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Increased Police Vigilance


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What about the pedestrian who watches the traffic lights to cross a road safely. They wouldn't expect a cyclist to jump the lights and possibly run them over!


No one here is talking about cyclists running pedestrian crossing lights. That's out of order, as the danger to a pedestrian being hit by a fast moving cyclist is akin to the danger of a cyclist being hit by a car.


The red lights being discussed here are the ones well away from pedestrian crossings, that hold back large packs of, often impatient/annoyed, motorists, who can present a real danger to any cyclists as they all set off together when the lights change.


So much so, that some experienced cyclists, if it's obvious that the way ahead is clear (as it often is), will, if they feel under threat, go through the red, so they are well out of the way of the accelerating pack of frustrated/aggressive motorists as the lights change.

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We clearly disagree entirely with you.


If you want to go through life disregarding perfectly coherent and logical reasons why many experienced cyclists go through reds for the sake of their own safety, and, believe, instead, that it's always about convenience/laziness, then so be it.


But you're wrong buddy.


As you'd quickly come to realise if you actually tried to engage with the arguments, rather than just insisting that all such cyclists are deluded/lying.




No. Angry drivers are angry purely because cyclists are allowed on the roads and they see the roads as being for cars only.


They get angry if a cyclist is riding down the middle of a tight lane (due to the cyclist wanting to avoid being maimed/killed when another car driver parked up at the side randomly opens their door), completely oblivious to the fact that the lane is narrow due to the 2 solid lines of parked cars at either side.


They get angry cos they pay 2/3/4 £K a year in tax, MOT, fuel, parking fines to finance their speed machines and deeply resent being passed during rush hours by bicycles, while they are trapped in the slow moving mush of cars on a road system that is way past broken (and broken soley due to the absurd numbers of cars on it).


If cyclists dont feel safe on the road then i suggest they stay off it and catch the bus instead , rather than using the roads then whinging about motorists making them feel unsafe .

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If cyclists dont feel safe on the road then i suggest they stay off it and catch the bus instead , rather than using the roads then whinging about motorists making them feel unsafe .


Suggestion noted and duly dismissed, as cyclists have every right to be on the roads- arguably, more so than motorists.

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Flaming hell, it's Xmas day. Even in WWII the troops had a day off and mingled with enemy


That was WW1 actually.


---------- Post added 25-12-2014 at 20:29 ----------


Suggestion noted and duly dismissed, as cyclists have every right to be on the roads- arguably, more so than motorists.


How so ? .

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Even if the light WONT CHANGE you should still wait????. I wouldn't like to be behind you in a contraflow!!!.



The traffic lights at the junction of Neepsend lane and Rutland road were stuck on red for a few days the other week so I carefully went through them. It was 4:30 am so not too bad.

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