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The queen has a hotline to the devil?

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It seems to me it is sinful to accuse the queen in cahoots with satan or whatever connection between the two.


But, at the heart of the contemporary British monarchy is Anglican heresy; neither the queen nor the king belones to One Holy Universal Apostolic Church.


It is a pity that they do not belong to the church of Orthodox Saints and Martyrs - who lived and propagated the Faith in the British Isles, Ireland and other lands, during the first millennium of Christianity and prior to the Great Schism.


Im sure many agree with you. I just don't know who they are.

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I heard a theory that the queen is in cahoots with satan. As are all heads of state and the freemasons.

It makes sense. This is how power structures keep control. They are all linked.

Am i going mad?


The Queen is the devil. The devil isnt a big red horned man with a pitch fork and a stupid tail. Shes a women who can sit on her massive wealth and not give a stuff that people in her own country dont have enough money to heat their homes or eat properly.

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That is a very selective view. The Kaiser was besotted with bettering the British. His Prussian generals were equally besotted with beating the French. I find little evidence that the Tsar or George 5th wanted war. Certainly George had no power to do so. Had the British government renaged on its guarantees to the French and the Belgians we could easily have stayed out. They acted honorably and fought, this was not Georges fault.


The Tsar, the Kaiser and George the Fifth were all descendants of the children who filled Queen Victoria's nursery. While it may not have been completely accurate on my part to say that they actually started the war they were criminals in aiding and abetting the calls for war.

I recently saw a five part documentary "Apocalypse WW One" the archival footage which was actually in colour. The suffering and misery endured by millions of British, French and German soldiers in the trenches had to be seen to be believed.


By the year 1916 it must have been obvious to all but the simple minded that this war had to be stopped one way or another. Certainly the common soldier in the trenches had by then cast away any illusions that this war was about patriotism or noble cause. Nevertheless they fought honorably and well and were slaughtered in the millions.


The Tsar, the Kaiser and George could have exerted whatever influence they had to bring a stop to it but they didn't. George continued to support Lloyd George who continued to support the military tactics of British General "Butcher" Haig so all were complicit directly or indirectly in the whole affair.


Something like the same fate that befell the Tsar and the Kaiser should have been meted out to Lloyd George and General Haig and King George forced to abdicate in favour of his eldest son Edward.


George V was not a man of much compassion. Over his reign he remained largely indifferent to the hardships of the poor and working classes

Edited by Harleyman
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Yes, utterly. Drivel.


On the face of it I'd have to agree with you, but then you have to remember that America was indeed founded on freemasonry, and the likes of us (even low ranking freemasons themselves,) have no idea what the top rung of that is, or its intent, but it is certainly very ancient, possibly predating Ancient Egypt. Both Prince Philip and Prince Charles are Masons and head up their own respective Lodges.


Then you have to consider Hitler's well documented interest in the occult and all things esoteric, and his constant consultation of the dark forces to decide his moves. That sounds ridiculous but isn't.


I haven't even mentioned the American Presidents' liking for dressing up in lurid red robes and cowls to pay homage in ceremonies at Bohemian Grove (where George Bush also took Tony Blair.)


All the above exist and are well documented, (Bohemian Grove and the Cremation of Care ceremony has even been covertly fimed and can be found on Youtube.)


Princess Grace of Monacco was also reported at the time of her death to have strange religious ceremonial robes in the back of her car.


Not that it proves anything, but it's a bit unexpected and certainly a bit weird, so I wouldn't just dismiss anything out of hand....

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The Tsar, the Kaiser and George the Fifth were all descendants of the children who filled Queen Victoria's nursery.


Queen Victoria and her husband Albert the German were first cousins.




Inbreeding is not a good thing and may well explain some of the personality problems of their offspring.


Couple that with the subservient attitude shown toward them all, and add in the power they had and you have a recipe for disaster.

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