit kids there.

There are also old and infirm people that are abused and need contact too.

You may of course have to fill in a disclosure form and rightly so.

And, what will you get from this?

The smile of a child, when they have learnt to trust you.

When in Australia recently, I met such a child. She had been hospitalised on many occasions after being beaten by her parents. Her Granny had been given custody.

Despite the distance I often wonder what is happening to her.

So Glen! Find out for me and then I can send her a card, through her Granny and then I can prove that when I told her that she would always have a friend who lived a long way away, it was true.

No excuses.

When I said goodbye to her, she jumped into my arms cuddled me and gave me a kiss on the cheek.

I am, incidentally, non religious and cannot blame any good or bad that I may do, on God or the devil.

Nor can I ask anyone higher up for forgiveness.

I live with it.

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quote=bresail to your reply.

i could`nt have done a better post >> spot on<<. but i did not need to- as thier are

others on this thread, con`stantly repeating the same thing over-over and over.

i myself, will not forget the-fist-the cracks-and smacks-having to sit quiet and not

forgetting, being got by the scuff of the neck-->> as the saying goes <<.

yes, we had jobs to do befor we went to school-job to do when we got home--so what.

each house had 14 children and 2 dormitories-the mother had her own room.

2 eldest lads would strip the beds befor they went to school-and make up when they

got home, other lads did duties around the home-.we had ear inspections and if they

were dirty ( grubby ) we got a clip, if we was caught with a tide mark around the neck

we got a clip. if you broke any pots--again you got a clip, so it was like the mother

hadnt anything better to do with her hands, pity they never had broken bones.

i remember having bed inspections every monday, the 2 elder boys would fold the

mattress over at top end,--sheets/ blankets folded in the middle and the pillow at

the bottom end. this had to be done the army way. the superintendent did this

inspection to every house while at school, when we got home from school, the first

job was to make the beds befor tea time. then we had to clean our school shoes

and any other jobs,>>quess what << the mother would let us have a play time.

that was short and sweet, as by then it was bed time,

hey--i could go on for ever,-----------------

bresail, i have seen some of your threads, although you will never forget the pass

and your advice for people should move on, --you yourself said it wasnt all bad.

and i say again for all the bashing-smacks-other things happen to me, i moved on

many years ago. i have never been bitter about my pass, whats been done-been done.

all my familys and friends and others have listen about the bad time, but---they love

to here about my good times. >> i am living my life to the full--happy times<<.


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Brian, I am glad that you have moved on and so have I. You are right to have done so.

What happened in the era that has been discussed cannot be changed. In my last post I drew an end to what I would say about my families and friends experiences and I will stick to that.

After all we have moved on and everyone is wiser and the authorities are more vigilant and children are safer.

Or are they?

I suppose I should not write about Haut de la Garenne that was the 1960's. I will also ignore what happened in children's care homes.

I will however write about the failure of the powers that be from the 1990's. So here are some names only and no details, Robert Black finally convicted 1994 after 40yrs of child murder, rape and abuse. Known to the authorities for this number of years.

Ian Huntley known as dangerous to children before conviction of the Soham murders.

I to would like to read only about the good times and happy children, I do not ghoulishly delve into these cases. They sicken me. I cannot though, avoid reading or hearing about them in the news.

Please notice that I have not judged any of the perpetrators throughout my posts.

I have and will forever shout about any child care organisation, authority or family that allows, for whatever reason, the abuse of children.

I did offer to delete the offending post but, was asked not to. Yes, other people have written about this subject.

So Brian, over to you.

Do you want me to delete this one?

Since my first post about these things, not only on this forum. I have had to change my 'phone number and go ex directory. This would not have been necessary if I had been secretive about my name and where I live.

I sign off with my name and because I receive these calls I know that I am rubbing people up the wrong way.


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I think most would agree with your outlook,and to be honest F.C.H was complete out of mind for 65 yrs and it was only when looking at S.F and by chance contact with 1940 inmate that some of the hurt came back,so a little rant and rave just lets of a little steam and of course a lot depends on how much long term damage was done,in my case quite a lot:rant::rant::rant:

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Flyer, I've just checked your age on your profile so it's likely we were there about the same time. I was born 1936 and I think that I went in when I was 12/13yrs old. At that age I was put in No. 8 under Miss Humphreys. Number 8 seemed to be the transit preparation cottage.

I don't recognise you from your avatar but my nose has also got longer with age.

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Hi bresail, I was in fm39 untill V.J night 1946 I was under the tender care of Miss Bull #2 and my two brothers were in #3 with Millner ,If my foggy brain serve me right my best mate was in #8 it sticks in my mind him telling me that his was a kind &caring house mum but i could have the house # wrong.(ps I think my pic is a good likeness):hihi::hihi:

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Yes Flyer, number 8 was apparently the best house. We were relatively free and I don't ever remember even a slap being given to anyone. I was even allowed to bring mates in. On the house mothers day off, she would take me into Sheffield and treat me to a mixed grill.

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bresail, was the Fullwood village school open doing your stay,I started there but moved to greystones around 43 when the village school closed,also went to the Chapel next door just the 6 of us for some reason my mother had put down chapel when asked,i don't think she wanted to put down wild and untamed;);)

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No, you're right. It must have been about 48 when I entered FCH.

The school I don't know about, or, I can't remember.

I had passed the eleven plus before I went to FCH and they let me carry on at school. This meant travelling daily to Middlewood from FCH. I suppose that I must have left around 0600hrs to get to school for 0900hrs. After about a year of this I was expelled when the school 'phoned and asked, how I was doing. I'd been writing sick notes purporting to be from the house mother and had been using my dinner and 'bus money to wander the countryside. I became a good hunter, stalking deer in some of the Derbyshire parks. Summers were better in those days.

I couldn't do it now, my knees creak too much

So the old Weston Rd school was my final school.

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Brian, I am glad that you have moved on and so have I. You are right to have done so.

What happened in the era that has been discussed cannot be changed. In my last post I drew an end to what I would say about my families and friends experiences and I will stick to that.

After all we have moved on and everyone is wiser and the authorities are more vigilant and children are safer.

Or are they?

I suppose I should not write about Haut de la Garenne that was the 1960's. I will also ignore what happened in children's care homes.

I will however write about the failure of the powers that be from the 1990's. So here are some names only and no details, Robert Black finally convicted 1994 after 40yrs of child murder, rape and abuse. Known to the authorities for this number of years.

Ian Huntley known as dangerous to children before conviction of the Soham murders.

I to would like to read only about the good times and happy children, I do not ghoulishly delve into these cases. They sicken me. I cannot though, avoid reading or hearing about them in the news.

Please notice that I have not judged any of the perpetrators throughout my posts.

I have and will forever shout about any child care organisation, authority or family that allows, for whatever reason, the abuse of children.

I did offer to delete the offending post but, was asked not to. Yes, other people have written about this subject.

So Brian, over to you.

Do you want me to delete this one?

Since my first post about these things, not only on this forum. I have had to change my 'phone number and go ex directory. This would not have been necessary if I had been secretive about my name and where I live.

I sign off with my name and because I receive these calls I know that I am rubbing people up the wrong way.



hi bresail, leave your thread where it is, i now trust your word that this is your last thread on cruellty.--that in itself as given me a lift and to some

others i might add. their are a small hand`ful left in this thread, i hope

they choose to follow the same path, and get people back on this site.


bresail, this other thing you want to work on regarding >> ian huntley---

robert black and others---i thought this subject would be best on another

site away from fulwood cottage homes.--you could register and name it

whatever of your choosing, i would think there would be a good responds.


watch this space over w/end on f,c,homes----cheers.

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