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Our immigration policy..

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To make the system fair that should apply to all non British citizens,

and who can and can not come and live in this country should not be just based on what an employer wants, immigration has to benefit all sections of society without disadvantaging anyone.


You've just stated that immigration should be based on skills and education,and discrimination should not come into it with regard to non EU people.............I just gave you an example of how this already applies............if you want to keep moving the goalposts,that is up to you.You will get that when you leave the EU.............your choice.

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If a non EU person applies for a job in the UK and they are more qualified for that job than an EU person,and the employer recognises that,the non EU person gets the job,all that is needed is that the employer applies and gets a visa,so the job is allocated based on skills already...........just because an EU person is free to work in the UK does not mean that they are automatically more likely to get the job over a non EU person...............skills and education apply,it's the employer that applies it,nothing to do with immigration policy or discrimination.


The whole thing stinks.


If we need a job filling,then train our own to do it.We are after all a rich country arnt we?

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There is little point in reading the entirety of an argument if it starts on a false premiss or with insults.


Speaking of false premises: I stated leaving the EU won't help with lowering immigration. You state that won't help, than carry on to explain that you want selective immigration. You changed the premise of the debate all on your own pal.

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Speaking of false premises: I stated leaving the EU won't help with lowering immigration. You state that won't help, than carry on to explain that you want selective immigration. You changed the premise of the debate all on your own pal.


why wont it help lowering immigration by leaving the EU?

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it is,because were being bled dry.


Yes, by British citizens continuing to think they are better than the rest of the world yet not putting in the effort required to compete with said world.


It is easy to pick on the few Roma in Pagehall (as I know you like doing) but I don't often see you lift a finger when it comes to, for example, the kids that are allowed to drop out of school by their apathetic parents who are more interested in getting the next pay/dole check so they can go to the pub on a night out.

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Yes, by British citizens continuing to think they are better than the rest of the world yet not putting in the effort required to compete with said world.


It is easy to pick on the few Roma in Pagehall (as I know you like doing) but I don't often see you lift a finger when it comes to, for example, the kids that are allowed to drop out of school by their apathetic parents who are more interested in getting the next pay/dole check so they can go to the pub on a night out.


This is just not true. British people work damn hard! You're talking about a small minority. A minority that's British, because immigrants don't usually qualify for benefits.

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