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Does god get fed up of having to forgive sex offenders and murderers ?

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We believe that the Scriptures, both Old and New Testaments, are the inspired Word of God without error in the original writings, the complete revelation of His will for the salvation of men and the divine and final authority for all Christian faith and life. We believe that the Bible is the true infallible Word of God, which cleanses our souls.

Without error?

Then please explain how God can imprison Satan for eternity but release him after only a thousand years, how can your God have unlimited mercy yet cast people into hell?


These are just two of the many inconsistencies within the bible.


---------- Post added 02-01-2015 at 20:26 ----------



Crikey, they look like two plastic mannequins (complete with perma-smiles) trying to promote some poor jujitsu technique!


(What on earth are they actually doing? They look somewhat uncomfortable about it all)

Edited by RootsBooster
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well i am not sure we know the origin of how ebola has been made or created , In africa they themselves are asking is it germ warfare or a natural form bacteria and at the moment i would say that not enough is known about that oh and just for the record I have only been back just over 3 weeks now myself and it is a topic of discussion ! as people are questioning where it came from and there are again seemingly different strains of ebola virus


You are getting too hung up on today's diseases caused by other organisms, what about the diseases of the past that were caused by other living organisms, they could definitely not have been created by humans. Black Death, Leprosy, Smallpox, Spanish Flu, Malaria, AIDS, Cholera, Typhus. Together they have killed millions of humans and caused untold suffering, if God created everything then he definitely created these and thousands of other nasty ways for humans to die.

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Without error?

Then please explain how God can imprison Satan for eternity but release him after only a thousand years, how can your God have unlimited mercy yet cast people into hell?


These are just two of the many inconsistencies within the bible.


---------- Post added 02-01-2015 at 20:26 ----------



Crikey, they look like two plastic mannequins (complete with perma-smiles) trying to promote some poor jujitsu technique!


(What on earth are they actually doing? They look somewhat uncomfortable about it all)


Pastor Mumba is a lovely man not perfect just like me but he's keen to show the real God to people

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and heres a much longer version We believe that there is one God, Creator of all things, infinitely perfect, and eternally existing in three Manifestations: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.



If he is infinitely perfect and the Creator of all things, why did he create thousands of organisms that are responsible for human suffering and death on an enormous scale, millions of people have died an unimaginable death at the hands of his other creations.


---------- Post added 02-01-2015 at 20:34 ----------


Then why does the majority of cancer occur after a major crisis in someone's life?


The majority of cancers do not occur after a major crisis in someone's life.

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no i cant explain that totally but i can tell you of a beautiful lovely young girl called Tinashe Motsi passed away from leukaemia which in this country our treatment is more successful and detection wouldnt take so long , her parents are Christians they both have no doubts that Tinashe is with God , she passed very suddenly , at her funeral her moma said this child is from me but belonged to God and am trusting God he took her from me because he loved her so much he didn't want her suffering anymore pain on this earth, She has gone to the everlasting where there is no suffering and as a moma i could want no more than for her to know that peace.



The Sixth Day: Creatures on Land

…26Then God said, "Let Us make man in Our image, according to Our likeness; and let them rule over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the sky and over the cattle and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creeps on the earth." 27God created man in His own image, in the image of God He created him; male and female He created them. 28God blessed them; and God said to them, "Be fruitful and multiply, and fill the earth, and subdue it; and rule over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the sky and over every living thing that moves on the earth."


Bunkum - if your God existed he would not let the innocent suffer and evil walk the earth untouched. If man is his own image he needs to have a look in the mirror because from what I see now HE FAILED - that's if you believe the above claptrap

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