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Does god get fed up of having to forgive sex offenders and murderers ?

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37 pages and we've come to that conclusion.


I could've determined that on page 1.


Remind me again what the aim of this thread is?


As far as I can see we have a single Christian defending her faith against 4 maybe 5 non-believers and the aim is to somehow prove that God does or doesn't exist? :loopy:


Be sure to let Richard Dawkins know the conclusion to this thread because I think he'd like to know how it turns out.


Faith doesn't require logic, it relies on evidence gained through spiritual conviction. Effectively teeny won't be convinced by the "non believers". I guess that non belief should it ever arise will only happen if "God" stops communicating.


You're right though..the thread is going nowhere.

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37 pages and we've come to that conclusion.


I could've determined that on page 1.


Remind me again what the aim of this thread is?


As far as I can see we have a single Christian defending her faith against 4 maybe 5 non-believers and the aim is to somehow prove that God does or doesn't exist? :loopy:


Be sure to let Richard Dawkins know the conclusion to this thread because I think he'd like to know how it turns out.


I think you're spot on with that observation. From where I'm standing our Christian, teeny, comes out of it looking like a rather more generous, tolerant and forgiving soul than those who are seeking to 'disprove' her faith.

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I think you're spot on with that observation. From where I'm standing our Christian, teeny, comes out of it looking like a rather more generous, tolerant and forgiving soul than those who are seeking to 'disprove' her faith.


I'd never thought of it like that. I think I got a bit carried away there. My beliefs are mine and I stand by them and Teeny obviously does same so on that note I won't be posting again and this time I mean it - apologies for rants :love:

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If we had no sickness , no body parts wearing out because we are perfect we wouldn't die


So we'd be immortal?


---------- Post added 14-01-2015 at 22:45 ----------


37 pages and we've come to that conclusion.


I could've determined that on page 1.


Remind me again what the aim of this thread is?


As far as I can see we have a single Christian defending her faith against 4 maybe 5 non-believers and the aim is to somehow prove that God does or doesn't exist? :loopy:


Be sure to let Richard Dawkins know the conclusion to this thread because I think he'd like to know how it turns out.


We're having a pretty civilised discussion, most of us. Questions and answers, anyone can drop out of the discussion at any time and nobody is being forced to do or say anything.


Could you show examples of posts that attack (rather than simply question) Teeny's faith, from 4 or 5 different members?

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So we'd be immortal?


---------- Post added 14-01-2015 at 22:45 ----------



We're having a pretty civilised discussion, most of us. Questions and answers, anyone can drop out of the discussion at any time and nobody is being forced to do or say anything.


Could you show examples of posts that attack (rather than simply question) Teeny's faith, from 4 or 5 different members?


I never said "Attack".


But I'm querying what the ultimate aim of this thread is. Do you intend to disprove the existence of God with the questions posed to Teeney? Are you trying to get her to come to your way of thinking?


Reading the questions that are being asked, they read as though you are trying to poke holes in her statements as opposed to a genuine interest being approached with an open mind.


Civilized discussion possibly but I don't see what the aim of the thread is..and the barrage of questions. Afterall, it is firmly established that there are several Atheists and a Christian, so do you expect for either one to change their viewpoint....personally I don't think so.

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I never said "Attack".
By definition, if someone is defending, then someone is attacking


But I'm querying what the ultimate aim of this thread is. Do you intend to disprove the existence of God with the questions posed to Teeney? Are you trying to get her to come to your way of thinking?


Reading the questions that are being asked, they read as though you are trying to poke holes in her statements as opposed to a genuine interest being approached with an open mind.

Pointing out holes that already exist isn't quite the same as poking holes

Civilized discussion possibly but I don't see what the aim of the thread is..and the barrage of questions. Afterall, it is firmly established that there are several Atheists and a Christian, so do you expect for either one to change their viewpoint....personally I don't think so.
What makes you think there has to be an 'aim'? Discussion doesn't need to have an aim or objective, it can just be discussion. Teeny is obviously a willing participant, as are the others.


Speaking only for myself, I have no intention of trying to change anyone's viewpoint.

If I stated some belief of my own that other people could see serious flaws (in the basis for that belief) I would much rather it be pointed out to me rather than continue with the belief for the rest of my life, possibly based on false reasons. I could then re-evaluate my belief and then either continue believing or change as appropriate.


If it puts you at ease, you could think of the 'aim' (not that it needs one) as promoting thinking about belief, rather than just accepting and plodding on with the status quo.

Unless you disagree with people thinking?

Edited by RootsBooster
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Originally the discussion was about wether God accepts repentant sex offenders in heaven , I answered and since then it's been word play between certain factions on here . I enjoy a productive discussion , even a giggle but there has to be a point and yes I am a Christian so my views always include God in them as he is very much part of my life and my way of living.

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Originally the discussion was about wether God accepts repentant sex offenders in heaven , I answered and since then it's been word play between certain factions on here . I enjoy a productive discussion , even a giggle but there has to be a point and yes I am a Christian so my views always include God in them as he is very much part of my life and my way of living.


I don't think anyone has suggested otherwise. Would you mind having a look at my last question to you please?

(post #733)

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