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Children's homes or orphanages in Sheffield

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CathS, Glen may be able to make a start for you. She was definitely there during part of this period.

I think the first thing to do is try to establish which cottages looked after babies at that time. 1 to 8 can be ruled out I think. They were all boys. No 9 was younger kids and mixed I believe, so Sputnic was there at the same time.

I hope that someone will be able to help you.

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CathS, Glen may be able to make a start for you. She was definitely there during part of this period.

I think the first thing to do is try to establish which cottages looked after babies at that time. 1 to 8 can be ruled out I think. They were all boys. No 9 was younger kids and mixed I believe, so Sputnic was there at the same time.

I hope that someone will be able to help you.


Thornset Lodge was F.C.Hs baby home my sister was in there until about 3, some miles?away from Fullwood ,In 1945 #9 was just a holding cell until a spot could be found in one of the others

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---hi ya---play mates------i am back ---.

forget the credit crunch-----its have a laugh today.

here`s a few jokes passed on.


postman, is this letter for you? the name is smudged.

man, `no, it can`t be for me, my name is smith.


what do people in yorkshire call e,bay?



why did the blonde get on the roof?

she heard the drinks were on the house.


anyway, i hope i made some one smile.


sputnikboy, hi--

i did enjoy your readings, the one when we went to the flicks on friday nights,

i know they were boring, but it got us away from the house and >>4 walls<<

can you remember watching --buster keaton--keystone cops---charlie chaplin--

laurel/ hardy, others you might recall.

we used to laugh when the film fell off the spool, --did i get that right,

the thing that run the film on.

the hall would be in darkness, and we would be chatting and laughing.

one of the staff would rush over to switch on the lights,

hoping to catch someone, ---you could see there hands trembling,

dying to scutch -clip whatever.


and them entertainments, yes the concerts on stage,

i remember two house mothers sitting on chairs and one would raise up and

sit on the back, for some reason she fell off--talk about laugh.

i laughed that hard and that much i wet myself.

i got a smack for that and one for being to giddy.

//// memories////.

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CathS, Glen may be able to make a start for you. She was definitely there during part of this period.

I think the first thing to do is try to establish which cottages looked after babies at that time. 1 to 8 can be ruled out I think. They were all boys. No 9 was younger kids and mixed I believe, so Sputnic was there at the same time.

I hope that someone will be able to help you.


Cottage #9 occupants were solely boys ...except for the house-parent, of course.

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Well said flyer. Spock is just a name that is bandied around in an attempt to add credence to inane statements. It was in fact our generation and our children's generation that started this so called "molly coddling" of the kids.


I don't really want to get into a debate about Dr. Benjamin Spock other than to defend myself from having made supposed 'inane' statements. Even my dictionary claims that Spock's book, The Common Sense Book of Baby and Child Care influenced the upbringing of children throughout the world. Spock influenced academic thought on child-rearing, the principle of which is taught at universities nation wide. Discipline has all but disappeared within the home and the school and we are now seeing the dire results of this. But anyway, this is off-topic.


Spock's first popular book was published in 1946 and was of that era and for that era.


'Fraid not. It was VERY popular in the 1960's. This was the era of the death of respect and courtesy.


The book did suggest that positive reinforcement eg; rewarding, good behaviour was more beneficial than, punishing, bad behaviour.


Yes, but many parents were not the sharpest tools in the pack and so they forgot that bad behavior actually DOES require SOME sort of penalty. But, again ...off-topic.


So, very few of us read Spock, the name however was positively reinforced, in 1966, by Star Trek's Mr Spock.


Yes, I agree. And though he must be getting on in years I do hope that the Enterprise' second-in-command-officer will continue to live long and prosper ...unlike Scotty and 'Bones' McCoy who boldly went where no man has ever returned some time ago.

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I hate cut and paste or as I call it pick and choose. This time I will make an exception,

'Fraid not. It was VERY popular in the 1960's. This was the era of the death of respect and courtesy.

I fully agree, this was our era, so by inference we were the killers. I still respect people who deserve it. But I am courteous to all.

Yes, but many parents were not the sharpest tools in the pack and so they forgot that bad behavior actually DOES require SOME sort of penalty. But, again ...off-topic.

I used the term inane, it seems less insulting than the above. How many of these non sharp parents read it? Would they have understood it?

You and I and some of the other forumites here were of this era and I at least was a parent, you could have been.

I still have the copy of, "Baby and Child Care," that I bought in this period. So I have read it.

Now to further your knowledge of Dr Spock.

Read the mans non, pick and choose, own views nine years before his death.

You will be suprised at what he really suggested.


If you want to debate further on this subject start a new thread and I may join you.

In the meantime we have a Lady to help find her uncle.

Your friend Brian is talking about cruelty in FCH again.

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Flyer, I think that I was in No.9 for a little while until they found a place for me in No 8.

They definitely had girls though in a separate bedroom.

I remember that as the oldest I had to clean all the shoes girls and boys. I also had to settle them in bed and calm down the crying kids.

This training came in handy for when I was a sergeant in the army.

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Flyer, I think that I was in No.9 for a little while until they found a place for me in No 8.

They definitely had girls though in a separate bedroom.

I remember that as the oldest I had to clean all the shoes girls and boys. I also had to settle them in bed and calm down the crying kids.

This training came in handy for when I was a sergeant in the army.


Yes I remember so very little about # 9 only in it for a short while & that was in 1939 a lot of water under the bridge since then:confused::confused::confused:

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