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Changes in 2015 for the uk people

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Thank you ricgem2002 for initiating such an important topic.


The coming year will feature a general election, and so this is a very good time for us to think about where our culture is heading and the issues that are important to us as we prepare to cast our votes.


Do we want to see more of the same, a continuing focus on celebrity, sensation and scandal in our newspapers, and multinational corporations taking over more of our public facilities. Or would we prefer a different dynamic?


Shall we continue to celebrate the robust, individualistic virtues of self-reliant agents making rational choices in a market economy, or might there be a need to rediscover the gentle virtues that foster neighbourliness and community, those goods that form the core of our religious institutions and environmental and campaigning organisations?


Could such a debate avoid the perils of entrenched ideological dispute?


Is there any hope that something like 'the common good' might be allowed to return as a signpost towards a better way of life for us all, or shall we continue to trust the harsh legacy bequeathed to us by Mr Blair and Mrs Thatcher?

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Thank you ricgem2002 for initiating such an important topic.


The coming year will feature a general election, and so this is a very good time for us to think about where our culture is heading and the issues that are important to us as we prepare to cast our votes.


Do we want to see more of the same, a continuing focus on celebrity, sensation and scandal in our newspapers, and multinational corporations taking over more of our public facilities. Or would we prefer a different dynamic?


Shall we continue to celebrate the robust, individualistic virtues of self-reliant agents making rational choices in a market economy, or might there be a need to rediscover the gentle virtues that foster neighbourliness and community, those goods that form the core of our religious institutions and environmental and campaigning organisations?


Could such a debate avoid the perils of entrenched ideological dispute?


Is there any hope that something like 'the common good' might be allowed to return as a signpost towards a better way of life for us all, or shall we continue to trust the harsh legacy bequeathed to us by Mr Blair and Mrs Thatcher?

given who we have to choose from thou how would we trust them again ? should the manifestos be written by the people and the winner gets to implement them and not deviate from whats been put in them ?should we be able to get rid of them straight away without having to wait 4/5 years ? remember these people work for us yet write their own terms and conditions whats all that about ?

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The return of a Tory government lead by David Cameron unhindered by Liberals.

Lower taxes, an end to Industrial Tribunals,lower welfare spending, increased private involvement in NHS. Privatization of Police, Fire and ambulance services. Further legislation to limit power of Trade Unions. Legalise foxhunting. Increase number of low paid immigrants. Maintain common market aspect of EEU membership, withdraw from social chapter.


Happy New Year

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what would you like to see change for the uk in 2015 ? personally id like a government that actually listens to its people and acts on their findings, local councils to do the same. a police force to investigate regardless of race/wealth etc and bring about convictions with proper sentences. feel free to add what you would like to see change.:thumbsup:


Unfortunately I think we will have a long wait.


---------- Post added 30-12-2014 at 17:02 ----------


The scrapping of the tv licence.


That would help though.

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I think women will lose there dominance in society as they have caused havoc for the past 40 years


This will manifest in little things such as the self service checkouts at the supermarket will use a man's voice instead. Its ironic that its a womans voice who is saying "more money needed" ask any bloke who has been through a divorce

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Lets talk about truly valuable things like education.Let me give you an example: think back to a darker time in history, 200 years ago when slavery was going on in America, it was illegal to educate a slave.Why do you think that was? Because when you educate a man, you liberate that man.

I am only for 2 months in UK, but I noticed a lot of gaps in people education (British people), and this is the main reason why this country attract a lot of poor quality immigrants that you all complain of.(and I came from Eastern Europe which you consider probably poor, unreliable and uneducated)


I think the government should emphasise and take more serious the education idea, and should start to support poor people with potential that cannot afford to get educated, trust me, they are a lot ( I am not that poor and I still can't afford to get higher education)

I think that would be a great idea to cut all the social allowances and income supports for people who can work but are too lazy to move their asses out of home, they are thousands. And with that money they increase the founds for education which is much more important than a social assisted ******* that cannot adapt in his own country, came here and start to produce childs only to take social advantages from this country.


PS: I was talking about education in general, not only school education.


Second important thing that I would like to emphasise: Quit the actual modern management system which basically is just a modern slave structure.I work in a corporation and I noticed a lot of obstacles which prevents people to express their abilities and power to find solutions to real problems.The current modern managerial system only care about the following facts:

- Avoids mingling with workers

- Keep complex and meticulous records

- Carefully monitor profits

- Obsession to have complete control over workers

- Not worried about workers turnover

- Experiments with efficiency by moving workers around

- Continually demands higher level of output

- Keep tracks of workers eating habits

- Incentives for workers to be more productive

- Depreciated a worker's worth over time

- Measure workers by units 'per hand'

NO FairPlay, NO enthusiasm, NO humanity, NO freedom at all.


You need truly valuable people to run corporations and governments like science people, doctors, engineers.People who can find solutions to real problems not only CEOs, managers, lawyers, administrators and other managerial and business people.


PS: I found out that there are boastful british people who think Asia is right after Poland, or unable to tell me who fought in WWII, and this is a real shame.

PS2: I don't like to generalise, I don't know how you people are used to live here, but if you think that this is democracy and/or liberalism, you are completely wrong.I found 10 times more freedom,democracy and liberalism in Romania than in UK even if we have more corruption(and still there is not that much criminality rate as here).I see a lot of paranoia, fear, ignorance, and no sense of life here.I see a lot of cliche, only beliefs but no debate, only sensation of security but no actual security, only appearance of good education but not that good education.And is a shame for government to let that happened in a country with such a big potential and history.You have first to admit that you have these problems, this is the first valuable step in finding solutions.Stop pretending things that you do not truly agree, only cause government say so.In fact, you are the government people.


Edited by hutheavy
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