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Our immigration policy..

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No you didn't, you explained how one potential employee would need a visa and another one would not need a visa, all based on their nationality so not quite an equal playing field.





Needing a visa and not needing a visa has no bearing on getting a job based on skills and education,which is what you are saying the UK needs.A non EU person with skills and education over and above those of an EU person has got a better chance of landing a skilled job in the UK,so no discrimination there.

Edited by chalga
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Because this country needs immigrants more than immigrants need it. Leaving the EU will maybe alter the type of immigrants, but it certainly won't put a hold to immigration.


Nonsense and that would rather depend on the immigration policy of whichever party was in office.

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The employer, you are constantly complaining about how much profit they make, so instead of making huge profits on the back of immigration they can divert some of it to train their future British employees.


Do you really expect private businesses to fund your political aspirations?

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No, I don't think anybody is stupid, not sure what gives you that impression.


Let me tell you what I see every day: a University that is filled to the brim with the brightest talent from around the globe - researching the cutting edge of their fields and bringing in millions, if not billions, of research funding into an economy that can only stay competitive because of this.


As a Sheffielder you must be aware that the only remaining steel industry in this city is that which is highly specialised. Ever considered what it takes to remain that specialised?


Im not a Sheffielder,thankfully.The place is riddled with crime,****e roads and idiots.


What i see everyday is hundreds and hundreds of foriegners doing jobs Many british folk would love to do had they had the opertunty,but they wernt given that opertunaty because the jobs arnt even advertised on these shores.

I also see folk depressed because the only jobs listed in their areas are agency jobs,with day to day work and crap pay.

Who cares that we bring people from all over the globe to educate them while folk here cannot afford it!!

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I am not just talking about Britain (although I did give that impression I suppose) I am talking about all the old (particularly European) economies. decades of a social liberal approach has resulted in people here earning three to four times as much as in up and coming economies whilst working far shorter weeks.


Our competitive advantage is based on higher average education levels than the rest of the world but Britain has notoriously poor uptake of higher degrees despite having a world leading HE sector.


Think big picture, this goes way beyond a few Roma in Pagehall.


---------- Post added 28-12-2014 at 10:56 ----------



It is a good job that it is nothing for you to be concerned about.


The unemployment rate amongst people with higher degrees is minimal and there are far more vacancies in knowledge-intensive jobs than there are native candidates.


Keep on listening to Farage about Romanian strawberry pickers whilst missing the point completely.


I am sure that British people with lower than average educational standards can clean cars, work in restaurants, shop and hundreds of other jobs that are currently being filled by employing low skilled immigrants.

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Im not a Sheffielder,thankfully.The place is riddled with crime,****e roads and idiots.


What i see everyday is hundreds and hundreds of foriegners doing jobs Many british folk would love to do had they had the opertunty,but they wernt given that opertunaty because the jobs arnt even advertised on these shores.

I also see folk depressed because the only jobs listed in their areas are agency jobs,with day to day work and crap pay.

Who cares that we bring people from all over the globe to educate them while folk here cannot afford it!!


How do you know that the jobs weren't advertised here in the UK?

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Our immigration "policy" if you can dignify it with such a term, is a direct result of our economic system of globalist capitalism.


Under this there is no such thing as a population that is too big. So the more you can cram in, the merrier. Not only does this have the result of holding down wages and terms and conditions of employment, it increases consumption.


80 million will, all things being equal, eat more bread, drink more alcohol, buy more white goods, buy more cars, need more houses, use more water, gas and electric. More consumption means more profits for multi national corporations.


And as all our political parties can only keep going thanks to the money they receive from rich men and multi national donors, that's the way thing are and the way they are going to stay. :|

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Its not like we dont have the money to invest in our own,we have it to give away though apparantly


"Mr Bloom said: "How we can possibly be giving £1bn a month, when we're in this sort of debt, to Bongo Bongo Land is completely beyond me.




Anyone know where this money goes? Didnt think so!

Like i said,bled dry!!

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So in essence what you're suggesting is that Arsene Wenger should stop scouring the world looking for a central defender, and he should get down to his local dole office and pick one up from there.


There's an idea, British football teams compete with each other based on the player base living in there area and not on how much money they have.


So a team of Rotherham players play and team of Sheffield players and the best team wins instead of the team with the most financial backing.

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