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Our immigration policy..

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My understanding is probably incorrect or incomplete; but as I understand it...


Our immigration policy isn't determined by ourselves; it's determined by Europe; and the reason we don't want to leave Europe, is so we can continue to benefit from free trade agreements with other European countries.


Is that correct?


With the greatest respect, asking for factual information about immigration policy on this site is a waste of time.

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And of the 3.8 million people – net, not gross – who came to Britain under Labour, no fewer than 70 per cent were from outside the EU. The notion that immigration is a problem of EU membership just isn’t true.


As I said...




Tighten the lot up.

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The notion that immigration is a problem of EU membership just isn’t true.


Illegal imigration maybe, all those at the border at Calais, I understand a long security fence has recently been blown down by the wind.

I personally think that the UK is full, we should let people leave, but as we are full, try to get imigration as low as posible; which doe not fir with EU policy.

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If you can find a flaw in the statement though we would be happy to hear it.


Isn't that peoples problem though with UKIP, they speak what's obvious to most ?


They speak what's obvious? I've never heard Nigel Farage say, big business and financial industries are ripping us all off!


Never heard him talk about closing loopholes that big businesses exploit. Never heard him talk about putting a stop to greedy buy to let investors pricing ordinary people out of their own homes. Never heard him talking about bankers receiving £80 billion in bonuses while the rest of us receive £80 billion in austerity cuts!


Sad thing is, these things are not obvious to most. No one in power talks about them, because they're all in it together. They'd rather pin the problems on immigrants and people on benefits. Sad really.

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Illegal imigration maybe, all those at the border at Calais, I understand a long security fence has recently been blown down by the wind.

I personally think that the UK is full, we should let people leave, but as we are full, try to get imigration as low as posible; which doe not fir with EU policy.


I wasn't for it but now I am thinking ID cards is the only solution to this mess.


That is if they actually arrest and deport those not fitting the bill and are without one.

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I wasn't for it but now I am thinking ID cards is the only solution to this mess.


What are we, animals?! Last thing I want is an ID card. Not only are they completely intrusive and against freedom, but they will be forged and used against us. Stupid idea!

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My understanding is probably incorrect or incomplete; but as I understand it...


Our immigration policy isn't determined by ourselves; it's determined by Europe; and the reason we don't want to leave Europe, is so we can continue to benefit from free trade agreements with other European countries.


Is that correct?


No, it's determined by the UK government, other political parties, businesses and the EU. It's one big game of International Chess where you hold the knife at another country's throat

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The UKIP policy doesn't alter the position of non EU citizens entering the UK to work,the same discrimination will still be there,it just puts EU people in the same position as non EU people,so the discrimination that you describe applies to both sets of people.


From an immigration point of view discrimination is the different treatment of people based on their different nationality, treating everyone the same can not be described as discriminatory.

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From an immigration point of view discrimination is the different treatment of people based on their different nationality, treating everyone the same can not be described as discriminatory.


No,that is just moving the goalposts...........UKIP policy is not designed to 'help' non EU people to get into the UK more easily and are less discriminated against,it is designed to make it more 'discriminatory' for everyone,EU or non EU.....the notion being put out here that UKIP in some way are bothered that non EU people are being treated differently is false,it in no way alters the situation of non EU people with a view to entry to UK,they will be in exactly the same position they are now...........EU people will join them in that position under UKIP,UKIP are simply re arranging words and dressing it up as supporting non EU people against discrimination.

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