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A Society based on Contributionism

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The idea of contributionism is nothing new, Thomas More described it in Utopia (as early as 1516!!), it actually was inspiration for Karl Marx: (Snipped from wikipedia, that contributionist epistle we all use and love)


"There is no private property on Utopia, with goods being stored in warehouses and people requesting what they need. There are also no locks on the doors of the houses, which are rotated between the citizens every ten years."


The open source community has introduced some really interesting concepts related to this as well. Of course there is the bog-standard software development, but it goes a lot deeper than that. Take the Burning Man festival for example: Founding principles of Burning Man.


Then there are the more subversive elements. Take 4chan and reddit communities that collectively #fight# those that they find oppressive or simply annoying. When they found out that Egypt was cut off from the internet in the spring revolution they bombarded the internet with tips on how to bypass the restrictions. Of course that is in stark contrast to the same community 'hacking' iPhones to find nude pictures of celebrities...


It is an interesting sub-culture and it is growing. The internet in particular has a massive impact on this. We are now far more able to find like minded people, the voice is growing and over time it will change society.

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I agree to a point, I just hope you do not work in one of those nuclear weapons solos because I understand they have big red buttons. :D


We are all pressing that big red button, collectively, a little each day; by virtue of our actions and how we live.


There's no way anyone would let me work in a nuclear weapons bunker.


Also, if any group of people (nation) gave me a gun and forced me in to war; I'd turn the gun on the highest ranking individuals within my own 'side' and shoot them, as many of them as possible. The enemy of the poor, is not the poor in other countries; it's the rich controlling elite, everywhere.

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Why do you think it is not possible to live in a system, other than the one we're in now?


This is the problem^^^


People just think that the way things are, is the way things have to be. The system we are using at the moment is broken and it can't be fixed. Not without radical change and a totally new style of government in place of the existing one. A government that isn't afraid to cut its "friendly" ties with the financial industry and take on big businesses by means of strict regulations.


Personally, that's what I'd like to see happen, but it's such a long shot. If something resembling the above doesn't happen, I think things are going to get rather messy in the near future and we could see the fall of capitalism, which is one thing I don't want to see either.


---------- Post added 29-12-2014 at 12:03 ----------


You are both nearly right.


It's not possible for 7 billion to live on this planet and not destroy it irrevocably under ANY system.


I disagree. I think we have the technology, the money and the means to provide for every human on the planet. The problem is, we are greedy.


We must accept that some countries will have vastly different amounts of wealth to others. But we should also accept that every human on earth deserves food and shelter. This is possible if every government works together to end poverty. It will mean strict global tax laws and strict trade agreements. It would also mean penny pinching from the mega wealthy, taking them down a peg or two, but the wealth is there, no doubt about that.

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It's more fundamental than that.


Yes, the system is broken; but the system is only a manifestation of (or consequence of) our own human nature. The problem isn't the system, the problem is us.


Also, a lot of people are invested in our current system. To radically change or get rid of it altogether, would mean a lot of people who have put a LOT of time and effort in to building something worthwhile for themselves; will lose everything overnight.


This is another big problem with humanity; we don't think things through; we don't deeply consider the consequences of our actions. We just like to **** around with stuff first, ask questions later.


How do you propose we address the issue of innate human greed and stupidity?

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You're right. The current system is broken because of our greedy nature. But it's clearly obvious that the vast majority of us are not as greedy as those at the top. This is why I believe change is possible.


Sadly, I think the current system is beyond repair, as you have said, too much money is invested by the wrong sort of people.


I think a new system needs to be built that can run along side the current one. One with a new currency and different values. We need to separate ourselves and make the current banking system obsolete.

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You're right. The current system is broken because of our greedy nature. But it's clearly obvious that the vast majority of us are not as greedy as those at the top. This is why I believe change is possible.


I think we're just as greedy as those on top; the difference is, we don't have the wherewithal and connections necessary to acquire such wealth. Greed is still there, if it wasn't, people would sell all they have, and share it out amongst people who are so poor, they are dying from starvation. Are you going to share all you have with those who have less, will you do that now, today?


Sadly, I think the current system is beyond repair, as you have said, too much money is invested by the wrong sort of people.


I think a new system needs to be built that can run along side the current one. One with a new currency and different values. We need to separate ourselves and make the current banking system obsolete.


Money is not actually real though, it's like those people who call themselves 'royalty', it's just a fiction, that only has power and validity because people believe it does.


To my mind, the systems under which we live, are simply a reflection or manifestation of our own inner natures. It's not that the system has become corrupt, it's humanity itself that is lost, divorced from the natural world, a victim of it's own cleverness and greed.


I'm not sure I'd want to fix the system, or waste my time trying to; I think it's a thankless and ultimately futile cause. Requires an inordinate amount or time and energy; that would be better spent on keeping your own house in order (improve your own lot in life).

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You're right. The current system is broken because of our greedy nature. But it's clearly obvious that the vast majority of us are not as greedy as those at the top. This is why I believe change is possible.


Sadly, I think the current system is beyond repair, as you have said, too much money is invested by the wrong sort of people.


I think a new system needs to be built that can run along side the current one. One with a new currency and different values. We need to separate ourselves and make the current banking system obsolete.


I think that given the opportunity most people would be just as greedy, the other thing to consider is that without very greedy people always wanting more there would be no incentive to expand their business empire and employ more people, what percentage of the things you use today were supplied by very greedy people.

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I think that given the opportunity most people would be just as greedy,




the other thing to consider is that without very greedy people always wanting more there would be no incentive to expand their business empire and employ more people, what percentage of the things you use today were supplied by very greedy people.


True; and this is why we are all complicit in the fall of humanity.


In an ideal world though; we would all do things according to our own innate nature, the skills we have, what we enjoy doing etc. We'd be more communal, and enjoy working for the benefit of each other. I imagine there are still tribal communities who live that way.


Man dies, at the pearly gates he meets St Peter who first shows the man hell...


In hell, there is a long table with the most delicious foods you can imagine. Each diner, has a spoon with a very long handle glued to his hand. Try as they may, the diners cannot get the food to their mouths.


Next up, St Peter shows the man heaven...


In heaven, there is a long table with the most delicious foods you can imagine. Each diner, has a spoon with a very long handle glued to his hand. They are all feeding each other.

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Hi Everyone :)


Am wondering if any of you have heard of the concept 'Contributionism'?


"The moneyless Ubuntu Contribution system is an adaptation of ancient tribal customs and is not based on barter or trade since barter and trading is just another form of money. Everything needed is available to everyone at all times. Hoarding or accumulating stuff and planning for old age is simply unnecessary"




I LOVE this idea....but in a post Thatcher Britain where everyone thinks mostly of themselves (apart from Sheffield where there is still a large sense of community :love:)....is it something we could all work towards?



As Always




I think to be honest the tories might support this type of system. Its actually the basis of the capitalist system minus the financial sector.


I think the left would have the most problem with this system as the Jeremy Kyle guests would have to contribute something.


I do think its a great idea.

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