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New Year - Diets

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Have you noticed how so many of the celebrity chefs are overweight these days?

Michelle Roux jr is an exception, which is probably due to the fact that he runs for a couple of hours every afternoon when his restaurant closes after lunch.


The armchair is a killer. We were born to walk.


Go out and just walk, even if it means walking around the shopping centre and window shopping, then it will not seem like exercise. If you know you will be tempted by food, eat before you leave the house.

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Giving up alcohol for January gives your liver a rest, boosts your energy levels (so you are more likely to feel like exercising) and reduces appetite, so you are very likely to lose weight one way or another!


Agree with all the stuff about real food, too.

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Read this, it's most enlightening.





Giving up alcohol for January gives your liver a rest, boosts your energy levels (so you are more likely to feel like exercising) and reduces appetite, so you are very likely to lose weight one way or another!


Agree with all the stuff about real food, too.


I agree with you, though I'm not going to give up entirely. I shall keep my liver primed with the detoxifying enzymes!:D

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Of course you're going to lose weight if you only drink that stuff for a week, but then your body thinks you're starving and holds onto everything it can.

I lost weight by cutting down on sugar and processed foods, I didn't cut out carbohydrates but swapped potatoes for sweet potatoes and ate less pasta and bread and stopped worrying about fats, they're not the evil thing we've been led to believe, we just need the right fat. And I walked lots. It really is just common sense, there are no miracle cures that do it for you, you have to put the work in but you soon get used to less sugar etc, it only takes a couple of weeks to break a habit. There's no point starting a 'diet' that doesn't fit in with your life style either, it has to be a long term thing.

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If you want to lose weight in the new year:


1. Eat a healthy balanced diet

2. Eat LESS

3. Move MORE


I speak from experience. There's no quick fix. It's a hard slog but well worth it.


C xx


That's mostly the problem..lazy people want a quick and easy fix where they can still sit on a sofa, stuff themselves and expect the pounds to drop off overnight by dropping a pill..it just doesn't happen. That's why the fat loss industry is a constant boomer..it makes promises it can't live up to by living off the weaknesses of salad dodgers.


---------- Post added 02-01-2015 at 11:25 ----------


The latest fad is putting a T-SHIRT in a bag in a freezer and wear it next morning.



How do you put it on?

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