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Children's homes or orphanages in Sheffield

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He must have been before your time (most of you anyway) ...spent much of his childhood in FCH. He would have been known as Fred Wight in those days.


Please post any memories you may have of little Fred Wight (Tony Whyte). He lived with my aunt's family for a few years in Scotland. His father returned and took him away around 1931. He was never seen again.The impact on the family was traumatic and long lasting - my aunt was horrified to discover he had been put into an orphanage. It has taken 21 years to track down Freddie and, sadly, only because he had died. Aunt is now 93 and in very poor health - any comments gratefully accepted. If only we had known he had changed his name... Thank you for anything you can add to the obits...

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  • 4 weeks later...
Hi sputnikboy haven't forgotten you, details have been passed on to kens daughter,but as yet we have had no response but as this may be a sensitive area for ken and we have not seen him for some years we have to rely on his daughter to provide feedback. Let's hope he contacts us


You are talking the Lindsey"s right two of them was with me in #2 I sort of think Les was the youngest about 3ish in 1942 brother about 9??s older:confused::confused:

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  • 2 weeks later...

hi there ,first time on this forum , just read all 41 pages on childrens homes, & guess wat , the last page the last question was about the home i spent 15 years in, the home u was on about was lane end childrens home, is now houseing all kinds of activities, as i now have a bit more time on my hands i decided to check a few things out when i lived there , things like were did all my school records go , i no i brought them home , coss i remember the beatings i got if the were no good marks on them, also the school photos i even remember bringing them back in the big brown envolope, i can remember one year i dident give the money in , i bought 5 park drive from shop opposite the barrel inn, ( thats gone now )told the matron i had lost it , boy did i cop for it !!!!!,i am told you can view them if you new were to find them , but i would like to have them for keeps, my kids dunt no what i looked like as a kid growing up, only got 2 photos for my first 15 years of my live , ( not good ) ,ok then i will stop ranting on , it was just good to see that some one rememberd there was a home there , & wondered if any body els in the same situation had tryed getting there recoreds, also if there was any body about who live there from 1955 to 1969, nick name at school was jacko & still is , cheers.

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Sorry I can't help out with any of the info, but I used to get the bus home from school and always thought that children's home looked a desolate, sad kind of place. Surely there must be someone on here other than you who lived there?

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hi there, thanks for the reply, over the last 40 years have tried diffrent things to find people who lived in our home, only ever had 1 contact, not seen that contact for 20 years ,he was living SWFG no mobiles then dident even have phone in his bed sit, he moved els were but no address,i still go to old school mates in high green but all my friends never new were we all ended up, having read all the pages on how you & your friends who were at the same places keep in touch i think is brill, dunt know if any of you had ever got any sort of records back from any were u lived, i went from there into the army got discharged with bust ear drums , when i came out i needed records for further jods , contacted old welfare officer & she got photo copys of medical records & said there was other stuff there but like a fool dident want to remember past never pursued it,wish i had now, odd time wen u think about things you think i wunder if, got a bit more time now so i thought yep have another go, going to the home next week to see if they no when they took the building on were all the records went, ok then thanks again ,will see wat turns up. cheers

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Surely somebody out there must have lived in the home. How many kids were there? And what was the proper name of the place - it might get picked up in keyword search. I remember a sign being outsdie but I can't for the life of me remember what it said. I hope you do find your records and some of the kids that lived there!

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hi there, the name of the home was lane end childrens home, at any one time there was around 32 kids in there, i was there with my brother & sister, up to it shutting i was the longest serving there , i had a break wen i was 12 yrs old, only lasted around 12 months then foster home got fed up with me , i had served my purpose so back i went , i did a 13yrs sentance in there , & wat you said about it looking grim from the out side , life was grim inside , all we sempt to do was clean & sleep, if weather was fine half hour play in yard on school days , bed at 5,30 , weekend few hrs in garden after a lot of work, bed at 6, i thought my self after all the years trying i wud have found some body who lived there but will keep trying , ok then thanks for reply, just got back from a long walk , dunt no wat the weather is doing over shef but raining side ways here , wish i was still on hols in florida 100 degs over there !!!!, cheers

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  • 1 month later...
You are talking the Lindsey"s right two of them was with me in #2 I sort of think Les was the youngest about 3ish in 1942 brother about 9??s older:confused::confused:


Hi Flyer, I'am back, have you had any problems with forum

i havn't been able to get on all last week, i had it checked with

forum but they said it was ok.

I try every day with no look but today its come on and i'am

up and running. hihi. still no wiser whats up.


Are you watching the Olypics 2012.


ps, i notice you've been up setting people on grimmy thread.,

just behave, :hihi::hihi:

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