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Does god get fed up of having to forgive sex offenders and murderers ?

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Nothing wrong with my morals,no holier than thou attitude here,I do not need to go to a building on sundays to compare clothes and sing silly songs to some imaginary being.The good news is that your brand of religion is dying out and chuches are closing due to dwindling members,queen or songs of praise will not make any difference.By the way the beeb is legally bound to have religion on,hence songs of praise.

Edited by lottiecass
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Nothing wrong with my morals,no holier than thou attitude hear,I do not need to go to a building on sundays to compare clothes and sing silly songs to some imaginary being.The good news is that your brand of religion is dying out and chuches are closing due to dwindling members,queen or songs of praise will not make any difference.By the way the beeb is legally bound to have religion on,hence songs of praise.


AGAIN, no christian has a holier than thou attitude. Christian's are sinners. Everyone is a sinner. We're all on a level playing field.


Neither to Christians to be honest. God doesn't say that I need to attend church every Sunday at 9.00 and 6.00 or I'm not getting into heaven.


As I said, whilst the physical presence of church is going, it will always be around. Be it all gathered in 1 church like St Paul's or a church in the next village. Your wish for Christianity to disappear will not occur in yours or my lifetime.


God Bless

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AGAIN, no christian has a holier than thou attitude. Christian's are sinners. Everyone is a sinner. We're all on a level playing field.


Neither to Christians to be honest. God doesn't say that I need to attend church every Sunday at 9.00 and 6.00 or I'm not getting into heaven.


As I said, whilst the physical presence of church is going, it will always be around. Be it all gathered in 1 church like St Paul's or a church in the next village. Your wish for Christianity to disappear will not occur in yours or my lifetime.


God Bless

It will be gone though and the sooner the better,the faithful are dying out rapidly and if it wasn't for the Africans here the figures would look even bleaker.Surely the all powerful god could do something? or perhaps its because there is no such thing or every human being would be faithful.

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It will be gone though and the sooner the better,the faithful are dying out rapidly and if it wasn't for the Africans here the figures would look even bleaker.Surely the all powerful god could do something? or perhaps its because there is no such thing or every human being would be faithful.


The African's here? :huh::hihi:


Nothing like racial stereotyping is there? :roll:


My powerful God will do something thanks. Pick up the bible and you'll find out.

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The reason you can't understand it is because you aren't willing to listen.


Read back through my posts and you will see (several times) that I am saying we are ALL as bad as each other. The world is sinful. I believe in God, yet I am a sinner, you choose not to believe in God, you are a sinner.


No-one is taking the moral high ground because there is none.




OK childish analogies aside, God punishes sin because sin is all about 'self'. By rejecting God, you are committing sin and saying that you don't need God. You are basically saying you are your own God thus not needing God the Father.


So it's not a case of "Hanging out with other peoples dads" whatever that meant. Rather turning your back on the person that created you.


I object to this holier than thou statement. Who are you to decide that I am a sinner because I don't have the same view as you. What gives your God the right to decide that? I have never stolen anything, deliberately hurt anybody mentally or physically but in your world I couldn't go to heaven because I am a sinner but if a murder a 3 year old child who clearly hasn't had time to be a sinner and beg forgiveness I'll be allowed in. Your God has double standards

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I object to this holier than thou statement. Who are you to decide that I am a sinner because I don't have the same view as you. What gives your God the right to decide that? I have never stolen anything, deliberately hurt anybody mentally or physically but in your world I couldn't go to heaven because I am a sinner but if a murder a 3 year old child who clearly hasn't had time to be a sinner and beg forgiveness I'll be allowed in. Your God has double standards


we are all sinners are you totally perfect ? do you ever argue with family or friends ? God actually has one standard and we all come short of that , because we aren't perfect .


---------- Post added 06-01-2015 at 08:46 ----------


How can you know that you are right? they are just as likely to be on the right track ,then you will be in the same boat as me.


Because the Bible tells us so and living by faith means believing without evidence but we do have the bible as a guide to help us along the way


---------- Post added 06-01-2015 at 08:49 ----------


So its worship me or be tormented for eternity,well my free will tells me your god is a bully and I do not take to bullies very well.


God is no Bully he's there guiding us to safety he is being the good Shepard,

There are many names for God Jehovah-Raah the lord is my Shepard psalm 23

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we are all sinners are you totally perfect ? do you ever argue with family or friends ? God actually has one standard and we all come short of that , because we aren't perfect .


---------- Post added 06-01-2015 at 08:46 ----------



Because the Bible tells us so and living by faith means believing without evidence but we do have the bible as a guide to help us along the way


Why would you want to believe something without evidence?

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we are all sinners are you totally perfect ? do you ever argue with family or friends ? God actually has one standard and we all come short of that , because we aren't perfect .


According to God it is ok to rape and beat women but not ok to like my neighbours Ox. Your God is vile, callous and murderous. I am genuinely amazed when people profess their love for him and can only assume that most of them have never read the Bible.


God can keep his standards.

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Oh wow, you think God can heal people with the power of prayer!


I've always wanted to ask a question to someone who believes that, and that is this:


How come God never chooses to heal amputees? Seeing as they're miracles and all that why should it be limited only to things that sometimes heal on their own?


I tell you, that would really shake my atheism, seeing someone grow an arm back through the power of prayer!


Many years ago there was a healing of a young teacher here in Sheffield she had a leg longer than the other , and was due to have an operation to lengthen the shorter leg , we ll she was prayed for , her leg became very warm and grew , so when she went to hospital they measured for the operation , her legs and they were both the same size yet before that there was a difference , there are miracles like this happening and can be verified but its down to you being open my own mother had a lump in her leg which came and went now in the end of her life that lump came back and was diagnosed but in the time between the lump appearing and going she had time to make provision for her last days ! which she did peacefully.


---------- Post added 06-01-2015 at 08:57 ----------


Why would you want to believe something without evidence?


trust is a major part in that relationship of faith we trust God to honour his promises and we know he will because he tells us so and has never shown himself to be any different to us


---------- Post added 06-01-2015 at 08:58 ----------


According to God it is ok to rape and beat women but not ok to like my neighbours Ox. Your God is vile, callous and murderous. I am genuinely amazed when people profess their love for him and can only assume that most of them have never read the Bible.


God can keep his standards.


No God isnt saying that at all you are not seeing it in the right context.

Edited by teeny
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Many years ago there was a healing of a young teacher here in Sheffield she had a leg longer than the other , and was due to have an operation to lengthen the shorter leg , we ll she was prayed for , her leg became very warm and grew , so when she went to hospital they measures her legs and they were both the same size , there are miracles like this happening and can be verified but its down to you being open..


OMW! Please tell me you are really a troll. Teeny, the leg thing is one of biggest scams going amongst faith-healers.


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