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Does god get fed up of having to forgive sex offenders and murderers ?

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Jesus was perfection on Earth?


So why did he condone slavery, for example?


No. Jesus Christ never approved of it. He wanted all people to love and take care of one another. He was a great example. He never owned a single person, and treated all people the same.


Did you know during the last supper, He washed the feet of his disciples to show how he saw them as His brothers

Matthew 10:24, It says A student is not better than his teacher, and servant is not better than his master. A student should be satisfied to become like his teacher; a servant should be satisfied to become like his master.

Basically this is about leadership. Trust your leader to do right by you, because that is what they were suppose to do.

Mattew 24:45 -46 Who is the wise and loyal servant that the master trusts to give the other servants their food at the right time? When the master comes and finds the servant doing his work, the servant will be blessed. I tell you the truth, the master will choose that servant to take care of everything he owns.

This is about when will Jesus come again. The master is Jesus, and the servant is us. We are to take care of one another, and when the time comes, and Jesus Christ return. Those who did take of others, will be blessed. We don't know when He will come back, He will come back without notice to see if His houshold has been taken care of by the people who are in Charge.


The Bible is filled with parables.


Your question was about Jesus Christ. He never owned, tradered, sold, or approved of slavery. That was one of the reasons why the priests in charged at that time did not like him. They were the one with the money, the slave, the servants, and the good life, and Jesus didn't the way the ran the temple.


Would you read you quotes again, but now read them without preconceived judgment. Please. let us take one at time.

Timothy 6: 1-5: Don't feed into what those who don't believe as you, for their intention is not to learn, but to argue, slander, insult your beliefs.


Ephesians 6: 5-6 Be good all the time, not only when you think someone is watching.


Titus 2: 9-10 Respect your leaders, and ye shall be rewarded


1Peter 2: 18-29 Respect your authority. It is another way of saying if someone hits you on the right cheek give the left. To forgive and love mercy. If they wrong you they will pay for their wrong deed, and you will be blessed for your faith.


Look at Jesus's life. He feed the poor, and cured the sick, and brought people to life. Don't judge Him by those who believe in HIm. So many of us are unjustice, unkind, unloving, but that was not Jesus Christ.

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Matthew 5:17


"Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish them but to fulfill them."


Throughout life there will always be Master and Slave. I'm a slave when I go to work every morning. Jesus isn't saying here that the Old Law is now abolished but is agreeing that laws are required. However, he is saying that if you are right with God then you don't have to worry about living according to the law.


If I was to threaten you with violence in order to obtain your money, would you be giving it to me because you have free will or because you are being threatened.


You've used that argument that before. For me personally, I have not come to God because of a long-hanging threat of spending eternity in hell. I have a relationship with a God that loves the world. Therefore, it is my free will to have a relationship with him.


Because there's no such thing as God?[/Quote]


In your opinion...

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If I was to threaten you with violence in order to obtain your money, would you be giving it to me because you have free will or because you are being threatened.

Threatening people with violence if they do not act in a particular way is the removal of free will.


Have you never said to your son or daughter , if you do this , this will happen as a result of what you do ? Many times I had to say to my boys if you run ahead you will fall over and hurt yourself , God loves us enough to warn us of what will be if we do the actions which take us away from God

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Matthew 5:17


Think not that I am come to destroy the law, or

the prophets: I am not come to destroy, but to fulfil.


Seems pretty clear to me. Carry on as before.


---------- Post added 05-01-2015 at 21:01 ----------


"Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish them but to fulfill them."


Throughout life there will always be Master and Slave. I'm a slave when I go to work every morning. Jesus isn't saying here that the Old Law is now abolished but is agreeing that laws are required. However, he is saying that if you are right with God then you don't have to worry about living according to the law.




You've used that argument that before. For me personally, I have not come to God because of a long-hanging threat of spending eternity in hell. I have a relationship with a God that loves the world. Therefore, it is my free will to have a relationship with him.




In your opinion...


So would it be okay for me to own you as property?

Edited by SnailyBoy
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Have you never said to your son or daughter , if you do this , this will happen as a result of what you do ? Many times I had to say to my boys if you run ahead you will fall over and hurt yourself , God loves us enough to warn us of what will be if we do the actions which take us away from God


So you warning your children of a consequence of their running away is in effect you acting as God letting them know they will fall over. What if they ignore you, run off but don't fall over. I am 63 and nothing dire has happened to me that is not a natural comsequence of life. I have been a non- believer for 50 years

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That is perfectly true, but the OP doesn't say which god but I assumed it's the one from the Old Testament.


It appears teeny represents (on here) the evangelical side of the church which by its nature professes to spread the biblical message, and that message tends to lean to a literal interpretation of the Bible which provokes the vigorous criticism; I'm sure its not aimed at teeny personally.


No, I know it's not aimed at Teeney personally but when people state that their belief in "Fairies, Easter Bunny, Santa Claus" deserves to be mocked, thus implying that it is OK to mock on this basis, is this fair?


All I'm pointing out is that this behaviour would not be tolerated away from a computer screen and would certainly not be tolerated by any other religion.


So would it be okay for me to own you as property?


I'm not sure where you are coming from with that? Please explain because the passage of Matthew doesn't seem to relate to the point you are trying to make here.

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So you warning your children of a consequence of their running away is in effect you acting as God letting them know they will fall over. What if they ignore you, run off but don't fall over


No but that's what God is doing with us because he loves us

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No but that's what God is doing with us because he loves us


Yeah, he loves us like the worst psycho ex-boyfriend of all time!


Exodus 20:5

You shall not bow down to them or worship [other gods]; for I, the LORD your God, am a jealous God, punishing the children for the sin of the parents to the third and fourth generation of those who hate me.


He loves us soooo much that he'll punish our great grandchildren if we offend him!

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No but that's what God is doing with us because he loves us


I ask again what if they run off after you have told them the consequence of running off is that they will fall over but they defy you and run off anyway but they don't fall over. Is that not you telling your child that what you have told them is not in fact correct

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