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Increased Police Vigilance


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It's interesting this. I am not a cyclist. But I cannot see a problem with this cyclist taking the opportunity in a safe situation to jump a red light. The police pull him over.

Much more dangerous is cyclists who ride two or more abreast on A and B roads on corners putting themselves and other road users at risk. Yes I know it's legal, but it is extremely stupid and lethal. Perhaps red lights should be there for the blind observance of fools and the guidance of wise men.

Not all rules are right. But nearly everyone on SF is perfect and law-abiding.


Its actually safer and easier for all concerned for cyclists to ride two or three abreast.


It is much quicker for a vehicle to overtake cyclists in this formation than in a long line, when it is safe to overtake.


You shouldn't be contemplating overtaking anyone on a corner anyway.


What happens then when a cyclist decides its OK for him to run a red light, and he causes an accident or fatalitity? Do we say 'oh well, he was on a pushbike, the law doesn't really count?'


I've been a cyclist/motorcyclist/driver and there are idiots in each catagory, but being in the former makes you a lot higher risk of becoming a pink squishy mess on the road.

Why make the odds even worse?


There's no good system for cyclists because there's no money invested in it, that doesn't mean you can blame others for your actions when using the roads.

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Cyclists are as vulnerable as pedestrians. If pedestrians ignore the lights at pedestrian crossings they often end up dead or injured.


The police will stop you from jumping lights for your own safety.


It's those same officers that have to scoop up the dead and injured and then inform the families.


It might seem convenient to ignore the traffic regulations; you might even be conceited enough to think your experience tells you your way is safer. However, please don't blame the police for pointing out the rules that keep our roads some of the safest in the world.


The roads are full of people who think they know better than you. That's the main reason for taking as much caution as possible when your on them. Keep safe!

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This is mainly for the road users of Sheffield, I have had the pleasure of being stopped twice by the Police in the last ten days for contravening red lights. This is very unusual behavior for the police as in both instances I was on my bicycle. In the last twenty years i have gone through lights at various stages and on plenty of occasions I have done this in the presence of police officers. This time though it was a police van and they actually turned around in the road to come after me. Instead of arguing about how the pressure plates and magnetic strips rarely pick up cyclists and change for them I said that I treated the junction that was controlled by the lights as a give way. It was perfectly safe, I was already stopped at the red light and waited patiently for the opposing traffic to pass before I ventured across the junction and with no other traffic in sight.This did not satisfy them and for a time i actually thought i was going to get a fine!!.

Have the Police been given instructions to get fines for various misdemeanors ?.

I know this is happening in other countries but the police there get to keep the revenue raised through such fines. Does the British police get to keep the money from fines that they issue?


From your post it appears that you were not fined. So it's reasonable to assume that the police are not under instruction to issue fines.

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Its actually safer and easier for all concerned for cyclists to ride two or three abreast.


No chance - you come round a blind corner to find them in the middle of the road. You can pass a single cyclist safely, but when they are all over the place you have to brake. Of course I am a perfect driver and never hit them and stop in plenty of time, but others do not, and I often find a car on the wrong side of the road overtaking these numpties who ride two and three abreast coming the other way. It is foolishness and often arrogance on the road by these cyclists.


It is much quicker for a vehicle to overtake cyclists in this formation than in a long line, when it is safe to overtake.


That is true, obviously, or they could just leave an adequate gap with consideration for other road users, so their actions don't cause frustration and unwanted behaviour.



You shouldn't be contemplating overtaking anyone on a corner anyway.

I don't, but plenty of others do. And it isn't just overtaking it is arriving at a blind bend to find them scattered all over the place. When they get knocked off, it isn't just their own lives they ruin



What happens then when a cyclist decides its OK for him to run a red light, and he causes an accident or fatalitity? Do we say 'oh well, he was on a pushbike, the law doesn't really count?'

Of course not. They have to take responsibility for their actions. Some, no many, cyclists are intelligent enough to assess a situation and work out for themselves whether it is safe to proceed. After all they are likely to be the most vulnerable person in that situation


I've been a cyclist/motorcyclist/driver and there are idiots in each catagory, but being in the former makes you a lot higher risk of becoming a pink squishy mess on the road.

Why make the odds even worse?

Because we all have to get places. We all have deadlines to meet.

Obviously the safest thing to do would be to limit all road users to bicycles or all cars to 10mph, but the economy would grind to a halt and it would be most inconvenient. There has to be a balance


There's no good system for cyclists because there's no money invested in it, that doesn't mean you can blame others for your actions when using the roads.

Ha ha - It's all down to money. lol. :rolleyes:

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No chance - you come round a blind corner to find them in the middle of the road. You can pass a single cyclist safely, but when they are all over the place you have to brake. Of course I am a perfect driver and never hit them and stop in plenty of time, but others do not, and I often find a car on the wrong side of the road overtaking these numpties who ride two and three abreast coming the other way. It is foolishness and often arrogance on the road by these cyclists.




That is true, obviously, or they could just leave an adequate gap with consideration for other road users, so their actions don't cause frustration and unwanted behaviour.



I don't, but plenty of others do. And it isn't just overtaking it is arriving at a blind bend to find them scattered all over the place. When they get knocked off, it isn't just their own lives they ruin



Of course not. They have to take responsibility for their actions. Some, no many, cyclists are intelligent enough to assess a situation and work out for themselves whether it is safe to proceed. After all they are likely to be the most vulnerable person in that situation


Because we all have to get places. We all have deadlines to meet.

Obviously the safest thing to do would be to limit all road users to bicycles or all cars to 10mph, but the economy would grind to a halt and it would be most inconvenient. There has to be a balance


Ha ha - It's all down to money. lol. :rolleyes:


Re bib. Unfortunately, it mostly is.





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You should always drive around blind bends with due caution, what if it wasn't a group of cyclists, but a broken down coach, or a pedestrian walking out with a pram?


The fact your just good enough of a driver to 'not hit them' if there is a solo cyclist is very concerning, and then putting the blame on someone overtaking in the opposite direction - if you aren't in control of your own vehicle enough to deal with any situation, then you shouldn't be on the road.

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This is mainly for the road users of Sheffield, I have had the pleasure of being stopped twice by the Police in the last ten days for contravening red lights.


In the last twenty years i have gone through lights at various stages and on plenty of occasions I have done this in the presence of police officers. This time though it was a police van and they actually turned around in the road to come after me.


I said that I treated the junction that was controlled by the lights as a give way. It was perfectly safe, I was already stopped at the red light and waited patiently for the opposing traffic to pass before I ventured across the junction and with no other traffic in sight.This did not satisfy them and for a time i actually thought i was going to get a fine!!.


You have not in any way, admitted what you have done was wrong, your denial could inflame other road users and cause another cyclist to be injured. That is if another cyclist doesn't get hold of you first and shove your saddle where the sun doesn't shine.


As cycling is an introductory step to road use for many people before they learn to ride motorbikes and drive cars lorries, and HGV's it is understandable to set a good behavioural standard that you can progress into your future road craft skills.


Like pavement parking, once you get one person doing it then everyone does it. The streets will be like Mumbai before you know it. The alternative is to address local council/government to change local or national laws. I am in favour of american style blinking amber lights when traffic is light and proceed with caution as a standard junction.


One consequence to light jumpers is that the law is changed to the detriment of everyone, like speed and road humps. Be disciplined now or everyone will suffer the consequences later. An example is that you advance to a junction whether you have the right of way or not with a speed limit of 20 mph.

Edited by SportsTrophy
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You should always drive around blind bends with due caution, what if it wasn't a group of cyclists, but a broken down coach, or a pedestrian walking out with a pram?


The fact your just good enough of a driver to 'not hit them' if there is a solo cyclist is very concerning, and then putting the blame on someone overtaking in the opposite direction - if you aren't in control of your own vehicle enough to deal with any situation, then you shouldn't be on the road.


I hate to tempt fate, but I am fine. I have been fine. And I am pretty good at being in control of my vehicle. In a perfect world everyone would be a very good driver, but they are not and cyclist putting themselves and others at risk with this type of behaviour is stupid. Not everything that is legal is safe and not everything illegal is dangerous. You must at least accept that?

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