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Kids throwing snowballs at cars last night

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Only way up to Sheffield Lane Top last night via Barnsley Road about 8.20pm. Saw a snow ball fly over from some trees just missing a bus.split second later and an almighty thud hit my wind screen and then my front bonnet. This made me obviously jump whilst driving and luckily me,my passengers and oncoming traffic were ok. The impact seemed so hard that once we parked up we checked for damage on the car.:mad:

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There you go again. Making stuff up to add to your point. No ones saying its "harmless to throw anything at a car" - of course if you threw a brick at a car that would be really dangerous but I don't think the same could be said of a snowball if we're all honest about it. Also, nobody said kids should "do what they please" but they werent shooting up drugs or mugging somebody, they were throwing snowballs, which isn't the same.


you clearly have never been driveing along or riding and boom some random object hits your window ? for a second or two your blinded confused and shocked and in those two seconds lose control of your vehichle ..


lets say the driver lost control and skidded towards the kids killing one of them or some poor person in the other lane or even just some one walking on the foot path.


did you even think about your first post ( All a bit of an over reaction isn't it.

Kid's throwing snowballs? ) you realy think its fine for kids to throw anything at a moving car ?


ohhh wait I get it now your just trolling us . theres nothing on tv and you run out of white lightning so you thought hey lets post a stupid comment on the tinternet ?

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Guest makapaka
you clearly have never been driveing along or riding and boom some random object hits your window ? for a second or two your blinded confused and shocked and in those two seconds lose control of your vehichle ..


lets say the driver lost control and skidded towards the kids killing one of them or some poor person in the other lane or even just some one walking on the foot path.


did you even think about your first post ( All a bit of an over reaction isn't it.

Kid's throwing snowballs? ) you realy think its fine for kids to throw anything at a moving car ?


ohhh wait I get it now your just trolling us . theres nothing on tv and you run out of white lightning so you thought hey lets post a stupid comment on the tinternet ?


Does because someone has a different point of view to yours doesn't mean they are trolling.


Some of the views expressed on this thread say far more about the posters' morale compass than that of the kids.

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Guest makapaka
No mate you are a troll and anyone who can read will see that


I'm not trolling.


A kid threw a snowball at a car.


Comments ranged from suggestions of running them over, hoping they get flu, threatening them with dogs etc.


There was one contribution about beating someone else up for causing damage (in a different situation), which someone else suggested would have been an appropriate resolution in this instance.


I suggested this was an over-reaction - but each to their own.


In support of their over-reaction people started exaggerating the original issue (which is kids throwing snowballs by the way) by making up alternative scenarios that didn't actually happen.


Don't call me a troll, just because I don't accept the modern day custom of forming internet lynch mobs over trivial issues.

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I'm not trolling.



Yes you are. Unless you want to take back your assertion that im making things up? You dont know me you to my knowledge have never met me in fact if you had met me youd know it to be true. You havent yet you say im making things up.

Why would i do that? I have a real life away from the internet.

No, youre just a troll and a poor one at that.

Laters troll :)

P.S i didnt bother reading most of your post as id got bored by the time id read the first line

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Guest makapaka
Yes you are. Unless you want to take back your assertion that im making things up? You dont know me you to my knowledge have never met me in fact if you had met me youd know it to be true. You havent yet you say im making things up.

Why would i do that? I have a real life away from the internet.

No, youre just a troll and a poor one at that.

Laters troll :)

P.S i didnt bother reading most of your post as id got bored by the time id read the first line


Do you know how the "quote post" function works - or did you not notice that my reply in regard to "making things up" was to a different post - i.e. I quoted a post by "Doom Bringer" - not yours.


Or are you also the "Doom Bringer" poster?

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