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Does god get fed up of having to forgive sex offenders and murderers ?

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as i explained that what we had been taught at school a very long time ago and there possibly isn't even relevant, I do however remember talking about prehistoric man on Carl walk in Derbyshire and even on the walls we had pictures of them together , beyond that i have never really be interested in that side of learning .I also said it was wrong , but it doesn't change the fact that i don't believe i fairies I believe in Jesus Christ as the son of god , i believe that if you ask him in to your life he will , as promised take to be with him when i depart this world. I have known God in my life since a young age , not my parents faith but that of my own , as a child and now as adult .


---------- Post added 05-01-2015 at 10:13 ----------



no church has perfect teaching , no church has perfect people in them !!


---------- Post added 05-01-2015 at 10:14 ----------



290 of this thread


Believing in deities is the same as believing in fairies or the Easter Bunny or Father Christmas. you come on here and admit you are wrong about one thing, maybe you should question whether you are wrong about others. How long ago were you at school by the way. I left in 1966 and nobody ever told me that man and dinosaurs inhabited the earth at the same time.

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Believing in deities is the same as believing in fairies or the Easter Bunny or Father Christmas. you come on here and admit you are wrong about one thing, maybe you should question whether you are wrong about others. How long ago were you at school by the way. I left in 1966 and nobody ever told me that man and dinosaurs inhabited the earth at the same time.
Maybe you should be questioning your attitude.


Would you speak to someone face to face in the same manner, someone that expressed having a religious faith in your presence, or do you reserve that kind of response only for those who you enjoy mocking on the internet?

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Maybe you should be questioning your attitude.


Would you speak to someone face to face in the same manner, someone that expressed having a religious faith in your presence, or do you reserve that kind of response only for those who you enjoy mocking on the internet?


Maybe i have gone a bit OTT but the nature of this thread means that everybody has to some extent. I was merely trying to point out that the claim that dinosaurs lived at the same time as man was incorrect and had been posted without any basis in fact Also i cannot see any significant difference between believing in fairies or any other mythical being - the belief will be just as real to the believer but has no basis in fact

Edited by denlin
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Maybe you should be questioning your attitude.


Would you speak to someone face to face in the same manner, someone that expressed having a religious faith in your presence, or do you reserve that kind of response only for those who you enjoy mocking on the internet?




I found her attitude fine. Would you please like to explain why what she said was wrong and needed censure please?

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Maybe you should be questioning your attitude.


Would you speak to someone face to face in the same manner, someone that expressed having a religious faith in your presence, or do you reserve that kind of response only for those who you enjoy mocking on the internet?


Why question something that is true? perhaps if they looked at the proof already available they wouldn't be mocked as much.Still not one shred of evidence for any gods yet,only in the heads of the deluded.

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Maybe you should be questioning your attitude.


Would you speak to someone face to face in the same manner, someone that expressed having a religious faith in your presence, or do you reserve that kind of response only for those who you enjoy mocking on the internet?


I did not see anything wrong with denlin's attitude, denlin simply made a logical observation, what is the difference between believing in God and Fairies?

One thing that I always find surprising is that when someone with a belief in God says "God told me to do it", other people that believe in God are more than happy to disbelieve them.

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I did not see anything wrong with denlin's attitude, denlin simply made a logical observation, what is the difference between believing in God and Fairies?

One thing that I always find surprising is that when someone with a belief in God says "God told me to do it", other people that believe in God are more than happy to disbelieve them.


you cannot have a relationship with the others as they don't exist


---------- Post added 05-01-2015 at 19:33 ----------


I'm sure you mean well but the church has to be funded and it would be prudent to check how open and accessible the accounts actually are!


Responsibility & Accountability (Mission Statement):


We believe in mutual responsibility and accountability. We believe that every person must be responsible for their actions in every respect and that no one should accept any responsibility if they do not wish to be accountable for it.


well yes the church is funded but we don't pay our pastors and money is given to good causes , the group i work for in Zimbabwe has befitted from their gifting directly


and when you give money in church nobody is made to give money , for example I haven't earn t one penny for 8 weeks now and no pressure to give out of what i haven't got has ever been suggested !! 5 of those weeks i was in Zimbabwe and got the flu on my return and have been unwell !!

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Maybe you should be questioning your attitude.


Would you speak to someone face to face in the same manner, someone that expressed having a religious faith in your presence, or do you reserve that kind of response only for those who you enjoy mocking on the internet?


It's purely reserved for the internet. Behind a computer screen everyone suddenly develops a backbone. Truth is, they wouldn't mock a persons religion to their face like it is done here. I would like to think they are too civilalised to mock a person to their face over a long established belief system. People seem to think they have anonymity when it comes to the internet.


And even if a person were to reply and say :


"I'd have no problem telling a person that their belief in fairies etc is nonsense" We all know that this would be aimed at the mild-mannered, stereotypical Christian that would not defend themselves. :roll:


I would like to hear half of the responses posted in this thread actually verbalised to a more militant-form of religion (Militant Christianity, Islamic, Judaism whichever) and see if they are so aggressive in their stance then...



And yet the premise of God is yet to be disproven. It really is a pointless debate because neither side can prove their claim. Instead, the whole thread turns into a mere school-yard tit-for-tat argument. With each side scoring points off the other for successfully arguing a minor point that didn't form the basis of the original argument.


To nearly quote a former bus campaign (yes I know the irony, hence the reason why I'm using it)


"People believe in god, get over it"

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