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Children's homes or orphanages in Sheffield

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Hi ya flyer,

Yes that seems very spiteful, i use to go to school pantomimes but only

if it could be paid for, the mother delt with any cash i had which was from my allowance.

I'am not sure if it was- tuppence 2d or threp'ence 3d a week added to an allowance

sheet that was kept in the office.

from where did u get your allowance ??mine came from parents one of which visit once a month i often sliped my two bob into my shoe ,that was my running away money,mother would bring me duck eggs quite rare in war time i got one and the other five went down the Bulls gullet:gag::gag:

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Hi ya flyer, I never saw the excusable parents but my grandma use to come on

visiting days, she always gave me and my brother 3d an apple or orange.

I would hand that to my house mother where she wrote it in a cash book, i would use

it for like School photos- School outing like concerts and pantomimes as i said befor.

But when and how that spending money allowence started i dont know but it were sure

greateful. ?

When we went on the two weeks holidays to redcar in august we had daily spending

money and was wrote down on a cash list that came from the office.

The mother always told us what we had and once we'd spent it that was that,

all gone as they say.


One of the best thing i bought was a plastic mouth organ.( Harmonica )

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from where did u get your allowance ??mine came from parents one of which visit once a month i often sliped my two bob into my shoe ,that was my running away money,mother would bring me duck eggs quite rare in war time i got one and the other five went down the Bulls gullet:gag::gag:


Another thing flyer, we had friday night sweets, we was given a token

and pick your own at the stores.

Did you ever go to the assembly hall friday nights to watch the pictures,

black and white films they were.

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Another thing flyer, we had friday night sweets, we was given a token

and pick your own at the stores.

Did you ever go to the assembly hall friday nights to watch the pictures,

black and white films they were.

no ,no films we got one of those 2oz choc bars once a month,always remember lining up for our choc bar now this was also the time the run aways got the cane,now big chief (Bastin???) was away, so second gave us runaways the choice choc bar or orange(pure gold in 43-44) not both and no cane WOW think I got away with one that time:D:D:D

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Hi flyer, When mr&mrs Hildreth retired in 1951, then mr&mrs Brook moved into

Fulwood homes as our new superintendent thing inproved.

We had friday night pictures and saturday nights dancing both in the Assembly hall,

and not forgetting the tuck shop friday evenings as i mentioned befor.

In the summer he would hand pick some older boys from other houses and go hiking

to Edale ymca camp.

On wednesday nights he would take a few lads swimming at glossop Rd baths, his wife

took the girls some other night, you might think we had some privileges, yes i enjoyed


Seems to me you missed out on loads of thing, just remind me again what was the

years you was in.

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My sister worked at a council orphanage in the late 50's called the Moss, I believe it was somewhere near where St Lucas is. She worked there until she was old enough to commence training as a nurse at City general hospital.

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My sister worked at a council orphanage in the late 50's called the Moss, I believe it was somewhere near where St Lucas is. She worked there until she was old enough to commence training as a nurse at City general hospital.


Hi Ya Alan, The one home i'am thinking of is on southey road southey green and that had a sort of moss name.

The boys were aloud to come and go as pleased but did live in.

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was in early 40 untill 46,sort of think Brook was second super a much nicer bloke


Flyer you could have been in homes when i was in but then i dont know

your name, i went in during the 40s till 53/4.


what sort of jobs do you do around the house and was you ever made

to scrub the outside toilets at the front and the urinals round the back.

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hi brian 41 could you help me i am trying to get some info on my dad and his brothers his surname was thomas there was 4 of them he was put in the homes when he was 5 and left when he was able to work he went on to a farm my dad was alf hid brothers was gordon graham and brian i think my dad was oldest of them he would have left around the end of the 40 s

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