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Stanstead Hi Jackers

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I recently read that the Stanstead Hi Jackers who Hi Jacked a plane which ended up at Stanstead Airport about 3 years ago are still in this country, well at least 9 of them are and I believe 7 of these are living off benefits. These guys threatened to blow up a packed airliner in a audacious bid to be granted asylum. Jack Straw guaranteed to send these home and stated they would not be given asylum. So, why the hell are they still here? Any foreinger who commits crimes should be deported immediately, this goes without saying.

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This country is too soft with criminal's of any description, yes, these hi jacker's should be deported immediately, and all the rest of the lawbreaker's.


Yardies, Asian gang's, pimps, prostitutes, all these hanger's on from every country in the world scrounger's who come here for everything free under the guise of political asylum.


If it wasn't for all the money wasted on these parasites, we in this country would have resources to improve our health service, school's, infrastructure, care for the elderly, decent retrirement pension's, better fascilities for the disabled and much more, get them out I say now!!!

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  • 1 month later...
Originally posted by "halevan"


This country is too soft with criminal's of any description, yes, these hi jacker's should be deported immediately, and all the rest of the lawbreaker's.


Yardies, Asian gang's, pimps, prostitutes, all these hanger's on from every country in the world scrounger's who come here for everything free under the guise of political asylum.


If it wasn't for all the money wasted on these parasites, we in this country would have resources to improve our health service, school's, infrastructure, care for the elderly, decent retrirement pension's, better fascilities for the disabled and much more, get them out I say now!!!

Nothing to add to that...Full agreement.

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Originally posted by "halevan"


This country is too soft with criminal's of any description, yes, these hi jacker's should be deported immediately, and all the rest of the lawbreaker's.


Yardies, Asian gang's, pimps, prostitutes, all these hanger's on from every country in the world scrounger's who come here for everything free under the guise of political asylum.


If it wasn't for all the money wasted on these parasites, we in this country would have resources to improve our health service, school's, infrastructure, care for the elderly, decent retrirement pension's, better fascilities for the disabled and much more, get them out I say now!!!


Halevan, once you've deported all these parasites, you still wouldn't be able to afford everything you described...


because the real theft of money from the public purse takes the form of tax and financial fraud committed by true blue Englishmen in Savile Row suits. (and other white collar workers)


One Kosovar drug dealer could not hope to rip off, in one year, as much as a Financial Director could easily do before lunch.


The worst of it is, because they are company directors etc, and if they are unlucky to get a custodial sentence, all they end up with is a spell at Ford Open Prison.

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