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Increased Police Vigilance


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There are far more cars, buses and HGV's running red lights than cyclists, if the police clamped down on these they would collect a fortune in fines. A red light means stop.


Sometimes it's safe to run a red light. Sometimes it's not safe to run a green light. Jus sayin.

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This is mainly for the road users of Sheffield, I have had the pleasure of being stopped twice by the Police in the last ten days for contravening red lights. This is very unusual behavior for the police as in both instances I was on my bicycle. In the last twenty years i have gone through lights at various stages and on plenty of occasions I have done this in the presence of police officers. This time though it was a police van and they actually turned around in the road to come after me. Instead of arguing about how the pressure plates and magnetic strips rarely pick up cyclists and change for them I said that I treated the junction that was controlled by the lights as a give way. It was perfectly safe, I was already stopped at the red light and waited patiently for the opposing traffic to pass before I ventured across the junction and with no other traffic in sight.This did not satisfy them and for a time i actually thought i was going to get a fine!!.

Have the Police been given instructions to get fines for various misdemeanors ?.

I know this is happening in other countries but the police there get to keep the revenue raised through such fines. Does the British police get to keep the money from fines that they issue?


Good. I hope you stop giving other cyclists a bad name.

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