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Are schools getting better?

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Define "most".


That is easy.




It is estimated that 16% of UK adults are functionally illiterate.


Draw your own conclusions about the implications of those two pieces of information for Spilldig's numeracy:)

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Really?? :huh:


Yes really. Do you think it doesn't sound loopy when they stop puin the t s in a word or not pronouncing a g on the end, like that ? I know it does to me. As I have said before, language evolves over time, but thou must Knoweth what I mean.

Edited by spilldig
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Yes really. Do you think it doesn't sound loopy when they stop puin the t s in a word or not pronouncing a g on the end, like that ? I know it does to me. As I have said before, language evolves over time, but thou must Knoweth what I mean.


Not really. I've never seen anyone using that method of spelling you describe.

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I thought even you would realize I was referring to speech.


You might think you were referring to speech, but what you said was hogwash. Let us examine the barn-door flaws in your pontificating:


Do you think it doesn't sound loopy

Inappropriate lexis and confusing syntax. Try harder.


when they stop puin


the t s in a word
Which words do 'they' not 'pui' (?) the 'ts' in? Nuts? Tsar? Please explain.


or not pronouncing a g on the end, like that ?
Like what?


I know it does to me.
You know it does WHAT to you?:confused:


As I have said before, language evolves over time,
Perhaps you would care to provide a link to that piece of erudition - I'd be fascinated to read it.


but thou must Knoweth what I mean.
First, the forum cannot sensibly be addressed as 'thou', since 'thou' is the first person singular pronoun. There are many of us. Second, we are not obliged to 'know what you mean' at all; in fact, quite the opposite. Finally, since 'must' is a modal verb, it should be followed by the infinitive 'know', not a conjugated form such as 'knoweth'.


You clearly know very little about standard English (or speaking 'properly' as you so ironically put it). It's often the ones who screech most loudly about falling standards in language use who are the least able to communicate clearly themselves. Go back to school. Many of today's 16 years olds would knock spots off you!

Edited by aliceBB
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??????? You would cared?!?! >> you would care << Or You would have cared. NO?


---------- Post added 31-12-2014 at 00:24 ----------


Not trying to make you look silly you did that on your own.


---------- Post added 31-12-2014 at 00:29 ----------


Ex School teacher and we wonder why?


I feel left out !


"Or You would have cared. NO?". Why is the Y capitalised ?

"Ex School teacher and we wonder why?". Again, erroneous capitalisation.


http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Muphry%27s_law which I am sure applies to my post too ! :D

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The rule of thumb is two space bar you use a cap!.


---------- Post added 31-12-2014 at 00:50 ----------




Hi my name is bob. ( two space bar) How are you?


---------- Post added 31-12-2014 at 01:05 ----------


whiteowl >>> Waiting? ( two space bar ) N << ( Cap) ow what? Muppet.


??? Those examples you gave here ^^ all have full stops before the capital letters. The "sentences whiteowl pointed out, didn't. They just had random capital letters for no reason.

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