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Kids throwing snowballs at cars last night

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And your point is ? Lol :hihi:


Kids will be kids :hihi::loopy:


willing to bet in so many cases that many of the parents of these lots also had that same out look on life and parenting .




snow ball yobs...kids will be kids as you say



good read



just kids being kds again



could go on all night with links and reports .

Edited by doom bringer
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A quick reality check is required here, the original post was about snowballs thrown at a car whose occupant when he was on the receiving end of a snow ball over reacted and nearly got thick ear for his overreaction, remember them I hope, snow rolled into balls and then thrown at each other, buses, cars. It`s not about ice missiles, psychopaths, armed with knives, guns or sociopaths who you meet on the street, in the co-op on a bus, it`s the simple snow ball.

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A quick reality check is required here, the original post was about snowballs thrown at a car whose occupant when he was on the receiving end of a snow ball over reacted and nearly got thick ear for his overreaction, remember them I hope, snow rolled into balls and then thrown at each other, buses, cars. It`s not about ice missiles, psychopaths, armed with knives, guns or sociopaths who you meet on the street, in the co-op on a bus, it`s the simple snow ball.


As I said before. Snowballs this week, bricks next week.

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A quick reality check is required here, the original post was about snowballs thrown at a car whose occupant when he was on the receiving end of a snow ball over reacted and nearly got thick ear for his overreaction, remember them I hope, snow rolled into balls and then thrown at each other, buses, cars. It`s not about ice missiles, psychopaths, armed with knives, guns or sociopaths who you meet on the street, in the co-op on a bus, it`s the simple snow ball.


ok had a reality check and read the news report again and nothing has changed

maybe take another look look close at the photos .



I am sure this old couple found it great fun sat watching tv and loads of snow balls some that can be as hard as a brick pelting the windows and thought ahhhh its just kids being kids we should just sit here and say or do nothing its just a bit of fun .


I am a totaly sure all you that say its kids just being kids no harm done would soon change your minds if your car or windows was hit and I am also sure you would just sit there and do nothing :suspect: maybe you are the type that lets everything slide and says or do nothing .

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I wonder if the railway police turn a blind eye to kids snowballing trains?


This incident was probably intended as a prank:


"In late June, a motorist in Western Michigan was hit by a water balloon thrown from a car going in the opposite direction. The impact shattered the windshield and sent the driver to the hospital where over 200 shards of glass were removed from his head and neck. Had his glasses not protected his eyes, this man also could have sustained more serious injury. The investigation continues, with no suspects being immediately apprehended. Though the victim acknowledges the “attack” was probably meant as a prank, the speeds of the two vehicles turned the water balloon into a dangerous object, one capable of killing."

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ok had a reality check and read the news report again and nothing has changed

maybe take another look look close at the photos .




"When he finally confronted the youths after they hit his wife, Mr Cox was headbutted and punched to the ground"

So what, now all stories that mention snowballs are fair game?

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