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The vile racism of some Daily Mail readers.

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Imagine the outcry if the fictional Bond became a Muslim! :hihi:


Why would Bond suddenly convert to Islam?

Or did you mean what if he was played by a Muslim?


---------- Post added 27-12-2014 at 18:33 ----------


Really?/ oh pleease:rolleyes:of course James Bond cannot be black!! its like casting Ray Winston as SHAFT!!! i think you may be the troll:hihi:


Why can James Bond not be black?

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Really?/ oh pleease:rolleyes:of course James Bond cannot be black!! its like casting Ray Winston as SHAFT!!! i think you may be the troll:hihi:


Why am I a troll??? Like I said, a headline caught my eye & I explored further, and I decided to post what I found on here.

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Why am I a troll??? Like I said, a headline caught my eye & I explored further, and I decided to post what I found on here.


I don't think you are trolling, but none of those quotes are racist. It could be argued that they are perhaps motivated by racism, perhaps, but none are racist.

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Why would Bond suddenly convert to Islam?

Or did you mean what if he was played by a Muslim?


---------- Post added 27-12-2014 at 18:33 ----------



Why can James Bond not be black?


historically from the first film set in i think the 50,s and the books character cannot be interpreted in any way as a black man, to do this now is totally ridiculous, by all means bring in a new character agent to replace Bond a successor if you like .

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Why am I a troll??? Like I said, a headline caught my eye & I explored further, and I decided to post what I found on here.


the "vile racism" in your title obviously is intended to get a reaction, how you can interpret the comments as racist i dont know:rolleyes:

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historically from the first film set in i think the 50,s and the books character cannot be interpreted in any way as a black man, to do this now is totally ridiculous, by all means bring in a new character agent to replace Bond a successor if you like .


So, historically, what color are the character's eyes and hair colour permitted to be interpreted as?

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Imagine the furore if they cast a black man as a well known and well loved American CIA agent who had been played by a white man previously. What if they cast a woman as James Bond's boss?


It's multiculturalism and positive discrimination gone mad I say.


Edit: It has been explained by the franchise that 007 is an agent's number and once an agent dies or retires then the number is reassigned as is the nom de guerre.

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Why am I a troll???


For one; you're misrepresenting the views you quoted, as being 'vile racism' in order to draw attention to this thread.


If that's trolling at all; it's a very mild form. I wouldn't worry about it. :)


---------- Post added 27-12-2014 at 18:50 ----------


Are we not allowed any vestige of white culture anymore? Is it racist to for a white person to not want his culture absorbed and lost in the soup of multiculturalism (for fear of offending people from other cultural backgrounds)?


Is a white person who wants a cultural identity of his own, necessarily racist?


Am I racist for even posing such questions?

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the "vile racism" in your title obviously is intended to get a reaction, how you can interpret the comments as racist i dont know:rolleyes:


Oh pardon me, perhaps I should've put "those naughty genteel readers of that sedate, cerebral publication question whether Idris Elba is suitable to play James Bond".

And of course someone with an avatar of Gordon Gecko would obviously not want to get a reaction

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