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Blokes wanting younger women as girlfriends, biology?

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Maybe. Someone else said that.

I see it too much across all friends and relatives to be a specific people problem.


I don't know. I know many people who have been with their partners for years and they are still going strong. I don't think I know anyone within my social circle who have felt inclined to ditch their middle aged partner for a younger lady.

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Ive noticed this a lot lately. Guys get to certain ages and want younger women as gfs/wives.

Is it a bioligical urge?

I myself can understand this, maybe its a bit unfair on women of a certain age but there you go.


I've noticed that some women tend to want a younger man when they get to a certain age. Maybe that's unfair on men of a certain age?


---------- Post added 24-12-2014 at 12:40 ----------


Almost everyone i know has either left for someone younger or is with someone younger.

I firmly believe now its hard wired into men to find younger women more attractive.


Same goes for women. They like younger men.


---------- Post added 24-12-2014 at 12:41 ----------


When did i say nobody i know stays in a relationship??


You said almost everyone you know.


---------- Post added 24-12-2014 at 12:43 ----------


I know a guy in his 60s who had three children with a woman in her 30s.

I think it made him feel younger again.


I know a man in his 20's who living with a woman in her late 40's.

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I disagree and I don't think it's necessary to explain why as the matter is purely subjective


It is subjective, but everyone is a slave to biology.


---------- Post added 24-12-2014 at 14:04 ----------


Maybe. Someone else said that.

I see it too much across all friends and relatives to be a specific people problem.


And some of us don't see it at all.


Biassed sample group.

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This may be the case biologically but socially I find two things baffling. Why would a guy of 60 want to spend time with someone so young that they have no cultural references in common? After all you can't spend your whole life in bed? Why would a guy of 60, having presumably seen off their youngest child to University want to start with the broken nights and the nappies again? Just when they could have some time (and money) to themselves.


A friend of my father's did this, and as far as I can tell, it has been an utter disaster.


He and his first wife divorced when their youngest was about 15. I guess he was feelin' his oats, 'cause he got involved with a young hottie in his office.


Long story short, he has grandkids around the same age as his second crop of kids with the hottie..who aint looking so hot anymore.


He has less time for his grown sons who have somewhat drifted away because well, Dad's busy with his "new" family.


He is reliving the sleepless nights, life disruptions and general aggravation of dealing with the demands of young children, except now, he's 45+ years older.


As he told my father, he owes his first wife and her mother a big, fat apology because he never realized how much work kids are.


He is faced with HUGE expenses and working way past retirement to provide for his second family.


The one who has come out of this smelling like a rose, is the first wife. She looks wonderful, is enjoying her sons and their families and has plenty of time to travel, see friends, help with the grandkids and enjoy her life.


Her former husband has even had the chutzpah to ask her for help with he and the hottie's children!


Because she is a good person and those kids are her son's half siblings, she has obliged a time or two.


Biggest mistake he ever made was thinking the grass is greener.

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Its Ok looking at a young hottie but can she cook a nice meat and spud pie or look after the housework like the missis can, I think once you've had enough of the bedroom romps and life settles down you would more than likely realize you big mistake when the house is a tip and you've got no clean pants in your draw.

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It is subjective, but everyone is a slave to biology


In the sense that we all need air and food, grow old and die, yes. But luckily we have evolved to a point where we can make choices based on independent reasoning and personal preference, for example, not to have children. Also as I get older, I want to spend time with people who are like me (albeit old and knackered) not people young enough to be my kids.

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You can make choices, but you don't get to choose that symmetrical faces, smooth skin, and pert boobs are attractive. That's biology.

You don't have to act on it, but the question was about what was attractive, not whether you could ignore it.


---------- Post added 25-12-2014 at 21:10 ----------


To be fair, the OP said "wanting" which is not the question I was really answering.


Wanting is reasoned, as you say. Finding attractive, that's nature and nurture, but not really forebrain.

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