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Are schools getting better?

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"You(Margaret Thatcher) were elected to give back to individuals a greater degree of responsibility for their own lives," he wrote. "In education, you have so far failed."


He said there had been no effort to change the "framework" - a point endorsed by Mrs Thatcher with a large black tick in the margin - and that education was still "a nationalised industry".




Like Michael Gove, who stood down as education secretary in July this year, Mr Letwin believed giving power to the "customer" - the parents - would drive school improvement.

Schools are getting better results worldwide, is this just children getting better information, via the internet. Does giving parents chioice make schools better, I dont think it does, it just moves problems around and creates more inequality.

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Modern schools are very different to the ones that Mrs Thatcher presided over.


There are a number of complex reasons for this. The most important being improved funding, thanks to the Blair government and improved freedom thanks to the coalition.


I think that they are much better places than they were in the 1980s. More focused, more professional and more accountable.

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I think that they are much better places than they were in the 1980s. More focused, more professional and more accountable.


There used to be good grammar schools, its the schools that few want to go to that are and have always been the problem. A problem of ineffeciency and those living nearby have no other choice but to attend a poor local school.

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I read this article this morning and immediately thought: way to shoot a bird with an elephant-gun. Why this country doesn't just get rid of the stupid catchment area system and give parents a proper free choice of what school they want their kids to go to is beyond me.


They seem to be trying that now (with academies) but the whole way they go about it seems like an incredibly inefficient means to do it.

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There used to be good grammar schools, its the schools that few want to go to that are and have always been the problem. A problem of ineffeciency and those living nearby have no other choice but to attend a poor local school.


This is very true. Probably the biggest social challenge of the 21st century. There are lots of very good comprehensive schools and plenty that are in difficult areas. The trick is to make sure that all are of a high standard.


It can be done, for example, take a look at Tower Hamlets, or Trafford.

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