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Changes in 2015 for the uk people

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what would you like to see change for the uk in 2015 ? personally id like a government that actually listens to its people and acts on their findings, local councils to do the same. a police force to investigate regardless of race/wealth etc and bring about convictions with proper sentences. feel free to add what you would like to see change.:thumbsup:

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personally id like a government that actually listens to its people and acts on their findings, local councils to do the same.


We get the Government we deserve. If we treat the whole thing as a popularity contest to be won by the group who make the most gossip-friendly statements, we will end up with a bunch of liars, cheats and conmen.


If we treat the whole thing as a popularity contest to be won by the group who promises us the most while costing us nothing, we will end up with a bunch of liars, cheats, conmen and ex-bankers.


If we treat it instead as an opportunity to vote in the person local to us who's actually happy to talk to their constituents, work with them and isn't afraid to go "no, you can't have that, we can't afford it / it's not what's best for the country as a whole", we might actually get a Government people can trust.


But that won't happen. There are too many people interested in voting for the parachuted in candidate who wears the correct colour rosette because they're afraid of someone with the wrong colour rosette winning, or because they believe the lies, promises and hyperbole that are being sprayed around like nobody's business.

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I agree with dosxuk. We need to take a lot more interest in what's happening in our name and hold MPs accountable.

We also need to make freedom of information a reality, and not allow politicians and the great and the good to hide behind things like the official secrets act etc. which they use to cover up anything embarrassing.


I've long wanted to see proper CV's and public scrutiny of prospective local councillors and parliamentary candidates before they get into office, and a body responsible for keeping a close eye on them after they do.


The muzzling of the press via things like the Leveson inquiry is the worst thing that can happen. We need more investagative journalists with greater powers, not less.

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what would you like to see change for the uk in 2015 ? personally id like a government that actually listens to its people and acts on their findings, local councils to do the same. a police force to investigate regardless of race/wealth etc and bring about convictions with proper sentences. feel free to add what you would like to see change.:thumbsup:


1. Everyone to buy cryptocurrency and silver

2. Collapse of FIAT currency

3. Everyone to get involved in contributionism

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