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Kids throwing snowballs at cars last night

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I don't have a problem with kids throwing snowballs. As this was yesterday they would have been throwing ice balls which is a differant scenario. I've always told kids not to throw at my windows or car once it turns to ice and upto now been lucky to have no damage, pretty good for S5!!

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Some kids on Abbeydale Rd (near Picture House) threw a very hard snowball at our car, its not a joke, accidents could occur as a consequence.


Ssssssh! Haven't you worked it out yet? Don't mention the situation with kids at Abbeydale, or the thread gets closed. It'll be ok to run and run if we stick with the behaviour of Manor and Lane Top kids.



Edited by Mr Bloom
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Ssssssh! Haven't you worked it out yet? Don't mention the situation with kids at Abbeydale, or the thread gets closed. It'll be ok to run and run if we stick with the behaviour of Manor and Lane Top kids.




noticed that some one used the word (Young asians throwing bricks )

think that is now on the Racist word list ? :loopy:

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My car was snowballed twice in quick succession on Donetsk Way in late 2010.


Result - badly cracked windscreen & a dented door.


Big repair bill - even though I claimed on my insurance I had to pay a £250 excess for the door & £100 for the windscreen. Didn't lose my no claims discount as I'd paid for no claims bonus protection - but my insurer then increased the cost of my premium next time "because I'd made a claim".


Total cost to me of this vandalism was over £400.


Reported to police (insurance company needed a crime number) but of course the perpetrators were never caught - police did say that a number of cars had been damaged on Donetsk Way during the last few evenings.


This is criminal damage, not "fun"...

Edited by GleadlessLad
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Driving home from work last night, there was a group of about 6 kids throwing snowballs at passing traffic, on prince of wales road near Ravencroft road. This was about 10.30pm last night.


One of them struck my car so I actually got out and challenged them, only to be met with a load of abuse.


Does anybody know who these kids are


Terrible, children acting slightly less than fully maturely, without thought of the consequences, and having fun. They should be ashamed of themselves!!

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I was attacked by snowballs in my car and immediately lost control and wiped out dozens of innocent pedestrians....




Some kids threw snowballs at me in my car and nothing happened. At all. That was it.


Snowballs don't crack windscreens or dent doors or cause pile ups. Rocks or maybe ice at a push might cause damage, in which case fair enough I'd be upset about it if it happened to me, but it didn't and I'm afraid I don't believe it does happen. If you are so surprised when driving past a group of kids in the snow that a snowball may come your way that you veer off course and crash you need to take a look at yourself and maybe stay indoors when the snow falls, you are not fit to be allowed on the road.

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floyd77 Quote "Snowballs don't crack windscreens or dent doors or cause pile ups. Rocks or maybe ice at a push might cause damage, in which case fair enough..... If you are so surprised when driving past a group of kids in the snow that a snowball may come your way that you veer off course and crash you need to take a look at yourself and maybe stay indoors when the snow falls, you are not fit to be allowed on the road."

These were snowballs - no rocks / ice was apparent in the debris...


Also when my car was attacked, the snowballs came from behind some trees, no kids were visible at all. Which is why it was a "surprise"...


floyd77 Quote "I'd be upset about it if it happened to me, but it didn't and I'm afraid I don't believe it does happen."


I assure you that this did indeed happen - as per my post above - leaving me with a big bill...


Ade65 Quote "Terrible, children acting slightly less than fully maturely, without thought of the consequences, and having fun. They should be ashamed of themselves!!"


The police did indicate that, if the perpetrators were identified & prosecuted, they or their parent could have to pay compensation for the damage their "having fun" had caused. No doubt a £400 bill to a parent would not have been any more "fun" for them than it was for me...

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A quick google showing a list of incidents in which a thrown snowball caused cars to run into other cars, or pedestrians.


Driving is quite a complex affair, requiring, at times, great focus (hence why mobile phone conversations are banned)- of course a snowball can cause a crash.



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Ssssssh! Haven't you worked it out yet? Don't mention the situation with kids at Abbeydale, or the thread gets closed. It'll be ok to run and run if we stick with the behaviour of Manor and Lane Top kids.




That was just a silly thread though lets be honest.

I was hit twice, but both times i didn't feel the need to come on the forum and say:

"everybody watch out there are some white kids throwing snowballs aggressively and the police wont do anything because the kids are white"

Yes it annoying and i do get angry but what can you do? Nothing. But for some people obviously the race of the kids changes the whole dynamic.

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