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Are you really cut out for it?


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Do you want to take up a sport, a martial art, a style of dance or anything remotely related??


Are you concerned about making the right choice?


.......Is there too much choice for you?


Imagine your body is a machine and your mind is the computer that runs it.


Enter the word 'Poi' - pronounced like 'toy'


Think of the art of Poi as a programme that will prepare your machine for any conceivable shape you wish to make in the future...whether it be a tennis shape, a cricket shape, a golf shape, a kungfu shape.....even a ballet shape.


No matter what your persuit in life, learning the basics of Poi will pave the way for all the shapes you could ever wish to make. Through rhythmic, controlled movements that are challenging and fun to learn you will teach yourelf to literally see the world in a more thorough, objective way.


You will start to actively, consciously use BOTH sides of your brain at the same time.


You find out what 'visual fitness' is.


You will improve you posture and overall composure.


Your confidence levels will soar.


You will find out how to get to know yourself in a way no other club in this country can offer....



Guaranteed :-)



WHO - Anyone. (For all kinds of reasons...adults must be accompanied by juniors) ... :-)


WHERE - The Highfield Church (hall)..London Road..just past the fork with Abbydale Road.


WHEN - 7-9pm (you are not commited to staying the whole two hours..whichever way you want to work it)


HOW MUCH - Free. This is a privately funded project. Donations towards the lights are always welcome :-)


WEAR - Anything you can comfortably make lots of shapes in..but nothing too baggy...kungfu type slippers if you have them...or soft, supple trainers.


BRING - A pair of white socks (roughly fingertip to elbow in length, preferably)..and a pair of tennis balls. (All will be revealed...promise)




Tea, biscuits and juice in the house...feel free to bring anything along. Toilet and less abled facilities..all on the gound floor.


Think of this as a gathering as opposed to a lesson. The structure of the session can and will evolve on a regular basis but the essence is always there. Those seeking regimented, disciplined practice will find it...while those seeking a laugh..will also find it :-)



See you there...



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