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Current State Of Sheffields Clubland

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So what is happening with all the clubs? Which ones are definitely still open and kicking, and which ones are slowly dying a painful lingering death......quite a few in the latter category I guess?


...Kingdom....well, my first time was last week....and it was my last time.....place is a total wreck. Did Ponana or whatever it is called a month or so back also and that is about to fall down as well.....utter slumhole.


Is Club Wow still open or has that gone? Not heard it mentioned for ages, perhaps I am out of touch, but then that was always out of town as far as I was concerned. What about Uropa and all those places are they still kicking.....or dead and buried...


Have night clubs had their day do you think? When bars can open until 3am fairly soon now how do they think they can compete against the chrome and glass modern bars which will try and stay open until 3am?

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Originally posted by Geezer

I'm hoping to try Banus next Saturday, havn't been in since it was Josie's, hopefully that may be a breath of fresh air.



I must certainly be out of touch as not even heard of it. When did Josies throw in the towel, that places was open since the mid 70's with the same name!!!

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Of course clubs haven't had their day - they're a totally different experience from a bar. As for the Leadmill - it's always been a dump, it prides itself on being a dump. Bed was one of the better looking clubs apart from the toilets and the smell of spew coming from the carpets. Personally I like a club that's a bit dark and dirty - Arches anybody ;)

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I think the commercial clubs will struggle against the last license bars - but those that are offering something different - ie more than jsut soemwhere to drink & cop off - are always going to do ok.


As for the Arches - i heard the new lease holders intend turning it into a garage club - so should be interesting time ahead

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What the hell happened to republic? It is now gatecrasher one, how it can earn that right when it only has gatecrasher once a month I have no idea, it used to be a cosy place where i went from the age of 15, now it is the most garish, pretentious place I have ever seen, there are no good places in sheff any more, I'm even getting bored of monday night leadmill-sort sheffield out!!!

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