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Does god get fed up of having to forgive sex offenders and murderers ?

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Yes he does !


Would you tell that to the parents of the victim?


---------- Post added 05-01-2015 at 21:31 ----------


Doesn't like non-believers though.


That's the worst thing ever.


:hihi::hihi::hihi::hihi::hihi: Oh dear I'll try and live with that

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According to the mythology then, Adam was 'perfect', like Jesus, before being tempted by the devil. Adam also had no knowledge of evil. If something is perfect in everyway, how can it become imperfect. For it to do so, it suggests there is flaw in its design. God, giving Adam free-will, was the flaw. Your God messed up and blames his creation for his mess.


Jesus dying for the "sins" of others is essentially scapegoating - or allowing someone else to be punished for your wrong doings, and saying thank you after. It's an avoidance of responsibility, isn't it: Let someone else take the punishment so you don't have to. IMO, it would be morally wrong to allow someone else to pay for your wrong doings. Likewise, it would be wrong to accept that payment.



SnailyBoy mentioned Slavery. And he's correct, Jesus did accept slavery, even comparing God to a slave master who beats his disobedient slaves with many stripes(Luke 12:47). The Bible is structured around the concept of Lord/Master & Servant/Slave. Lords/Masters punish their servants/slaves for not being "perfect" servants/slaves.


God is perfect. The whole idea of God is that he is a perfect, higher entity. Otherwise, he wouldn't be God.


And whilst the Athiest view of Jesus crucifixion is a scape-goating exercise, Christian's view it as the utlimate acknowledgement of love for his creation.

But you aren't expected to have that view since you don't have faith.

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God is perfect. The whole idea of God is that he is a perfect, higher entity. Otherwise, he wouldn't be God.


And whilst the Athiest view of Jesus crucifixion is a scape-goating exercise, Christian's view it as the utlimate acknowledgement of love for his creation.

But you aren't expected to have that view since you don't have faith.


There's the Joker folks - game over

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Doesn't like non-believers though.


That's the worst thing ever.


God doesn't like Sin full-stop. There's no levels of sin.


Our hearts of full of sin. Whether I go out and murder someone or think ill of someone, it's sin.


There's the Joker folks - game over


Why? Am I quoting something not true? Are you implying that you have faith?

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God is perfect. The whole idea of God is that he is a perfect, higher entity. Otherwise, he wouldn't be God.


And whilst the Athiest view of Jesus crucifixion is a scape-goating exercise, Christian's view it as the utlimate acknowledgement of love for his creation.

But you aren't expected to have that view since you don't have faith.


We don't view the crucifixion as a scape-goating exercise, we don't believe the fairy story at all

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God doesn't like Sin full-stop. There's no levels of sin.


Our hearts of full of sin. Whether I go out and murder someone or think ill of someone, it's sin.




Why? Am I quoting something not true? Are you implying that you have faith?


Me having faith? nope.


I like to believe as many true things as possible, faith doesn't come into that.

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