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Sony cancel release of film after threats

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I agree - Sony are very clever.


I wouldn't be surprised if it was all an elaborate publicity stunt, by Sony; to gain some notoriety for the film. If the cinemas suddenly decide to make a U turn and show the film; I don't think this whole episode would hurt viewing figures much...


I doubt that is the case though, it's probably as it seems. I'd be tempted to boycott the cinema chains in the US (if I lived there) who decided not to run the film though; as I feel they're setting a very bad precedent by giving in to threats from a tyrannt.

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Im suspicious about it too. If the NK hackers are so adept at causing mayhem why arent they wreaking havoc on the london and new york stock exchanges or hacking into computers that would cause some real damage?


Perhaps they have no reason to.


Moreover, one suspects the penalties for getting caught would be very different.

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