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Increased Police Vigilance


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What tickled me the most was as they went off in their van I followed until we came to the traffic island at the bottom of west bar. Instead of pulling up beside them as they waited to pull out onto the island I stayed behind the van, I expected them to go straight across as they DID NOT INDICATE. Instead they turn RIGHT, a car coming the opposite way had to brake hard as they also expected the police van to come straight across. I had to chuckle to myself at that one. maybe they should practice what they preach in future! re:: the highway code:hihi::hihi:

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Makes me laugh how people on here bitch and moan about cyclists proceeding across a junction when there is no traffic and it is perfectly safe to do so.

Doesn't make me laugh. I don't find it difficult to follow the HC whilst on my bike.


I drive and cycle and it seems that the moaners on here should get of their fat arses and try cycling on the roads before bitching and grumbling.

I cycle more than I drive at the moment.


When on a bike at a red light and it changes I usually have the car / bus / lorry that is first in the queue virtually running me over for being in the way and not being able to accelerate at the same speed as they can. Or virtually forcing me off the road if I am at the side. That is assuming the have even seen me as they sit playing on their phones while they wait for the lights to change.

Strange. I find the odd driver gets too close, but not most.


I find it MUCH SAFER when stopping at a red light, to proceed through it before all the other traffic IF it is safe to do so. What is the harm in this?

It's not a giveway. You don't get to judge for yourself when you can go.

It gets me out of the way of of other traffic and far enough in front so they see me instead of squeezing me against the curb.

How can they NOT see you whilst stationary at the lights? A terrible excuse for running a light.


---------- Post added 24-12-2014 at 13:49 ----------


I'm so pleased that the police are actually pulling you and other cyclists up. The rules are there for everyone not selective like most cyclists. So a big thumbs up from me


To be fair, they're likely to catch a lot more motorists than cyclists.


---------- Post added 24-12-2014 at 13:50 ----------


It's interesting this. I am not a cyclist. But I cannot see a problem with this cyclist taking the opportunity in a safe situation to jump a red light. The police pull him over.

Much more dangerous is cyclists who ride two or more abreast on A and B roads on corners putting themselves and other road users at risk. Yes I know it's legal, but it is extremely stupid and lethal. Perhaps red lights should be there for the blind observance of fools and the guidance of wise men.

Not all rules are right. But nearly everyone on SF is perfect and law-abiding.


How is riding two abreast dangerous at all?


If you can't pass two cyclists side by side, then there also isn't room to pass one cyclist in that spot.


---------- Post added 24-12-2014 at 13:52 ----------


You should always drive around blind bends with due caution, what if it wasn't a group of cyclists, but a broken down coach, or a pedestrian walking out with a pram?


The fact your just good enough of a driver to 'not hit them' if there is a solo cyclist is very concerning, and then putting the blame on someone overtaking in the opposite direction - if you aren't in control of your own vehicle enough to deal with any situation, then you shouldn't be on the road.


Or a sheep or a tractor.


If Ron really drives like he describes then he'll soon be dead, and it probably won't be a cyclist he's hit.


---------- Post added 24-12-2014 at 13:54 ----------


Errrrrr, are you really this stupid?


If there wasn't any traffic then why would it be dangerous?


If there wasn't any traffic OR PEDESTRIANS and you were infallible. Then yes, it would be safe.


Are you infallible?

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Doesn't make me laugh. I don't find it difficult to follow the HC whilst on my bike.

I cycle more than I drive at the moment.

Strange. I find the odd driver gets too close, but not most.

It's not a giveway. You don't get to judge for yourself when you can go.

How can they NOT see you whilst stationary at the lights? A terrible excuse for running a light.


---------- Post added 24-12-2014 at 13:49 ----------



To be fair, they're likely to catch a lot more motorists than cyclists.


---------- Post added 24-12-2014 at 13:50 ----------



How is riding two abreast dangerous at all?


If you can't pass two cyclists side by side, then there also isn't room to pass one cyclist in that spot.


Its about your own safety at that point, as you know as a cyclist your own judgment comes into play much more that sitting in a Vehicle. after all its your life your playing with, your more likely to get injured or killed on a bicycle. In my view anything that makes your journey safer you should take advantage of. Whether that be wearing helmets ,lights, reflective clothing, taking the primary position, OR bending the rules when you know your doing the right thing for everybody. instead of following the rules and regulations to the letter. If everyone stuck to the rules the roads would grind to a halt in no time. ITS COMMON SENSE.:)

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Doesn't make me laugh. I don't find it difficult to follow the HC whilst on my bike.

I cycle more than I drive at the moment.

Strange. I find the odd driver gets too close, but not most.

It's not a giveway. You don't get to judge for yourself when you can go.

How can they NOT see you whilst stationary at the lights? A terrible excuse for running a light.


---------- Post added 24-12-2014 at 13:49 ----------



To be fair, they're likely to catch a lot more motorists than cyclists.


---------- Post added 24-12-2014 at 13:50 ----------



How is riding two abreast dangerous at all?


If you can't pass two cyclists side by side, then there also isn't room to pass one cyclist in that spot.


---------- Post added 24-12-2014 at 13:52 ----------



Or a sheep or a tractor.


If Ron really drives like he describes then he'll soon be dead, and it probably won't be a cyclist he's hit.


---------- Post added 24-12-2014 at 13:54 ----------



If there wasn't any traffic OR PEDESTRIANS and you were infallible. Then yes, it would be safe.


Are you infallible?



If the road is clear of traffic, PEDESTRIANS, animals and any other random objects you care to throw in the mix, then it seems that is would be pretty safe to cross.


What the hell does being infallible have to do with anything? If you are so unsure of yourself and your surroundings that you are incapable of making a judgment call on whether a road is completely clear or all of the aforementioned traffic, then I suggest you don't leave the house.


It may have escaped your attention, but people manage to cross roads where there are no crossings or lights and generally they survive.



I would much rather annoy the odd armchair / drivers' seat warrior than get hit by a car. Obviously, being so bloody amazing, you don't have to worry about such things.

Edited by neeeeeeeeeek
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How is riding two abreast dangerous at all?

If you can't pass two cyclists side by side, then there also isn't room to pass one cyclist in that spot.


Or a sheep or a tractor.


If Ron really drives like he describes then he'll soon be dead, and it probably won't be a cyclist he's hit.



What a stupid comment - if you want to give about 2 - 3 feet of wobble room to a cyclist and the road is wide enough then of course it makes a difference whether you are 3 feet across the line or zero feet. It is very simple maths.


Ron doesn't drive dangerously - if you actually reads his posts you will see he is making allowance for less confident or competent drivers.

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Its about your own safety at that point, as you know as a cyclist your own judgment comes into play much more that sitting in a Vehicle. after all its your life your playing with, your more likely to get injured or killed on a bicycle. In my view anything that makes your journey safer you should take advantage of. Whether that be wearing helmets ,lights, reflective clothing, taking the primary position, OR bending the rules when you know your doing the right thing for everybody. instead of following the rules and regulations to the letter. If everyone stuck to the rules the roads would grind to a halt in no time. ITS COMMON SENSE.:)


I disagree entirely with you.


Running red lights is never for your own safety. It's for your convenience. Safety is just the excuse you throw out when challenged.


Your behaviour actively makes life more dangerous for other cyclists by causing anger in drivers.


---------- Post added 24-12-2014 at 16:09 ----------


If the road is clear of traffic, PEDESTRIANS, animals and any other random objects you care to throw in the mix, then it seems that is would be pretty safe to cross.


What the hell does being infallible have to do with anything?

It has to do with your judgement about there being no other traffic or pedestrians.

If you are so unsure of yourself and your surroundings that you are incapable of making a judgment call on whether a road is completely clear or all of the aforementioned traffic, then I suggest you don't leave the house.

I would generally trust my judgement. I wouldn't run a red light on that basis though, as the consequences of being mistaken are severe.


It may have escaped your attention, but people manage to cross roads where there are no crossings or lights and generally they survive.

We're not talking about pedestrians crossing the road are we.

We're talking about you, using a vehicle.



I would much rather annoy the odd armchair / drivers' seat warrior than get hit by a car. Obviously, being so bloody amazing, you don't have to worry about such things.


Running a light is nothing to do with avoiding being hit. It increases the risk of being hit, and of hitting someone else.

You do it out of impatience and laziness.


---------- Post added 24-12-2014 at 16:09 ----------


What a stupid comment - if you want to give about 2 - 3 feet of wobble room to a cyclist and the road is wide enough then of course it makes a difference whether you are 3 feet across the line or zero feet. It is very simple maths.


Ron doesn't drive dangerously - if you actually reads his posts you will see he is making allowance for less confident or competent drivers.


So you overtake incorrectly, and dangerously close to cyclists. Good to know.

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OP, you've been told enough times by motorists, cyclists and those of us who are both (which is probably most cyclists), that your behaviour is dangerous, idiotic and puts cycling advocacy back a step.


Now the police are telling you.


So don't expect sympathy when you come crying on here

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What a stupid comment - if you want to give about 2 - 3 feet of wobble room to a cyclist and the road is wide enough then of course it makes a difference whether you are 3 feet across the line or zero feet. It is very simple maths.


Ron doesn't drive dangerously - if you actually reads his posts you will see he is making allowance for less confident or competent drivers.


Your simple maths fails to account for a cyclist riding alone may be in a primary position. A cyclist riding on the outside of another may be in the same position, with a riding partner in the secondary position, closer to the kerb than a solo rider might normally choose to position themself for safety, visibility and close-pass protection

Edited by Squiggs
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Errrrrr, are you really this stupid?


If there wasn't any traffic then why would it be dangerous?


Pedestrians may be on a pelican crossing??????

Dear God - in your own words....... 'are you really this stupid'?

A red light means STOP - whether you are on 4 wheels or 2

Well done SYP for stopping the OP who clearly thinks he is above the law.:clap:

Edited by esme
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