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Clun street & Road Pitsmoor

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i know who you are mate , i always ask how you are , we used to knock about town , remember briddock , glynn waterfall , nicky froggatt , maycock , brennan [living in stoke now] my wife lived on clunn road . one person i always wonder about is raymond wild has he still got that long leather coat on?:hihi::hihi: can you remember them from pond street chippy on the veranda?.


i remember ray wild, he used to hang around with a guy called Gary Mitchell who lived on ellesmere rd. The name Briddock rings a bell, was it glyn briddock, becuase he knew Mitch as well

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  • 9 months later...
Bladebloke,I remember Tina and Kim. Lived up at the top end on the right. Dunno why he was called Kim though.


I knew Kim, he was a friend - his Dad was called Lol - had a mutual friend called Steve Rogerson - his dad was a good footballer - had professional trials - Kim had a sister called Tina - they moved to Hackenthorpe after Clun Road was knocked down - we used to play football on the rec - Kim's dad called me a centre half with hands (I was the goalie). I lived in Melrose road - what did the spray painting of "we fought the wrong side surely" mean - I grew up seeing that and never really knowing what it meant - it seemed racist I really hope is wasn't.

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  • 2 years later...

Hello, I'm not from Sheffield but my Dad was and he remembered living on Clun Road. I think he said it was no. 9. Unfortunately I can't ask him, he passed away early January. However, I do have it wrote down... somewhere! He was born in 1921 but it was probably mid 1920's and during the 1930's. Dad's parents were called Fred and May Ward, Dad's older brother was Ted (Edwin) then there was Dad - Arthur, Doris, Ronnie, Ken and Eric. Anykind of knowledge or even any photo's of the family or house will be appreciated. Thank you in advance. :-)

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  • 2 months later...
Hello, I'm not from Sheffield but my Dad was and he remembered living on Clun Road. I think he said it was no. 9. Unfortunately I can't ask him, he passed away early January. However, I do have it wrote down... somewhere! He was born in 1921 but it was probably mid 1920's and during the 1930's. Dad's parents were called Fred and May Ward, Dad's older brother was Ted (Edwin) then there was Dad - Arthur, Doris, Ronnie, Ken and Eric. Anykind of knowledge or even any photo's of the family or house will be appreciated. Thank you in advance. :-)




Hello Polly, re the photos suggested to you on the Sheffield photos site, one of the photos number s14483 shows the opposite side of Clun Road from where your family must have lived. Juke's china shop was on the opposite corner to number 9. All the houses on the road had 2 windows & one front door on the road side, it was different on the back side, they all had 3 stories. My family lived at the top end near to the "top shop" shown with Alice Kendrick standing outside.


The other photo shown number s16512 shows the corner very near or next to where your family must have lived.




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  • 1 year later...
Hello, I'm not from Sheffield but my Dad was and he remembered living on Clun Road. I think he said it was no. 9. Unfortunately I can't ask him, he passed away early January. However, I do have it wrote down... somewhere! He was born in 1921 but it was probably mid 1920's and during the 1930's. Dad's parents were called Fred and May Ward, Dad's older brother was Ted (Edwin) then there was Dad - Arthur, Doris, Ronnie, Ken and Eric. Any kind of knowledge or even any photo's of the family or house will be appreciated. Thank you in advance. :-)




Hi Polly Bea, I have access to some old photos from Clun Rd & if you send me a private message we can exchange email addresses. sheffsueme


or you can search for yourself at http://www.picturesheffield.com/

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  • 3 weeks later...

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