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A Society based on Contributionism

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When I was a youngster I lived in various communal households, where money, if not much else, was held in common. People mostly had jobs and were politically active. It kind of worked and it was an interesting and busy life lived amongst thoughtful people. However, it is difficult to sustain such a lifestyle within the current system. I left when I wanted to become a mum and felt reluctant to raise a child in a situation that might have made them unable to cope within the confines of capitalism.

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I've not been drinking heavily far from it. And if you want to highlight where I'm wrong or want a few links to more reliable sources please say so. I'd love you to say I'm wrong. I'd love you to say that by knocking up a few wind turbines we are going to extend the length of time we can rely on fossil fuels (note I'm not neccessarily linking climate change with fossil fuels) when China are churning out coal fire power plants (inbetween chewing through the last remaining tigers)at a frightening rate to build bits of crap me, you and everyone else in the west think they need


I think there's ALWAYS hope tfh :)


It ain't over, till it's over


---------- Post added 29-12-2014 at 18:37 ----------


We are now far more able to find like minded people, the voice is growing and over time it will change society




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That looks amazing. Thanks for this post! :)


It uses a currency so is subject to tax.



I think a new system needs to be built that can run along side the current one. One with a new currency and different values. We need to separate ourselves and make the current banking system obsolete.


As far as I know there's nothing in law to prevent yourself and like minded people to set up such a system tomorrow, it would be healthy competition against the present one.

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Are you going to pack you're stuff up and join them?


Seriously thought about it dude :D


---------- Post added 29-12-2014 at 19:19 ----------


I'd definitely go somewhere like that on holiday; help work the land, or do whatever I can. Wonder if they need any game developers?




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I think we're just as greedy as those on top; the difference is, we don't have the wherewithal and connections necessary to acquire such wealth. Greed is still there, if it wasn't, people would sell all they have, and share it out amongst people who are so poor, they are dying from starvation. Are you going to share all you have with those who have less, will you do that now, today?




Money is not actually real though, it's like those people who call themselves 'royalty', it's just a fiction, that only has power and validity because people believe it does.


To my mind, the systems under which we live, are simply a reflection or manifestation of our own inner natures. It's not that the system has become corrupt, it's humanity itself that is lost, divorced from the natural world, a victim of it's own cleverness and greed.


I'm not sure I'd want to fix the system, or waste my time trying to; I think it's a thankless and ultimately futile cause. Requires an inordinate amount or time and energy; that would be better spent on keeping your own house in order (improve your own lot in life).


I disagree. I think most of us are happy to plod along with life. Most of us hold family and sentimental value closer to heart than money and greed. Yes, we all want to live in comfort; nice car, nice home, adequate income and a few nice gadgets around the house. Not everyone wants to work 90hr weeks and soak up every penny available. I guess that's why a large portion of the public are still apathetic. Until this galling inequality hits everyone hard, nothing will be done.

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