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Does god get fed up of having to forgive sex offenders and murderers ?

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[quote=Mr Fisk;


1)If God does not exist then objective moral values do not exist

2) Objective moral values do exist

3) Therefore God exists


If the atheist thinks that God did something morally wrong in commanding this 'genocide', he/she affirms premise (2)


For the atheist’s premise to make objective sense (i.e. the problem of evil), God’s existence is necessary.


From an atheists point of view


1. God does not exist

2. Moral values do exist and are based on genes and teachings from schools and parents and have evolved naturally

3. therefore God does not exist and no existence is necessary

Edited by denlin
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The study seems to point towards the direction that belief in some intelligent force/God may be more apparent in us than first though- that is how I understood it RB.

Ambiguous enough wording?

From everything I've read about it, the study suggests merely that a child's mind seeks explanations for things in a way that can make sense (to an infantile mind). At an age where we readily believe in such myths as Santa, Tooth Fairy etc, we are just as susceptible to belief in a magical, unseen 'creator' force.

That said, the study is hugely flawed anyway (largely based on analytic evidence gained from studying children who were already at an age where their minds had been influenced by external sources). All in all I think the (almost) £2million could have been better spent.


Lets face it, belief in God has been around a LONG LONG time, it is also cross cultural and I also sometimes wonder why those who oppose God tend to be the ones who start thread on the very subject..is it a case of 'we just cannot get rid of God??
A more accurate statement would be...


"Belief in the Christian God has been around a long time, other gods were around before that, atheism (absence of belief in gods) has been around even longer. Belief in gods is cross cultural, as is absence of belief".


As for getting rid of God, he/she/it has never been anything that was in my life so for me there's nothing to get rid of.


To be honest I didn't link the original article (which can be found from The Telegraph)- having checked that quote again, the word 'think' does appear and when I quoted the words from another source- it wasn't there- so I appreciate the proper text being asserted.


Though I do believe this study does throws many questions out there- and instinctively we do tend to have this 'shadow' of is there a intelligent powerful force out there.

Could you give an example of such questions?

Funnily, this very thread kind of poses the question - where a few have questioned God as committing 'genocide'- it does in fact affirm the premise (2) from the moral argument:


1)If God does not exist then objective moral values do not exist

2) Objective moral values do exist

3) Therefore God exists


If the atheist thinks that God did something morally wrong in commanding this 'genocide', he/she affirms premise (2)


For the atheist’s premise to make objective sense (i.e. the problem of evil), God’s existence is necessary.

You seem to have a very mistaken grasp on how logic works. The part of your post above makes no sense.
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