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How did you cheat in your O Levels / GCSEs?

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I didn't cheat, but if I wanted to, I would have done it like this. Had notes written on the inside of the calculator case durring mocks. At our school, they did tell you to place your calculator lids on the floor durring the real GCSE's, but not the mocks. Then, you have to be very sick at the time of the exams, they use your mock results as you couldnt attend the actual exam ;) but I'm sick all the time, so I could have got away with it :P but I actually went to my exams :D


oh, and of course I'd have to be dishonest to do that :D


when I took my o'levels/ cse's back in 1980, the o'level students were permitted to use pocket calculators in their exam.


whereas we, who were in the lowlier CSE stream, were not permitted to use calculators. All we had to rely on were our books of logarithmic tables.


I thought this was unfair. as the lack of calculators made us work harder for our exam results than the o'level students, who only had to tap the numbers into the machine.


oh, and, as for cheating, we were scrutinised, with sherlockian intensity!! cuffs on school shirts checked, wrists investigated for scribblings:- all we were permitted to take into the exam was our pencil, pen, ruler and eraser. not a hope in hell of being able to cheat.



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when I took my o'levels/ cse's back in 1980, the o'level students were permitted to use pocket calculators in their exam.


whereas we, who were in the lowlier CSE stream, were not permitted to use calculators. All we had to rely on were our books of logarithmic tables.


I thought this was unfair. as the lack of calculators made us work harder for our exam results than the o'level students, who only had to tap the numbers into the machine.


oh, and, as for cheating, we were scrutinised, with sherlockian intensity!! cuffs on school shirts checked, wrists investigated for scribblings:- all we were permitted to take into the exam was our pencil, pen, ruler and eraser. not a hope in hell of being able to cheat.




You were allowed to take a pencil, pen, ruler and eraser into your exams? :o


in 1958 we were only allowed a needle and a tissue in the room.......Exam answers were written in our own blood! :hihi: :hihi: :hihi:

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Exams were taken in the Main School Hall, with examinees sat at well-spaced desks to deter reading the work of others on each side, front and rear, and a very, very strict Invigilator system. The Invigilator constantly patrolled the students to ensure scraps of paper, notes on palms or wrists etc were impossible to use.


No talking allowed at any time.....total silence throughout. Toilet breaks, only allowed if absolutely essential, required another Invigillator to visit the Toilet Area with you to make sure no contact was allowed with others taking a similar break during the exam. Permission was rarely allowed for this purpose.


Calculators did not exist in those days.


The "Pass" Grade of GCE was based on a "Floating Mark" system, i.e the pass level marks were adjusted to allow only a certain proportion of pupils to achieve a Pass.....it could be 40% one year, 50% another year to allow for difficulty/ease of individual exams. Nowadays, 15% in a written exam paper can get your GCSE, it has been reported.


If you didn't know the subject....you didn't get the Qualification....simple as that.



the exam conditions you describe are how they are currently. Calculators are allowed but for me that is sensible - nowadays doing maths in your head is a skill but being able to use a calculator is a skill too!


The floating pass system is hardly fair. The same calibre student could get a different grade year to year depending on the other students. The problem when you have a fixed pass rate as you have now is that teachers learn to teach students to pass exams as it's what the teachers are judged on. There is a difference between being good at your subject and good at passing exams!

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You were allowed to take a pencil, pen, ruler and eraser into your exams? :o


in 1958 we were only allowed a needle and a tissue in the room.......Exam answers were written in our own blood! :hihi: :hihi: :hihi:


*chortles* and of course, you had to walk, all the way there and back, fourteen miles uphill, (each way) through waist -deep june snow....


*hovis -advert mode* thi' dun't know thi' born, ter-day!"


we had to sharpen the pencils with our own fingernail!


lol lol



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*chortles* and of course, you had to walk, all the way there and back, fourteen miles uphill, (each way) through waist -deep june snow....


*hovis -advert mode* thi' dun't know thi' born, ter-day!"


we had to sharpen the pencils with our own fingernail!


lol lol




You must have attended the "Girls" side of our school........:hihi:

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