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The vile racism of some Daily Mail readers.

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You keep going on about DM readers and yet once again you must have been reading it yourself ...... so you are a DM reader, are you not :huh:

The comments could have been made on any newspaper website that allows comments, you do know all those 'racists' can read whatever news website they like !


No, the original article was in the Huffington Post. Here it is: http://www.huffingtonpost.co.uk/2014/12/23/idris-elba-james-bond_n_6371644.html

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I answered it in the previous post, you know the bit where I posted



was that a bit difficult to comprehend :suspect:


---------- Post added 27-12-2014 at 21:24 ----------



So do you, like the Huffington post, think racists exclusively read the DM website ?


No, but like UKIP it does seem to attract a fair few of them.

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I answered it in the previous post,


I know, but you followed with...



I don't give a frig about James Bond or who the hell plays the bleeding character


So in reality you did have an opinion even though you "don't give a fig"...you just seemed a little shy in coming forward. :hihi:

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Good response Mister DM reader !


Thanks. I was really stuck for a reply to your comment about how most racists you know are Labourites. How do you know that they are Labourites? Not that it matters to me what allegiance they have, I intend to vote for another party other than Labour.

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Thanks. I was really stuck for a reply to your comment about how most racists you know are Labourites. How do you know that they are Labourites? Not that it matters to me what allegiance they have, I intend to vote for another party other than Labour.


Sheffield is full of them pal go figure it out !

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