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Younger guys treated like 2nd class citizens

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Whats pretty women got to do with the price of peas.


It's the excuse you used to avoid answering my post.


---------- Post added 30-12-2014 at 10:47 ----------


Chem1st, read the title.


Younger GUYS.


Not "Younger People". So, can you point out how younger GUYS are treat differently to anyone else the same age?


If you made a point (and I don't think you did), then it was entirely unrelated to this topic. Which is why I said so.


Next you'll be ranting about housing.

Edited by Cyclone
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Really? It needs explaining in single syllable words?


Chem1st ranted about younger people, the thread (and your assertion) was about younger men.


So far you've provided no evidence of discrimination at all. Do you have any? Or was it just the bag breaking? (And did this happen at the counter or not)?

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It's the excuse you used to avoid answering my post.


---------- Post added 30-12-2014 at 10:47 ----------


Chem1st, read the title.


Younger GUYS.


Not "Younger People". So, can you point out how younger GUYS are treat differently to anyone else the same age?

If you made a point (and I don't think you did), then it was entirely unrelated to this topic. Which is why I said so.


Next you'll be ranting about housing.



Actually, for the first time ever, Chem1st makes a very valid point in my opinion.


Younger guys are discriminated against. Just because younger woman are too does not mean that the points he raised are any less salient.


Had the OP been "Younger guys treated like 2nd class citizens compared to younger women", then Chem1st's points would become redundant. I have emboldened your mistake. This OP was not comparing young guys to other people of the same age (seemingly only younger woman, unless you want to count the small number of gender undefined folks), but to society at large.


If you want to discuss the way younger guys are treated in comparison to other people of the same age, then feel free to do so. However, that isn't what this thread is about.

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Really? It needs explaining in single syllable words?


Chem1st ranted about younger people, the thread (and your assertion) was about younger men.


So far you've provided no evidence of discrimination at all. Do you have any? Or was it just the bag breaking? (And did this happen at the counter or not)?


Yes, explain in single syllable words.

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Just been to the shops. Bag burst on way home. Ignored at counter. Ignored by people on street.

Am pretty sure if i was a woman i would of been given a hand.

Have got pretty used to people in this town not giving a hoot and never asking if youre ok etc.

Am sure men are discriminated against too. I could go days before anyone utters a kind word yet its young men who are meant to help others. Could do with a hand sometines.



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You're taking the mickey, right? You do know the difference between boys and girls? Because all the points you make - also go for women, so who is being discriminated and how? just posting a list of age related sliders is pointless.


Irrelevant. As explained previously to cyclone.


You're also comparing against history, terrible thing to do because if I just slide the scale a century further back I can point to real discrimination...


Comparing to people living today. Not generations of people who have long since died.


Finally, regarding the age related benefits. Are you going to argue that children are discriminated against because they don't get any benefits? I tried this with my mum once, arguing I should get paid to go to school. It didn't get me very far.


They are in some respects. They do get benefits paid on their behalf to their parents though.


Under 25s have lower living costs and more opportunity to make sensible decisions without a burden of debt (unless they screwed that up by insisting on buying each and every new iPhone) thus they are not entitled to the same benefits, eminently sensible imho.


Under 25s do not have lower living costs, their basic living costs are the highest of any age group, their metabolism is at it's highest and they require more calories to sustain life. They are also less likely to own goods than others, that are needed to live normal everyday lives.


They are more likely to be coerced into debt by the government in order to access education.


---------- Post added 30-12-2014 at 19:17 ----------


It's the excuse you used to avoid answering my post.


---------- Post added 30-12-2014 at 10:47 ----------


Chem1st, read the title.


I did read the title.


Younger GUYS.


Age and sex are mentioned. Thus younger guys can be discriminated against because of their age and/or their sex.


Not "Younger People". So, can you point out how younger GUYS are treat differently to anyone else the same age?


If you made a point (and I don't think you did), then it was entirely unrelated to this topic. Which is why I said so.


I don't need to, because the OP never said that younger guys were discriminated against compared to younger women, he just said younger men were discriminated against compared to everyone else.


As I said earlier, "It seems that if a person was discriminated against for being 'black', you would try to argue they were not discriminated against for being black, because the person has a name."


You need to stop being such a pedant, and trying to twist things to suit your agenda - which seems to be arguing for the sake of it.


This thread is about the discrimination faced by young men, who can face discrimination because of their age and/or their sex.


Next you'll be ranting about housing.


No I wont. And this is irrelevant to the OP. But seeing as YOU have brought the matter up and since you have somewhat recently revealed yourself to be landlord on this forum, much of your arguments related to housing in the past can be seen for what they are, a vested interest, arguing on the behalf of the landlord class. Strange that you never declared your vested interest, up until fairly recently, when the amount of housing related discussion on this forum was drastically reduced by the imposition of extra unwritten forum rules upon myself, and multiple bans for breaking said unwritten rules, that I wasn't informed about until after I was banned.


Not to mention the censorship of various points and threads raised that identify the exploitation of others by said class. Which has massively restricted the ability for people on this forum to debate anything concerning housing, landlords, neo-serfdom and grassroot campaigns to improve the living conditions of one of the most marginalized groups of people in our society.

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