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A Society based on Contributionism

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What stopped you?


How do you know I'm stopped? ;)


---------- Post added 29-12-2014 at 23:02 ----------


Of course it is


I believe it is too :)


---------- Post added 29-12-2014 at 23:02 ----------


Barely escaped with my life


It's a jungle out there! :hihi:

Edited by Solomon1
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Of course it is.


No it isn't - not by a mile. Have you looked outside your yurt lately chem?


Ok, let's say 7 billion is a good and sustainable number (it really isn't) It will be 9.6 billion in 2050, give or take and 10.4 in 2075. Are they sustainable numbers (providing you don't want to live in a globe shaped cess pit?)

Edited by tinfoilhat
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No it isn't - not by a mile. Have you looked outside your yurt lately chem?


Ok, let's say 7 billion is a good and sustainable number (it really isn't) It will be 9.6 billion in 2050, give or take and 10.4 in 2075. Are they sustainable numbers (providing you don't want to live in a globe shaped cess pit?)


It's perfectly possible. Life wouldn't be the same though. Every home would need to be as self sufficient as possible. Give everyone their own source of energy, plot of land for food production, or access to locally produced food.


Greed would need to become a thing of the past and profit would also need to be capped so money was distributed to everyone. Working hours slashed to around the 20 hour week level so people can spend more time cultivating their homes.


This style of life can not only support 7 billion, but much more.

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It's perfectly possible. Life wouldn't be the same though. Every home would need to be as self sufficient as possible. Give everyone their own source of energy, plot of land for food production, or access to locally produced food.


Greed would need to become a thing of the past and profit would also need to be capped so money was distributed to everyone. Working hours slashed to around the 20 hour week level so people can spend more time cultivating their homes.


This style of life can not only support 7 billion, but much more.


Profit? By 2075 money won't even be a consideration. We will no doubt have a smaller global land mass (rising sea levels)so things will be tighter for everyone. Large parts of Africa and probably South America will be desert, both of which are increasing in size NOW.


In 2014 we in the civilised UK are using techniques to scape out dregs of fossil fuels that can cause earthquakes. EARTHQUAKES. Want to hazard a guess what we'll be doing in 2075 for power? I do not. Profit margins? Bottom lines? Bottom line is we're screwed.

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Greed would need to become a thing of the past ...


Its very (read: not going to happen) hard for that happen. Greed is an integral part of what drives us as biological beings.


We're not suddenly all going to become a hell of a lot more mindful and stop having children or wanting more for ourselves and our families.


Whatever system you try to put in place, people will want to be in positions of power and control and engineer things such that they get more resources and power. Also, the people who run and benefit from current system, will resist change, to the point of starting wars; they're not just going to give up a good thing (for them) without a fight..

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