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Our immigration policy..

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The employer, you are constantly complaining about how much profit they make, so instead of making huge profits on the back of immigration they can divert some of it to train their future British employees.


What are the main industries where immigrants are "taking over"?


Any chance you could supply some actual figures to illustrate this awful situation?

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taty field jobs!!


"The British jobs being advertised in Europe include department managers, general managers, finance and sales jobs, computing posts and clerking posts"







Nora Senior, the BCC's president, said: "Skills will decide who wins and who loses in a 21st-century economy – yet employers across the UK constantly say they struggle to find prospective employees, particularly those leaving education, who have the right skills to succeed in the workplace.


"The world has changed at a rapid pace. If Britain doesn't keep up, employers who are unable to access the skills they need or those unwilling to invest in training will lose business to other firms at home and abroad, putting us at a disadvantage."

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I am sure that British people with lower than average educational standards can clean cars, work in restaurants, shop and hundreds of other jobs that are currently being filled by employing low skilled immigrants.


Come on then.....where are all these immigrants working?


Car washes are either franchised or self employed. Anyone can start one or buy into one.


Restaurants, usually employ Italians if it's an Italian restaurant, etc. Every KFC or McDonald's I've been to seems to have a mix of ethnic groups, mainly young students.


The only industries that seems to be dominated by immigrants are food production plants.


I don't see any problems what so ever.

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Interesting interpretation.




Explain to me which party is going to lower immigration and how they are going to do that? Could you also explain what the ramifications are going to be of their choices beyond immigration?


One-issue parties rarely manage to do so, it would be interesting to see if you can.


UKIP policies should lower net immigration resulting in a lower welfare spend and increased spending on more important issues.


---------- Post added 28-12-2014 at 11:50 ----------


Needing a visa and not needing a visa has no bearing on getting a job based on skills and education,which is what you are saying the UK needs.A non EU person with skills and education over and above those of an EU person has got a better chance of landing a skilled job in the UK,so no discrimination there.


Yes it does.

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UKIP policies should lower net immigration resulting in a lower welfare spend and increased spending on more important issues.


No they won't. They'll continue to sell off the NHS to the highest bidder. If UKIP ever see power (which they wont), you can say goodbye to the NHS.

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What he is saying is that uni is a load of bull and a waste of time.What we need is people with experience of the jobs we need doing.

There is only one way to achive that which im sure you dont need spelling out...AGAIN!!


Increase the wages of said industries to encourage people to take them on as a career?

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