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Increased Police Vigilance


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Same could apply to every motorcyclist, vehicle user, pedestrians etc... Pointless pointing the finger - the world is full of numpties who won't follow all rules, regulations and laws. Not just a certain set


Indeed. However, this thread concerns a cyclist who went through a red light.


I have actually been run over by a cyclist who decided to jump the red light on a pedestrian crossing as I was crossing. He even picked himself up and rode off without asking after me. But I suppose we shouldn't point the finger eh?


- cheer up, its Christmas ☺


I do not need you to tell me to cheer up regardless of what time of year it is.

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This is mainly for the road users of Sheffield, I have had the pleasure of being stopped twice by the Police in the last ten days for contravening red lights. This is very unusual behavior for the police as in both instances I was on my bicycle. In the last twenty years i have gone through lights at various stages and on plenty of occasions I have done this in the presence of police officers. This time though it was a police van and they actually turned around in the road to come after me. Instead of arguing about how the pressure plates and magnetic strips rarely pick up cyclists and change for them I said that I treated the junction that was controlled by the lights as a give way. It was perfectly safe, I was already stopped at the red light and waited patiently for the opposing traffic to pass before I ventured across the junction and with no other traffic in sight.This did not satisfy them and for a time i actually thought i was going to get a fine!!.

Have the Police been given instructions to get fines for various misdemeanors ?.

I know this is happening in other countries but the police there get to keep the revenue raised through such fines. Does the British police get to keep the money from fines that they issue?


You jumped a red light , you should be fined. What makes cyclists exempt from the laws of the road. ?


Its about time cyclists were treated the same as us motorists instead of thinking the rules dont apply to them.


---------- Post added 23-12-2014 at 19:06 ----------


Makes me laugh how people on here bitch and moan about cyclists proceeding across a junction when there is no traffic and it is perfectly safe to do so.


I drive and cycle and it seems that the moaners on here should get of their fat arses and try cycling on the roads before bitching and grumbling.


When on a bike at a red light and it changes I usually have the car / bus / lorry that is first in the queue virtually running me over for being in the way and not being able to accelerate at the same speed as they can. Or virtually forcing me off the road if I am at the side. That is assuming the have even seen me as they sit playing on their phones while they wait for the lights to change.


I find it MUCH SAFER when stopping at a red light, to proceed through it before all the other traffic IF it is safe to do so. What is the harm in this? It gets me out of the way of of other traffic and far enough in front so they see me instead of squeezing me against the curb.


So I guess donotremove is one of the few road users who NEVER speeds or breaks the law under any circumstances? Bloody hypocrite more like!


Dont get in motorists way , then you wouldnt get abuse from motorists .

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This is mainly for the road users of Sheffield, I have had the pleasure of being stopped twice by the Police in the last ten days for contravening red lights. This is very unusual behavior for the police as in both instances I was on my bicycle. In the last twenty years i have gone through lights at various stages and on plenty of occasions I have done this in the presence of police officers. This time though it was a police van and they actually turned around in the road to come after me. Instead of arguing about how the pressure plates and magnetic strips rarely pick up cyclists and change for them I said that I treated the junction that was controlled by the lights as a give way. It was perfectly safe, I was already stopped at the red light and waited patiently for the opposing traffic to pass before I ventured across the junction and with no other traffic in sight.This did not satisfy them and for a time i actually thought i was going to get a fine!!.

Have the Police been given instructions to get fines for various misdemeanors ?.

I know this is happening in other countries but the police there get to keep the revenue raised through such fines. Does the British police get to keep the money from fines that they issue?


As a cyclist of 50+ years, I think you have lost your marbles coming out with a comment such as you have !!

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When on a bike at a red light and it changes I usually have the car / bus / lorry that is first in the queue virtually running me over for being in the way and not being able to accelerate at the same speed as they can. Or virtually forcing me off the road if I am at the side. That is assuming the have even seen me as they sit playing on their phones while they wait for the lights to change.


You put yourself in that position by filtering up to the lights, so don't blame other road users as an excuse to break the law.


I'll never understand why any cyclist filters to the front of heavy traffic, if they know they can't 'make progress' at an expected speed. Fine if you have your lane to be in, but putting yourself into such a dangerous position that you honestly believe the only safe option is to break the law? Moronic.


I might try it on the moped, or the Harley, or the model T Ford, I'm sure it'll be fine.

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I'm so pleased that the police are actually pulling you and other cyclists up. The rules are there for everyone not selective like most cyclists. So a big thumbs up from me


Now if only they'd do it for the motorists who jump red lights too, we'd all be happy!

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You put yourself in that position by filtering up to the lights, so don't blame other road users as an excuse to break the law.


I'll never understand why any cyclist filters to the front of heavy traffic, if they know they can't 'make progress' at an expected speed. Fine if you have your lane to be in, but putting yourself into such a dangerous position that you honestly believe the only safe option is to break the law? Moronic.


I might try it on the moped, or the Harley, or the model T Ford, I'm sure it'll be fine.


Probably because being at the side of heavy traffic is even more dangerous.


Can't make progress at the expected speed? what? the speed of a car? no, surprisingly, we can't.


Moronic is the impatience of some car drivers.

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It's interesting this. I am not a cyclist. But I cannot see a problem with this cyclist taking the opportunity in a safe situation to jump a red light. The police pull him over.

Much more dangerous is cyclists who ride two or more abreast on A and B roads on corners putting themselves and other road users at risk. Yes I know it's legal, but it is extremely stupid and lethal. Perhaps red lights should be there for the blind observance of fools and the guidance of wise men.

Not all rules are right. But nearly everyone on SF is perfect and law-abiding.

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You put yourself in that position by filtering up to the lights, so don't blame other road users as an excuse to break the law.


I'll never understand why any cyclist filters to the front of heavy traffic, if they know they can't 'make progress' at an expected speed. Fine if you have your lane to be in, but putting yourself into such a dangerous position that you honestly believe the only safe option is to break the law? Moronic.


I might try it on the moped, or the Harley, or the model T Ford, I'm sure it'll be fine.


That's all well and good, but the same thing happens if you join the back of the queue and then other vehicles join the queue behind you.


What I do is take a position, the primary position, in the road so the cars can't over take me, until I get to a point in the the road where it is safe for a car to overtake.

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