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Violence on televsion and its effect on children

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I was going to say consider living in Stanilist Russia or Mao's China or Khan's mongol empire and say sarcastically their wasn't much to watch on the telly but I find myself agreeing with the desensitisation of empathy for suffering. Violence has always be inherent in the human condition but I am coming round to the argument that TV, or at least the editorial presentation of news is biased towards engendering fear as a means of control. Thus we mistrust and are fearful of our fellow humans, resulting in a feeling of powerless over events and our environment.

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In your opinion do you believe that violence shown on television can have an effect on the behaviour of children?


If your child has no guidelines or rules to follow from solid decent parents then pretty much anything can affect their behaviour. If theyve been brought up right then they know right from wrong and take tv for what it is. Mostly cheap and nasty tat masquerading as entertainment.

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Agree completely with chem1st.


However, I also think that some children are inherently more vulnerable to being affected/influenced by what they witness on TV/video games, than others, in the same way that some adults are more likely to become gamblers or overeat.


thats the thing, people are made inherently different, some get hooked on gambling, some become violent, some prefer shopping, some prefer drugs


its how you are made, personally i see gambling shops / stuff and it doesnt interest me in the slightest but show me a pub or booze and im interested lol


violence on tv or computer games or music whatever is a trigger BUT its in there to start with, same with drugs people have a certain drug that they "enjoy" more than the rest, you cant just say drugs

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Absolutely Lucy :nod:


And this is a HUGE bug bear of mine...


The level of casual violence that we see these days on TV, in cinema adverts, is not acceptable


It is desensitising our kids and pushing the boundaries to a precipice that I don't even want to consider :shakes:


---------- Post added 30-12-2014 at 23:16 ----------


I have to hide behind my hands at some of the adverts at the cinema these days!! I'm forced to watch...


Why do we have no choice in this any longer??


Really makes me feel ill :gag:


But then I'm a sensitive wee soul, always have been...


People shouldn't be 'hardened up' to accept this ****e


Forced to watch? Does someone march you into the cinema? You are aware that you can live without a TV right?

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Flawed argument!


First, not all TV is make believe.


Second, good fiction (which some TV drama and films are), make you suspend your disbelief, so that (during viewing at least) you allow yourself to become immersed in what you are watching and think it is real.


Finally...even if the viewer knows that what they are watching is fiction (rather than reality), it does not follow that it cannot affect their perception of, or attitude towards, violence.


Thanks professor Alice, I appreciate the number of sources that support your claims :)


There is nothing flawed with my argument though, as a kid we only were watching the telly in the late afternoon, when it was kids' hour on our whopping 2 (later 4!) channels.


Batman (WHOOSH KAPOW BLAM) and Heman are easy to distinguish as make belief. I grew up with two brothers, if there was one thing that made us violent it was play fighting. Pure nature, hiding kids from violence is what creates disturbed personalities, not exposing them to a selective dose.

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Human history as seen significantly more violence than we see today, they did not have a make believe release for their violent tendencies so they acted them out in realty, we now have many releases for our violent tendencies so we no longer need to act them out in realty, hence the reason violence is less prevalent today.

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The evening news programmes has more violence than most of the fiction that is churned out through out the day.So violence on the T.V is now part of every day life .

As an after thought when I used to go to the penny rush at the Manor Cinema I often would run home slapping my arse whilst running just as I had seen Hopolong Cassidy do to his horse in the latest episode in which he shot two hundred Red Indians.


So kids have always been influenced by what they see on screen.

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