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Hammerton Road Police Station


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Not sure what date it actually closed for good, but I noticed today all the windows boarded up.


It has its place in Sheffield's history (Yorkshire Ripper, Hillsborough etc) but I'm glad it's gone from the streetscene round there. In recent years it always seemed a negative thing to have near loads of terraced houses. But I suppose in years gone by it may have been comforting in a Dixon of Dock Green kind of way to have those bobbies milling about on your street. Or was it? Must be all sorts of tales about it, let's hear a few.

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We lived across from Hammerton Rd. police station in the mid 60's. It was a nice area to live in, and although we didn't know any of the members personally, it was reassuring to know that if we were to be away on holiday say, a word with the desk would have a member check see if all was well at the house. Terraced houses yes, but by no means a slum area. The ambiance was spoiled when they placed those barriers across the road to stop through traffic on Hammerton Rd.







Not sure what date it actually closed for good, but I noticed today all the windows boarded up.


It has its place in Sheffield's history (Yorkshire Ripper, Hillsborough etc) but I'm glad it's gone from the streetscene round there. In recent years it always seemed a negative thing to have near loads of terraced houses. But I suppose in years gone by it may have been comforting in a Dixon of Dock Green kind of way to have those bobbies milling about on your street. Or was it? Must be all sorts of tales about it, let's hear a few.

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...Terraced houses yes, but by no means a slum area...
Indeed, and in the 1960s and 1970s the Hammerton Road PC on foot patrol was always a reassuring sight in Hillsborough. At that time the station was the HQ of 'E' Division. But times change, and policing changes - I suppose closure was inevitable. I rarely went there myself but I do remember one occasion in c..1964 when there was an amnesty on illegally held firearms. My grandmother sent me to Hammerton Road with my late grandad's First World War Very pistol. The station sergeant duly took charge of it and issued a receipt, and I recall that behind his desk was what looked like a branch of a military museum. There was an array of lethal-looking weapons of all shapes and sizes..:o
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Hi hillsbro.

I remember being a bit miffed with my dad at the time.

He too handed in an illegal firearm...a German Luger he had brought back from WW2.

I remember him showing it me as a child.

I was just in my early teens at the time and couldn't understand why he parted with war memorabilia.

There was no ammunition with it by the way.....


Looking back now, it was of course the correct thing to do.


I remember he came home and said the copper behind the desk was a bit flummoxed when he stuck the gun on the desk......and retreated to find a superior officer to deal with it.

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Hi Allen - yes, it was of course the correct thing to do. I do remember the response from the sergeant and a PC when I took the Very pistol in. As such a pistol is for firing 'Very' signal flares there was some doubt as to whether it was relevant to the amnesty. But as the PC said "if you fired one at someone it would certainly cause them injury". I think that somewhere I still have a bullet that grandad also brought home. I don't know if it's live or not, but when Humberside Police next have an amnesty perhaps I'd better find it and toddle along to the cop shop....:|

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Hammerton Road Police Station has memories for me from my childhood,if any Forum members read a few of my posts from a couple of years back will remember!.From an early age I was afflicted with wanderlust,in other words I would disappear or wander off all over the place at a minutes notice!.I drove my parents to distraction,they and the police would search hours and hours before finding me many miles from home sometimes on the other side of the city!.I mostly ended up at Hammerton Road,this happened quite a few times,despite having my arse smacked by my old man at the first opportunity I was off again,my father put that much money in the police fund box he claimed in later life that he must have paid for one of the dinner dances by himself!.I never saw my dad with black hair only grey,I wonder why!.

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Hammerton Road Police Station has memories for me from my childhood,if any Forum members read a few of my posts from a couple of years back will remember!.From an early age I was afflicted with wanderlust,in other words I would disappear or wander off all over the place at a minutes notice!.I drove my parents to distraction,they and the police would search hours and hours before finding me many miles from home sometimes on the other side of the city!.I mostly ended up at Hammerton Road,this happened quite a few times,despite having my arse smacked by my old man at the first opportunity I was off again,my father put that much money in the police fund box he claimed in later life that he must have paid for one of the dinner dances by himself!.I never saw my dad with black hair only grey,I wonder why!.
Your lucky Tup mine never bothered looking for me they knew i would be home when my stomach growled.
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Was it ever busy? Any Regan and Carter type action?


I just have a vision of it being a small desk with one bored copper behind it writing down details of stolen bicycles and the like plus the odd drunk being lobbed into the cells to sleep it off on Friday and Saturday neets.

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