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Are bald men sexy?

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So, I had a shaved head for a number of years. Then I grew it back. Then shaved again, then grew it back.


I honestly didnt notice the difference in female attention. Although I noticed something else weird. Women either loved the shaved look or they hated it.


So are bald men sexy?

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I am a balding (as opposed to bald) man and I'm definitely sexy. I don't expect to be any less sexy when my hair has all gone.


Its a sign of virility, balder men have more kids and girlfriends, official.

Edited by ubermaus
hair gods told me to do it
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So, I had a shaved head for a number of years. Then I grew it back. Then shaved again, then grew it back.


I honestly didnt notice the difference in female attention. Although I noticed something else weird. Women either loved the shaved look or they hated it.


So are bald men sexy?


Bald men are sexy if they're sexy men, not because they're bald men.

Going bald doesn't make you sexy, just like having a full head of hair doesn't make you sexy.


That said, a comb-over is less sexy than a shaved head.

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I have given this some consideration whilst running my fingers through my once dark but now silver locks and have come to the decision.





The point is that anyone with hair could, if they so wished, shave it off.


On the other hand, if you're bald you're bald, and your female partner will tell you you're sexy just to shut you up and stop you going on about something you can do sod all about.


Sorry mi old slapheads but unless you're Yul Brynner or Vin Diesel your not sexy and lets face it it's more likely you're more like this https://www.google.co.uk/search?q=fred+in+corrie&biw=1024&bih=557&tbm=isch&tbo=u&source=univ&sa=X&ei=ByqTVNnUI6WE7ga_w4DQDg&ved=0CEgQsAQ than them. :)

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