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A Society based on Contributionism

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Yes, fish. An industry that requires more regulation and better farming.


---------- Post added 30-12-2014 at 21:18 ----------



People need to be more self sufficient. You don't need much land to grow enough veg to feed a family all year round. If people used their land to grow food there's more than enough land to provide for those that can't grow their own for whatever reason.

You're right though, it takes time and effort to tend to crops. Time that we don't have at the moment, which is why the working week needs reducing to somewhere around the 20 hour mark.


It is regulated (badly). We need to eat less of it. Are we likely to? No because there are too many people and a lot of them are starving!


We will all be self sufficient eventually though. By "all" I mean all that's left after this civilisation like all those before it, gets too big and implodes - be it war over resources, famine or disease.

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Yes, fish. An industry that requires more regulation and better farming.


---------- Post added 30-12-2014 at 21:18 ----------



People need to be more self sufficient. You don't need much land to grow enough veg to feed a family all year round. If people used their land to grow food there's more than enough land to provide for those that can't grow their own for whatever reason.

You're right though, it takes time and effort to tend to crops. Time that we don't have at the moment, which is why the working week needs reducing to somewhere around the 20 hour mark.


The UK needs more land than we currently have, and if everyone is busy growing food who is going to produce the other stuff we use.

And what are you going to do about the water problem I just pointed out?

And the energy crisis?


---------- Post added 30-12-2014 at 21:46 ----------


It is regulated (badly). We need to eat less of it. Are we likely to? No because there are too many people and a lot of them are starving!


We will all be self sufficient eventually though. By "all" I mean all that's left after this civilisation like all those before it, gets too big and implodes - be it war over resources, famine or disease.


I think Bonzo's ideas will work just fine after the apocalypse which kills 80% of the population, obviously there will still people that prefer to thieve to survive.

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It's perfectly possible. Life wouldn't be the same though. Every home would need to be as self sufficient as possible. Give everyone their own source of energy, plot of land for food production, or access to locally produced food.


Greed would need to become a thing of the past and profit would also need to be capped so money was distributed to everyone. Working hours slashed to around the 20 hour week level so people can spend more time cultivating their homes.


This style of life can not only support 7 billion, but much more


I'm with Bonzo on this :nod:


You are also my friend forever! :D


---------- Post added 30-12-2014 at 23:01 ----------


I know you can change the currency, but you would just be swapping like for like




Crypto currency is not debt based, like our current, fraudulent (and soon to be no longer) FIAT system.


A completely new money system and ultimately means debt-free living


---------- Post added 30-12-2014 at 23:03 ----------


People need to be more self sufficient. You don't need much land to grow enough veg to feed a family all year round. If people used their land to grow food there's more than enough land to provide for those that can't grow their own for whatever reason.

You're right though, it takes time and effort to tend to crops. Time that we don't have at the moment, which is why the working week needs reducing to somewhere around the 20 hour mark


T minus 15 years, apparently :nod:

Edited by Solomon1
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The UK needs more land than we currently have, and if everyone is busy growing food who is going to produce the other stuff we use.

And what are you going to do about the water problem I just pointed out?

And the energy crisis?


Increase the minimum wage and decrease the working week. That will give more time for people to do their gardening. Same people will still produce the other stuff we use.

Companies are already growing vast amounts of food in desert conditions by using using the sun to desalinate seawater for irrigation and to heat and cool greenhouses. They're growing it on a massive commercial scale in Australia and Qatar.


---------- Post added 30-12-2014 at 23:43 ----------


I'm with Bonzo on this :nod:


You are also my friend forever! :D


It's nice to have someone on here who is awake to all this corruption! Not to mention a Trewser :)

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The UK needs more land than we currently have, and if everyone is busy growing food who is going to produce the other stuff we use.

And what are you going to do about the water problem I just pointed out?

And the energy crisis?


We have plenty of land, we just don't use it efficiently. Our farming is very labour efficient but not at all land efficient. We can massively increase food production with increased use of agricultural labour.


We have also had structural unemployment that exceeds employment in agricultural industries and fishing for many many decades.


Most people employed in the UK don't really do owt productive, many of these could work in agriculture and produce food - the only problem is, there isn't enough work for them. We have an excess of labour, plenty of labour is available to produce food, if food production is desired by the society.


We could get rid of 10 million service jobs and employ these people in agriculture instead, only then because of the lack of work currently in said field, we would have to reduce the agricultural working week to about 2 hours.


We can acquire, transport, harvest, recycle, clean water.


Alternative energy sources can be used, we have enough fossil fuels to keep us going for many years, we can also use nuclear and renewable energy. Technological development will improve access to energy for a while yet, and ensure we have enough for basic things like food and shelter.


The biggest problem we have is the access to things like food and shelter, primarily due to massive income inequality.


All could eat and be housed well, all can eat and be housed well. Only problem is we have always had inequality of such magnitude that there has always been homelessness and hunger for some, with large scale homelessness and hunger and starvation occurring periodically when inequality increases to intolerable levels.


The UK has presided over massive inequality around the globe resulting in multiple famines and genocides. These need not have occurred. They need not ever occur either. We need to sort out the whole inequality problems we have.


As it stands, I'd personally welcome a revolution, it need not be violent, but a purge of the rich/wealthiest in society wouldn't be so bad, if it lead to a more equal society, where deaths from inequality were substantially reduced.


If you could kill one rich man, to save a 100 poor people, per year, for as long as a fairer economic system can be maintained, surely it would be the best thing to do, as ultimately you would save lives. Perhaps the NHS should invest in bullets...


Maybe the rich ought to exercise a social conscience, and become very philanthropic, very quickly, for their own self interest of staying alive.


The level of inequality currently reached in the UK is sufficient for violent revolution, it is at a level that has always resulted in violence that is followed by decreasing inequality and a return to social order.

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There are no hierarchies or levels of superiority on any aspect of society.


We have plenty of land, we just don't use it efficiently. Our farming is very labour efficient but not at all land efficient. We can massively increase food production with increased use of agricultural labour.


We have also had structural unemployment that exceeds employment in agricultural industries and fishing for many many decades.


Most people employed in the UK don't really do owt productive, many of these could work in agriculture and produce food - the only problem is, there isn't enough work for them. We have an excess of labour, plenty of labour is available to produce food, if food production is desired by the society.


We could get rid of 10 million service jobs and employ these people in agriculture instead, only then because of the lack of work currently in said field, we would have to reduce the agricultural working week to about 2 hours.


We can acquire, transport, harvest, recycle, clean water.


Alternative energy sources can be used, we have enough fossil fuels to keep us going for many years, we can also use nuclear and renewable energy. Technological development will improve access to energy for a while yet, and ensure we have enough for basic things like food and shelter.



As with lots of other things in the posts, who will organise it with no hierarchy?


Who do I complain to when I'm doing more than anyone else in my community?

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Complain to the people who aren't pulling their weight?



You mean like civil disorder? Nice.


What happens when I'm putting in back-breaking work on the farm and someone else is tossing it off for the same hours. You think I'm going to just hand over my hard work and get nothing from them?




Someone said earlier 'we need to make people less greedy'. Who will make them? And how? And how do you accurately describe what greed is? Would it be 1500 calories of food per day per person? If I'm doing hard physical labour would I be entitled to more, and without a hierarchy, who do I ask? It's seem awfully tempting to eat more of my hard worked farm's 'fruits', as it were.

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You mean like civil disorder? Nice.


What happens when I'm putting in back-breaking work on the farm and someone else is tossing it off for the same hours. You think I'm going to just hand over my hard work and get nothing from them?




Someone said earlier 'we need to make people less greedy'. Who will make them? And how? And how do you accurately describe what greed is? Would it be 1500 calories of food per day per person? If I'm doing hard physical labour would I be entitled to more, and without a hierarchy, who do I ask? It's seem awfully tempting to eat more of my hard worked farm's 'fruits', as it were.


If I owned a farm and someone wasn't pulling their weight, they'd be sacked.

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