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Children's homes or orphanages in Sheffield

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Hi ya sputnikboy,----- I can guarantee its Roger Bradbury we use to have snowball

fights i can assure you, but i will double check on the hill brothers when i see their

Ronnie whenever, but i didn't know anything about them been in cadets its only

that i had the photo for years now.

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Well flyer, did you ever do any of these things mentioned.


you got me to thinking what work did the house mother do,now she did put on a little food , dinner was had at school so for night she would throw in the oven dish's of rice or lentils ,if you timed it perfect you could ask to scrape the dish ofen got a NOyou Maint or baint (she must have lived in brom at one time) morning porriage was cooked and cleaned up by the kids, I never remember a time when i wasn't hungrey, so today making up for lost time:hihi::hihi:

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buffing the floors was one of the main jobs I just can't remember the rest but they all had to be done


Hi flyer, Yes buffing the floor was a hard job as specially useing them

floor dummies can you remember them,

All rooms dowstairs and upstairs was done with that heavy thing, but the

bathroom and kitchen floor was tiled and we had to get on hands and

knees and scrub it, we didn't have mops in our house but we did have a

rubber map to kneel on.

The mother use to say when you leave homes she didn't want us to have

housemaiden knees. So she cared -- Huh?

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i didnt know the name of it just knew it was there i can ask my sister if she knows she lived up there longer than me it was the one near the church you are on about is.nt it the church was st bernards


Hi Crazy, Yes thats the one and would like to know it please,

i think now they have built an old peoples home on that land.

When i go to see my sister on dryden road i see.

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That sounds about right very few ever talk about the early yrs, from what i can gather things began to change after the war in46 ,your dad had two things going for him although he spent a life time in there and Bull was a nasty bit of work he was a little older and more able to cope,and a lot of farms was not to bad(we hope) ,the sea traning school from what i hear was realy bad, for me I just bury my head in the sand for 50 odd yrs and pretend it never happend i'm now 78 and still get the odd moment of reflection,I know of many who never get over it and hit the bottle pretty good, hope dad coped better, any thing i can help with dont be afraid to ask. ADRIAN CLARKE


Hi ya flyer, The name above Adrian Clarke is this your name.

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I well remember the Friday night movies (and the Saturday night dances) in the hall. Occasionally they'd show a color movie but mostly, as you said previously, they were b&w. Every now and again they would show a western which would really excite us kids. All day the following day we'd be playing cowboys and really enjoying life. Sometimes the projector would break down and we'd have to return home feeling both disappointed and cheated. I remember seeing - and being very moved by - the Cary Grant, Douglas Fairbanks Jr., Sam Jaffe movie Gunga Din. We kids were blowing bugles from the summits of golden towers and saving the troops from anihilation all the next day. Actually, we were pretty well always saving the world from 'baddies' now so long ago.


BTW ...did you get my email?


SPUTNIKBOY, Yes those were the days and lads in our house use to play

cowboys and indians, i once had an indian outfit for Christmas present.


I remember them films to and Keystone cops and Charlie Chaplin, and not

forgetting Laurel and Hardy and Roy Rogers, ive been there when the

film fell off the spool too and having a good giggle.

I remember a member of staff rushing over to switch on the lights and

hoping to catch some culprit, the projector'nise was seen kicking his feet

about as the film got into a tangel.

While all that was going on some brave boy went behind the screen making

funny hand movements of animals and birds, a member of staff caught him

and gave him a goog scutch then told him he would miss out on the

pictures the following week as a punishment.

But just being in the Assembly hall with all the kids and getting together

were a great night, i looked forward to them friday nights. :hihi::hihi::hihi:

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