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Does god get fed up of having to forgive sex offenders and murderers ?

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I did respond :


God is perfect, therefore him creating man was initially perfect (prior to the downfall of man). Y


You suggest that God is imperfect because of a claimed design-flaw in man. If this were true, God wouldn't be God because of his imperfection.


As mentioned, God is perfect. Therefore, the implied flaw design is incorrect.


So according to you, your God purposely created them with the flaw so they could disobey him(remember when they disobeyed him they also had no knowledge of right or wrong.) It reeks of imperfection.


Also, how would a God, perfect in every way, even be capable of creating something less than itself - or capable of being marred in someway. If it is capable of being marred, it would mean it wasn't perfect in the first place.



Your second point boils down to my original question of why you think sin shouldn't be punished.


If a slave (servant whatever) disobeys their master, they get punished. Much in the same way if i do something out of line at work, I get a warning.


If I choose to sin, I receive the appropriate punishment. Assuming I do not ask for forgiveness. Why should God allow sin to go unpunished?


So you agree then that the Bible condones slavery - and is structured around the concept of master and slave. What I find odd is why, someone who claims to know about their religion, didn't know that Jesus didn't have a problem with slavery. And that you had to ask an atheist to provide the verse.



And yes, I have studied the Quran in part, along with a few other religious texts.

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God loves us so much he has given us such lovely things like cancers,ebola etc and lets babies suffer and die,a real loving god who is all powerful and knowing,yeah of course he is.


Please, please, please stop using the same tired old arguments from 5 pages back.


Whilst disease is rampant throughout the world, it is also a tool used by Satan too.


And how about the all loving, powerful God that actually cures cancer? Like he did with my mum. Or the God that helps people detect cancer before it spreads.


Why does God only have to make an intervention when disease is in the final stages? Can God's intervention not come from other means?


And death is a natural part of life. If we didn't die, then we would essentially already be in Heaven with God.


---------- Post added 05-01-2015 at 22:55 ----------


So you agree then that the Bible condones slavery - and is structured around the concept of master and slave. What I find odd is why, someone who claims to know about their religion, didn't know that Jesus didn't have a problem with slavery. And that you had to ask an atheist to provide the verse.


I claim to know about my religion in moderation. I do not know the bible inside out, nor have I claimed to. I am still learning. Apologies for not coming across as all knowing like the people who actually claim not to believe in it.



Again, apologises for not knowing specifically what passage the original poster was referring to. But the bible is very large and has multiple verses with the same message. I asked an Atheist as to what verse he was specifically referring to, I'm not a mind reader.


Anyway, can't spend all night nit-picking. Afterall, none of us are theologists. I've got work to go to in the morning.


I'm sure you'll all be trying to pick a part the bible tomorrow but still unable to dis-prove the existence of God and yet Christian's will still go about their business as usual.


And yes, I have studied the Quran is part, along with a few other religious texts.


Didn't see that coming....:rolleyes: Interestingly, you don't seem to debate the non-existence of Allah in as much of the same way as Jesus/God. Food for thought


God Bless!

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Please, please, please stop using the same tired old arguments from 5 pages back.


Whilst disease is rampant throughout the world, it is also a tool used by Satan too.


And how about the all loving, powerful God that actually cures cancer? Like he did with my mum. Or the God that helps people detect cancer before it spreads.


Why does God only have to make an intervention when disease is in the final stages? Can God's intervention not come from other means?


And death is a natural part of life. If we didn't die, then we would essentially already be in Heaven with God.


So your answer to every question is goddidit, medical science has provided your mums cure,god and praying never cured anything.

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God loves us so much he has given us such lovely things like cancers,ebola etc and lets babies suffer and die,a real loving god who is all powerful and knowing,yeah of course he is.


I don't believe God gives us cancer, Ebola etc I believe these are the things we brought on ourselves because we live in a fallen world and have sin


---------- Post added 05-01-2015 at 23:07 ----------


So your answer to every question is goddidit, medical science has provided your mums cure,god and praying never cured anything.


Praying is entering into a relationship with God and asking for help , gaining peace in every situation

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So your answer to every question is goddidit, medical science has provided your mums cure,god and praying never cured anything.


Medical science did not encourage my mum to go to the doctor when nothing was seemingly wrong. But because she did, the cancer was caught early and she is now fine. And I praise God for that. He answered my prayers when I sat next to my mum in hospital (petrified that she wasn't going to wake up after going under).


Miracles do happen whether you choose to put that down to divine intervention or chance. Hopefully one day you may not be relying on a miracle.

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I don't believe God gives us cancer, Ebola etc I believe these are the things we brought on ourselves because we live in a fallen world and have sin


OK,so why do babies get these horrible diseases, are they sinners too or is it good old god moving in his mysterious ways?

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Medical science did not encourage my mum to go to the doctor when nothing was seemingly wrong. But because she did, the cancer was caught early and she is now fine. And I praise God for that. He answered my prayers when I sat next to my mum in hospital (petrified that she wasn't going to wake up after going under).


Miracles do happen whether you choose to put that down to divine intervention or chance. Hopefully one day you may not be relying on a miracle.


Wouldn't you be best praising medical science.

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OK,so why do babies get these horrible diseases, are they sinners too or is it good old god moving in his mysterious ways?


Yes because it's in their nature because they are born of man and man is sinful ,

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OK,so why do babies get these horrible diseases, are they sinners too or is it good old god moving in his mysterious ways?


They are born into a sinful world.


Personally, I take the view that if a child was to die at a very young age, God is bringing them back to him and taking them out of the sinful world we live in.


This is usually echoed by the sentiments of well wishes too. You often hear


"He/She is with God now"

"Rest in Peace"

"Angels leading them home etc"


Wouldn't you be best praising medical science.


Partly but I believe God intervened which made my mum go to the GP when nothing was apparently wrong, thereby catching it early.


But having said that I also believe it is God's continuing intervention that keeps me and my family safe. That's not to say I never experienced trouble and I'm in a protective bubble.

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