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Tap and Tankard, Cambridge St (former Sportsman pub)


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Ooh. Didn`t know that about BrewDog Sheffield. When I`ve been in during the day, it`s not busy but then where is? I think it`s a great addition to the city.

Yeah, Ruttie is expensive and does have a much wider range of ales than the other two but they usually have something suppable, usually Blue Bee.

I love Shakey`s. I`m not bothered about it being a bit of a dump. It`s welcoming and offers a real range at excellent prices. :)

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I can't completely agree with this pricing argument. The Rutty aren't at all cheap for good beer. They were selling most of the Siren beers for the same kind of price as most other bars (I remember the Tickle Monster being over a fiver a half) and the same has gone for some of their other more interesting beers of late. I have never see the Three Tuns do anything like the range of beer that the Rutty do - same with Closed Shop - but I must admit to not being a regular at either so if that has changed then great. I was thinking of taking a wander round Crookes / Broomhill at the weekend so...


The Rutty aren't cheap, but compared to Brewdog...! The Blue Bee beers are not excessively priced and these days are much improved - that was kind of my point, I'd take one of the BB IPAs over punk now regardless of price as they're better beers. Punk isn't 'worth' £4.50 on any level. Three Tuns ditto, not got the range but for 'drinking' beer as opposed to 'sipping'/'one off' beer it has better beers than Brewdog for two thirds of the price.


I do acknowledge that the Shakey is considerably cheaper but, lets face it, the place is a dump. I'd happily pay extra for some beer there if it was just smartened up a bit. I'll pop in for the odd beer when I'm around Kelham (which isn't very often) but it's not somewhere I can get comfortable for a full session.


and that's where we differ! I like it as it is anyway, but I certainly don't subscribe to the concept of paying more for what someone else determines to be nicer surroundings. I'm definitely a pub person not a bar person in that respect. As the late Reluctant Scooper put it, atmosphere ain't painted on the walls, it's about who you're drinking with (and I include the staff as well as the customers in that!)


As for Brewdog's opening hours... well it is January. Lot's of places acknowledge the drop off in trade and adjust accordingly. This is why we should mount an anti-'Dry-anuary' campaign - the poor pubs lose enough as it is. I suggest 'Try-anuary' where we all commit to trying something different!.


I've been doing 'Tryanuary' about 216 months and counting ;)

Edited by SteelCityAle
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The Rutty aren't cheap, but compared to Brewdog...! The Blue Bee beers are not excessively priced and these days are much improved - that was kind of my point, I'd take one of the BB IPAs over punk now regardless of price as they're better beers. Punk isn't 'worth' £4.50 on any level. Three Tuns ditto, not got the range but for 'drinking' beer as opposed to 'sipping'/'one off' beer it has better beers than Brewdog for two thirds of the price.




and that's where we differ! I like it as it is anyway, but I certainly don't subscribe to the concept of paying more for what someone else determines to be nicer surroundings. I'm definitely a pub person not a bar person in that respect.




I've been doing 'Tryanuary' about 216 months and counting ;)


I get what you are saying about the Rutty, but as much as I agree that BB have improved I don't think they can compare to Brewdog. Maybe to Punk yes, but then I don't drink Punk in Brewdog as I can get it cheaper in 'Spoons if I have to. What my point was is that with like for like kegs I would argue that the Rutty are up there with Brewdog and the Tap for cost. And I don't mind that. I'm a big fan of anywhere that offers them and I think Sheffield could do with more venues that do.


In terms of the Shakespeare, whether it's a 'pub' or a 'bar' is not my point. I can equally enjoy drinking in either. What I don't enjoy is sticking to the tables (or barrels), watching damp creep along the walls or ceiling and sitting on uncomfortable furniture all evening. It used to be fashionable at one point for craft bars to have cramped conditions and wooden stools the size of an A4 sheet of paper to balance on (my derrier requires A3 at least!). A reason I could never understand as it hardly encourages people to stay for an extended session. But most seem to getting that now. I just thing it wouldn't take much to bring the Shakey up to the standard of the rest of Kelham Island (which isn't that high but at least comfortable). And the rest of my drinking buds are the same, hence the reason we rarely go.


As for 'Try-anuary', before Christmas I acheived the 'Elite' badge on Untapped, which shows I have drank 2500 different beers since I joined it. That averages out at 1000 (different, remember) beers per year. Do you think I have a problem? :$

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As for 'Try-anuary', before Christmas I acheived the 'Elite' badge on Untapped, which shows I have drank 2500 different beers since I joined it. That averages out at 1000 (different, remember) beers per year. Do you think I have a problem? :$


yeah - the problem is you're not trying ;)


been keeping my own records since I started drinking (long before Untappd invented!), last year I had 1,984 UK beers (of which 600+ were in the Shakey - that's why I like it!)

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yeah - the problem is you're not trying ;)


been keeping my own records since I started drinking (long before Untappd invented!), last year I had 1,984 UK beers (of which 600+ were in the Shakey - that's why I like it!)


You had almost 2 THOUSAND UK beers? In a YEAR? Bleeding Nora I am so not worthy! I wouldn't have thought there were 2000 UK beers worth having if I'm honest. Last night's little soujourn included such 'delights' as Nottingham Brewery and Atomic. It comes to something when you have to fall back on Abbeydale Deception for quality. Don't get me wrong I LIKE Abbeydale Deception... but I like trying new stuff more. But I came to the conclusion I just daren't try any more of the others on offer. Yes... THAT bad!


On the subject of pub loyalty though, my mate from Barnsley is fast approaching his 1000th beer in the Old No.7 since he started logging his beers on Untappd 2 years ago. We are thinking of throwing him a party. All invited. ;)

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You had almost 2 THOUSAND UK beers? In a YEAR? Bleeding Nora I am so not worthy! I wouldn't have thought there were 2000 UK beers worth having if I'm honest. Last night's little soujourn included such 'delights' as Nottingham Brewery and Atomic. It comes to something when you have to fall back on Abbeydale Deception for quality. Don't get me wrong I LIKE Abbeydale Deception... but I like trying new stuff more. But I came to the conclusion I just daren't try any more of the others on offer. Yes... THAT bad!


On the subject of pub loyalty though, my mate from Barnsley is fast approaching his 1000th beer in the Old No.7 since he started logging his beers on Untappd 2 years ago. We are thinking of throwing him a party. All invited. ;)


some of the 2000 probably weren't really worth having - but there's only one way to find out!! Could have had more but there's plenty of breweries I just don't bother with.


A good half of them though will have been the likes of Hopcraft, Steel City (obviously!), Weird Beard, Kernel, Siren, Buxton, Mallinsons, etc...


1000 in No 7 is impressive - I've only had about that in the Shakey in that time, and they specialise in new beers!

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some of the 2000 probably weren't really worth having - but there's only one way to find out!! Could have had more but there's plenty of breweries I just don't bother with.


A good half of them though will have been the likes of Hopcraft, Steel City (obviously!), Weird Beard, Kernel, Siren, Buxton, Mallinsons, etc...


1000 in No 7 is impressive - I've only had about that in the Shakey in that time, and they specialise in new beers!


1000 in the No7 is more than impressive since the owner decided to limit his cost per firkin and they have had such 'quality' as North Riding Brewpub and similar. These days I have to have a couple in 'Spoons before I go in as I know the choice of stuff I want to drink in there will be limited. That said their bottle range is usually very good and very cheap (£3.80 for Raging B***h for example) so there is still reason to go.


I rate almost all the breweries you mention other than Mallinsons. For some reason I have never got along with their beers. There are a lot better coming out of Huddersfield.


---------- Post added 08-01-2015 at 11:38 ----------


Funnily enough, I`m not too keen on the Ruttie interior. Very studenty imo. Don`t like all the `humourous` chalkboards `n` that.


I like the Ruttie... It's quirky. Not as quirky as it once was, admittedly, but it has good beer and is a comfortable place to drink it. Again I wouldn't argue against it needing a refresh, but at least I don't come out feeling like a need a bath!

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Back to topic tho - Good to see the T&T trying something other than the local stuff Kelham are famed for in their pubs. I do like a bit of Bad Seed and Denzel's Shankar is always worth a pop. Tho you can often see it in the Harlequin.


About half the cask ales are Kelham Island, the rest are local guest beers. On Saturday it was Skye Edge Stout, Bradfield Belgian Blue, Great Heck Shankar IPA and a raspberry beer from Raw. So decent but local guest beers.


---------- Post added 08-01-2015 at 12:08 ----------


Funnily enough, I`m not too keen on the Ruttie interior. Very studenty imo. Don`t like all the `humorous` chalkboards `n` that.


And I quite like the Ruttie interior. It's certainly a nicer place to drink key-keg beers then Brewdog or Dada.

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About half the cask ales are Kelham Island, the rest are local guest beers. On Saturday it was Skye Edge Stout, Bradfield Belgian Blue, Great Heck Shankar IPA and a raspberry beer from Raw. So decent but local guest beers.


---------- Post added 08-01-2015 at 12:08 ----------



And I quite like the Ruttie interior. It's certainly a nicer place to drink key-keg beers then Brewdog or Dada.


Yeah that's more like the range I'd expect to see. Was surprised by the Bad Seed entry in the previous post.


I actually quite like Brewdog and Dada too. Another example of the 'OK for one but too uncomfortable to stay' ethic originally (well, older Brewdog bars were) but seemed to learn their lesson and at least put in some furniture! My only issue with Dada is how quiet it gets at times. You get the feeling you have just walked in on someone's private party. I swear once someone actually changed a baby on the floor in the middle of the room there. But I'll make no further comment on that before it opens a whole new can of worms!

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