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A Society based on Contributionism

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Faith has kept billions believing in God's since the dawn of time.

Creating and using a new currency, such as bit coins (there are other examples out there) would make the current financial industry obsolete. It would need to be nurtured and we would need to protect it from the same dirty hands that use our money at the moment.


Or, we can sit back and let our earth be drained of all its natural resources, watch the gap between rich and poor continue to grow as the planet dries up?


There's many options going forward. All I know us that we need to make drastic changes.




You'll have to look into that, I wouldn't want to live in a contribution based society. I like capitalism; when it's controlled and regulated so it doesn't consume it's self.


The changes necessary is a small population, there will still be rich and poor because there is simply no way to kill all the rich people, and even if you managed it some of the poor people that are left would eventually be richer than everyone else and you would be back to square one. There is plenty for 1 billion people not not enough for 7 billions people, humanities hopes rest on the discovery of a clean inexhaustible energy supply that may never materialise.


---------- Post added 30-12-2014 at 18:12 ----------


What do you think it is?


You suggested it so you should be the one with the idea of what it is.

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The changes necessary is a small population, there will still be rich and poor because there is simply no way to kill all the rich people, and even if you managed it some of the poor people that are left would eventually be richer than everyone else and you would be back to square one. There is plenty for 1 billion people not not enough for 7 billions people, humanities hopes rest on the discovery of a clean inexhaustible energy supply that may never materialise.


---------- Post added 30-12-2014 at 18:12 ----------



You suggested it so you should be the one with the idea of what it is.


If everyone was self sufficient and communities catered for themselves, the size of the population wouldn't matter. There'd be plenty enough to go around for a population of 7bn.


Yes there'd still be rich and poor. I've no problem with that. As long as everyone has the means to provide.

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If everyone was self sufficient and communities catered for themselves, the size of the population wouldn't matter. There'd be plenty enough to go around for a population of 7bn.


Yes there'd still be rich and poor. I've no problem with that. As long as everyone has the means to provide.


So your idea is for 7 billion people to grow there own food, how will that work in a London high rise or parts of the world where crops won't grow. Obviously population density will have to be equaled out across the globe because the UK doesn't have enough land for the people here and other countries have far more land than they need for their small populations.

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So your idea is for 7 billion people to grow there own food, how will that work in a London high rise or parts of the world where crops won't grow. Obviously population density will have to be equaled out across the globe because the UK doesn't have enough land for the people here and other countries have far more land than they need for their small populations.


We do have enough land. Farms can supply inner cities, much the same as they do now. Difference is, everything will be local. Plus, there's nothing stopping people in London using the space they have to grow veg.


There's very few places on earth where crops can't be grown. Many of our potatoes are grown in the middle of the desert.

Edited by Bonzo77
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We do have enough land. Farms can supply inner cities, much the same as they do now. Difference is, everything will be local. Plus, there's nothing stopping people in London using the space they have to grow veg.


There's very few places on earth where crops can't be grown. Many of our potatoes are grown in the middle of the desert.


We dont produce enough - not by a distance. http://m.thegrocer.co.uk/Article/348387.article


By making sure the planet has enough beef, we're chewing through the Amazon at a rate the size of Wales every year (last time I looked anyway). Glad we can grow potatoes in the desert because that's all that's left after a few years of pasture that has replaced rain forest.


What do you know about farming. I know sod all. What makes you think that the likes of me and most people in developed countries, that we can collectively produce more food than professionals? (Farmers!)


---------- Post added 30-12-2014 at 20:02 ----------


If everyone was self sufficient and communities catered for themselves, the size of the population wouldn't matter. There'd be plenty enough to go around for a population of 7bn.


Yes there'd still be rich and poor. I've no problem with that. As long as everyone has the means to provide.


What aren't you understanding? Within my lifetime (and maybe yours? - certainly your kids) there won't be enough to provide for the EVER INCREASING global population. You could argue we're there now. There's an awful lot of hungry people in the world drinking dirty water.

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We dont produce enough - not by a distance. http://m.thegrocer.co.uk/Article/348387.article


By making sure the planet has enough beef, we're chewing through the Amazon at a rate the size of Wales every year (last time I looked anyway). Glad we can grow potatoes in the desert because that's all that's left after a few years of pasture that has replaced rain forest.


What do you know about farming. I know sod all. What makes you think that the likes of me and most people in developed countries, that we can collectively produce more food than professionals? (Farmers!)


---------- Post added 30-12-2014 at 20:02 ----------



What aren't you understanding? Within my lifetime (and maybe yours? - certainly your kids) there won't be enough to provide for the EVER INCREASING global population. You could argue we're there now. There's an awful lot of hungry people in the world drinking dirty water.


I know very little about farming. I know enough to be able to grow my own fruit and veg. I've not bought any from a supermarket for several years. You need time to tend to it all, but the basics are easy. As far as beef is concerned, i'm a veggie for a start, so you're asking the wrong person. Why are we not producing enough beef? Maybe we need eat more of other meats and fish?


---------- Post added 30-12-2014 at 20:09 ----------


What aren't you understanding? Within my lifetime (and maybe yours? - certainly your kids) there won't be enough to provide for the EVER INCREASING global population. You could argue we're there now. There's an awful lot of hungry people in the world drinking dirty water.


What aren't you understanding? We can. It just boils down to money, which we also have more than enough of.

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I know very little about farming. I know enough to be able to grow my own fruit and veg. I've not bought any from a supermarket for several years. You need time to tend to it all, but the basics are easy. As far as beef is concerned, i'm a veggie for a start, so you're asking the wrong person. Why are we not producing enough beef? Maybe we need eat more of other meats and fish?


---------- Post added 30-12-2014 at 20:09 ----------



What aren't you understanding? We can. It just boils down to money, which we also have more than enough of.


Pol pot had similar ideas to you.

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I know very little about farming. I know enough to be able to grow my own fruit and veg. I've not bought any from a supermarket for several years. You need time to tend to it all, but the basics are easy. As far as beef is concerned, i'm a veggie for a start, so you're asking the wrong person. Why are we not producing enough beef? Maybe we need eat more of other meats and fish?


---------- Post added 30-12-2014 at 20:09 ----------



What aren't you understanding? We can. It just boils down to money, which we also have more than enough of.


It is this decade, maybe the next two it is down to money. But then it's down to natural resources and by that time there won't be enough to go around. So stuff your mattress with fivers. Maybe in 30 years you can burn them to boil some water.


---------- Post added 30-12-2014 at 20:24 ----------


I know very little about farming. I know enough to be able to grow my own fruit and veg. I've not bought any from a supermarket for several years. You need time to tend to it all, but the basics are easy. As far as beef is concerned, i'm a veggie for a start, so you're asking the wrong person. Why are we not producing enough beef? Maybe we need eat more of other meats and fish?f.


Fish?! FISH?!?!!?!!?


Christ on a bike have you ever read anything even vaguely connected to the environment? We are scraping the oceans clean (and by clean I mean emptying them - we are chucking literally tonnes of plastics and chemicals in there all the time).

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We do have enough land. Farms can supply inner cities, much the same as they do now. Difference is, everything will be local. Plus, there's nothing stopping people in London using the space they have to grow veg.


There's very few places on earth where crops can't be grown. Many of our potatoes are grown in the middle of the desert.


We have nowhere near enough land in the UK to produce all the food 70 million people would need, so we either reduce our population or we buy it from another country much like we do now. Growing food in deserts requires large amounts of water, and most deserts do not have any.


This is the kind of thing that happens when you try to produce food in areas with inadequate rainfall.



Grabbing Water From Future Generations

Many of the world's aquifers are being pumped dry to support unsustainable agriculture.

The world's increasing population and development of agricultural land are putting pressure on the Earth's limited freshwater supplies.

We are emptying these giant natural reservoirs far faster than the rains can refill them. The water tables are falling, the wells have to be dug ever deeper, and the pumps must be ever bigger. We are mining water now that should be the birthright of future generations.



And all to feed an unsustainable population.


So that's oil, gas, water, all being pumped dry to support a population that is simply too large for the planet, future generation are going to be hoping we come up with an endless supply of cheap sustainable energy, because if we do not they are screwed.


---------- Post added 30-12-2014 at 20:44 ----------



What aren't you understanding? We can. It just boils down to money, which we also have more than enough of.


You are forgetting that money is just useless pieces of paper that you want us to stop using. I have an apple and pair tree on my garden, they don't give me anything like the amount of fruit we use. Every one I know with an allotment spends hours and hours tending them, most are either unemployed or retired because employed people would struggle to put enough hours in, non of them produce all the food they consume.

Edited by anfisa
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It is this decade, maybe the next two it is down to money. But then it's down to natural resources and by that time there won't be enough to go around. So stuff your mattress with fivers. Maybe in 30 years you can burn them to boil some water.


---------- Post added 30-12-2014 at 20:24 ----------



Fish?! FISH?!?!!?!!?


Christ on a bike have you ever read anything even vaguely connected to the environment? We are scraping the oceans clean (and by clean I mean emptying them - we are chucking literally tonnes of plastics and chemicals in there all the time).


Yes, fish. An industry that requires more regulation and better farming.


---------- Post added 30-12-2014 at 21:18 ----------


We have nowhere near enough land in the UK to produce all the food 70 million people would need, so we either reduce our population or we buy it from another country much like we do now. Growing food in deserts requires large amounts of water, and most deserts do not have any.


This is the kind of thing that happens when you try to produce food in areas with inadequate rainfall.



Grabbing Water From Future Generations

Many of the world's aquifers are being pumped dry to support unsustainable agriculture.

The world's increasing population and development of agricultural land are putting pressure on the Earth's limited freshwater supplies.

We are emptying these giant natural reservoirs far faster than the rains can refill them. The water tables are falling, the wells have to be dug ever deeper, and the pumps must be ever bigger. We are mining water now that should be the birthright of future generations.



And all to feed an unsustainable population.


So that's oil, gas, water, all being pumped dry to support a population that is simply too large for the planet, future generation are going to be hoping we come up with an endless supply of cheap sustainable energy, because if we do not they are screwed.


---------- Post added 30-12-2014 at 20:44 ----------



You are forgetting that money is just useless pieces of paper that you want us to stop using. I have an apple and pair tree on my garden, they don't give me anything like the amount of fruit we use. Every one I know with an allotment spends hours and hours tending them, most are either unemployed or retired because employed people would struggle to put enough hours in, non of them produce all the food they consume.


People need to be more self sufficient. You don't need much land to grow enough veg to feed a family all year round. If people used their land to grow food there's more than enough land to provide for those that can't grow their own for whatever reason.

You're right though, it takes time and effort to tend to crops. Time that we don't have at the moment, which is why the working week needs reducing to somewhere around the 20 hour mark.

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